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Lectures and Media Appearances
Archive Before 2004

October 15, 2003

Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the inauguration of the new president of Cornell University, presented at the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College and Graduate School of Medcial Sciences of Cornell University, "Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases in the 21st Century."

October 14, 2003

Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the NIH Clinical Center's 50th Anniversary Symposium, "AIDS: Past, Present and Future."
Requires RealPlayer software

September 19, 2003

Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at AIDS Vaccine 2003 meeting, "The Bumpy Road to an HIV Vaccine: Considerations in 2003 and Beyond"

August 8, 2003

Dr. Fauci discusses Ebola vaccine research at the NIAID Vaccine Research Center (also see press release)
From NPR's Talk of the Nation

July 14, 2003

Videocast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment: "20 Years of HIV Science"

July 14, 2003

Dr. Fauci interviewed by regarding 20 years of progress on the science of AIDS and President Bush's global AIDS initiative

June 18, 2003

Videocast of NIH Clinical Center Grand Rounds: Dr. Fauci' s lecture on "SARS: A New Challenge to Global Health"

May 20, 2003

Webcast and Transcript: Dr. Fauci and NIAID Vaccine Research Center Director Dr. Gary Nabel discuss Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) research
From PBS Newshour

April 17, 2003

Dr. Fauci and Dr. James Hughes (CDC) discuss Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show

April 7, 2003

Webcast and transcript: Dr. Fauci and CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding Discuss Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
From PBS Newshour

February 13, 2003

Dr. Fauci's plenary lecture at the 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, February 13, 2003:
Pathogenic Mechanisms of HIV Disease: The Multifaceted Effects of Virus Replication and Viremia on the Host
(click on Thursday)

December 13, 2002

Webcast and transcript: Dr. Fauci and CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding Discuss U.S. Smallpox Vaccination Program
From PBS Newshour

October 21, 2002

Dr. Fauci Discusses Smallpox and Other Biodefense-Related Issues
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show

October 16, 2002

Dr. Fauci's lecture at NIH Research Festival 2002, October 16, 2002: Progress and Challenges in Biodefense Research

September 11, 2002

Webcast: Dr. Fauci's lecture at NIH Clinical Center Special Grand Rounds, September 11, 2002: Bioterrorism and Biodefense: One Year Later

July 15, 2002

Dr. Fauci discusses the XIV International AIDS Conference and biodefense-related issues on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show

July 2002

Video: Dr. Fauci Talks About His Work Fighting HIV on

June 19, 2002

PBS NewsHour: Dr. Fauci discusses the President's initiative to curb mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission

May 22, 2002

Dr. Fauci's Commencement Speech at Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

April, 2002

An Expanded Biodefense Role for the National Institutes of Health
From the Journal of Homeland Security

Jan. 14, 2002

Dr. Fauci Speaks on Bioterrorism at the National Press Club, 1/14/02
- Videocast -- (80 Kbps; requires Realplayer)
- Audiocast -- (32 Kbps; requires Realplayer)

Oct. 31, 2001

Webcast: Dr. Fauci Presents Bioterrorism Grand Rounds

Oct. 31, 2001

Dr. Fauci Discusses Bioterrorism on NPR's Diane Rehm Show

July 7, 2001

Formulating a Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Research Agenda in Developing Countries: NIAID Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina
May 7, 2001 Videocast: Dr. Fauci introduces the NIAID Global Health Research Plan for HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis at the Tenth Anniversary Meeting of International Centers for Tropical Disease Research (ICTDR) 

April 30, 2001

Dr. Fauci discusses Global AIDS Issues on NPR's Diane Rehm Show

April 19, 2001

Dr. Fauci's remarks at AIDS Care in Africa meeting, Kampala, Uganda

Sept. 7, 2000

Dr. Fauci's Lecture at 38th Annual IDSA Meeting: Infectious Diseases: Considerations for the 21st Century

November 19, 1998

Videocast: NIAID 50th Anniversary Scientific Symposium
(RealPlayer required) Download Realplayer


Photo of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
NIAID Director


National Latino AIDS Awareness Day—October 15, 2008 | En Español
Oct. 8, 2008

Statement: The U. S. Transplant Games
July 11, 2008

NIAID Media Availability: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci to Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
June 11, 2008

NIAID Media Availability: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci to Address the United Nations on HIV/AIDS on June 10
June 5, 2008

See Also

Recent Testimony to Congress

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Photo of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
NIAID Director


National Latino AIDS Awareness Day—October 15, 2008 | En Español
Oct. 8, 2008

Statement: The U. S. Transplant Games
July 11, 2008

NIAID Media Availability: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci to Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
June 11, 2008

NIAID Media Availability: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci to Address the United Nations on HIV/AIDS on June 10
June 5, 2008

See Also

Recent Testimony to Congress