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Industry Facts

Shops in this industry outnumber automobile driving schools by 16 to 1.

Automotive body, paint, and interior repair and maintenance (NAICS 811121)

For more statistics on this industry, see the
Industry Statistics Sampler.

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in 2002

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Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

Total Receipts

Receipts Per Capita ($)

2002 1997
Receipts (Mil $) 22,440 17,755
Payroll (Mil $) 6,882 5,172
Employees 220,787 205,172
Establishments 35,220 35,569
Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

Receipts per Employee

Industry Ratios 2002 1997
Total receipts (Mil $) 22,440 17,755
Receipts per establishment ($000) 637 499
Receipts per employee ($) 101,635 86,539
Receipts per $ of payroll ($) 3.26 3.43
Annual payroll per employee ($) 31,169 25,209
Employees per establishment 6.3 5.8
Receipts per capita ($) 77 65
Establishments per million residents 122 130

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