

Achilles, W. (1997). Model houses for suckler cow herds: Unconventional ideas are in demand. [Musterstaelle fuer Mutterkuh-Herden: Unkonventionelle Ideen sind gefragt.] Rinderwelt, 22 (4): 8, 10-15, ISSN: 0720-1656.

Keywords: beef cattle cows, animal housing, husbandry, equipment, costs, investment requirements, German language, Germany.


Berg, K. (1996). Houses for self recruiting beef cattle. [Hus for sjoelvrekrutterende kjoettfe.] Norges Landbrukshoegskole. Institutt for Tekniske: Fag Aas, Norway, No. 7, 14p., ISSN: 0804-676X.

NAL Call Number: S760.N7P56

Keywords: cattle sheds, stalls, litter bedding, ventilation, costs, Norwegian language, Norway.


Bogdanovic, V.; Petrovic, M. (2002). Influence of rearing system on the growth of beef bulls.[Uticaj nacina odgajivanja do zalucenja na rast bikova u performans testu.] Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 18 (1/2): 1-10, ISSN: 1450-9156.

Keywords: beef cattle, breed differences, Marchigiana, Chianina, Romagnola bulls, husbandry, rearing systems, stall fed, pasture grazed, mixed, growth, growth rate, liveweight gain, sire selection, non-genetic sources of variation, Serbian language.


Brown-Brandl, T.M.; Nienaber, J.A.; Eigenberg, R.A.; Hahn, G.L.; Freetly, H. (2003). Thermoregulatory responses of feeder cattle. Journal of Thermal Biology 28 (2):149-157, ISSN: 0306-4565.

NAL Call Number: QP82.2 T4J6

Abstract: A study was designed to investigate the thermoregulatory responses of feeder cattle to both acute and chronic exposures to elevated environmental temperatures. Rectal temperatures (RT) and respiration rate (RR) showed significant differences between temperature treatments. Both RT and RR had a diurnal pattern, which followed the diurnal pattern of the ambient conditions with some lag. Heat production at thermoneutral conditions was significantly higher than at the heat stress treatments. Heat production and respiratory quotient were the only two parameters shown to change with acclimation to heat stress.

Keywords: body temperature, environmental temperature, heat production, heat stress, heat stress acclimation, rectal temperature, respiration rate, thermoregulatory response.


Buescher, W.; Jungbluth, T. (1996). News about keeping technique of beef cattle. [Neuheiten in der Haltungstechnik Rindermast.] LAF Informationen 4 (1): 47-61, ISSN: 0944-5358.

Keywords: bulls, calves, fattening, site factors, housing, costs, ventilation, winds, velocity, straw, animal litter, feeding, cereal byproducts, German language


Cielejewski, H. (1997). Experience with cold housing for dairy cows. [Erfahrungen mit Kaltstallen fur Milchvieh.] Landtechnik 52 (4): 204-205, ISSN: 0023-8082.

NAL Call Number: S675 L32

Keywords: beef cattle, dairy cows, winter, cold zones, cold resistance, cold tolerance, frost, temperature, snow, cattle housing, non-insulated cowsheds, animal behavior, animal welfare, dairy farming, human factors, German language, Germany.


Clowe, D.E.; Steen, R.W.J.; Beattie, V.E.; Moss, B.W. (2001). The effects of floor type systems on the performance, cleanliness, carcass composition and meat quality of housed finishing beef cattle. Livestock Production Science 69 (1): 33-42, ISSN: 0301-6226.

NAL Call Number: SF1 L5

Keywords: cattle housing, floor type, rubber strips, mats, slatted floors, straw, carcass composition, carcass weight, hygiene, live weight, meat quality.


Demir, Y. (1999). The current situation regarding buildings and the problems of beef cattle farming in Corum.[ Corum ili besi sigirciligi isletmelerinin mevcut durumu ve sorunlarinin belirlenmesi uzerine bir arastirma.] Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi 14 (1): 81-92.

Keywords: beef cattle, cattle housing, surveys, barn design, lighting, planning, guidelines, ventilation, feeding, Turkish language, Turkey.


Demmers, T.G.M.; Burgess, L.R.; Short, J.L.; Phillips, V.R.; Clark, J.A.; Wathes, C.M. (1997). The use of pressure difference measurements in determining ammonia emissions from a naturally-ventilated UK beef building. In: Livestock environment 5, Volume 2. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, 29-31 May, 1997, Bottcher, R. W., Hoff, S. J. (eds.), American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE): St Joseph, USA, pp.154-162, ISBN: 0-929355-84-9.

NAL Call Number: SF91 L58 1997

Keywords: beef cattle housing, naturally ventilated, emission, ammonia, air pollution, air flow, pressure difference measurements, straw bedding, slurry, United Kingdom.


Derno, M.; Jentsch, W.; Matthes, H.D.; Loehrke, B. (1997). Metabolism and physiological reactions on environmental temperature in beef cattle breeds. [Stoffwechsel und physiologische Reaktionen auf die Umgebungstemperatur bei Fleischrindrassen.] In: 3. Trenthorster Kolloquium, Workshop on Rearing of Cattle with Suckler Calves (Mutterkuhhaltung) as Extensive Rearing System. Studies on Appropriate and Environmentally Friendly Animal Husbandry, Dec. 5-6, 1996 Trenthorst, Germany. [Workshop Ueber Die Haltung von Rindern Mit Saugkaelbern (Mutterkuhhaltung) Als Extensive Tierhaltungsform. Studien Zur Artgerechten Und Umweltfreundlichen Tierhaltung.] FAL: Braunschweig-Voelkenrode, Germany, pp. 125-137, Series title, Landbauforschung Voelkenrode. Sonderheft (Germany), no. 177, ISSN: 0376-0723.

NAL Call Number: 18 L2353 Suppl.

Keywords: environmental temperature, thermoregulation, cold, heat, stress, digestion, digestibility, nutritive value, animal needs, energy, Germany, European Union, German language.


Faerevik, G.; Boee, K.E. (2000). Beef Cattle on Slatted Floors: a Field Study in Western Norway. [Hold Av Kjoettfe Paa Spaltegulv: Feltundersoekelse Paa Vestlandet.] Norges Landbrukshoegskole: Institutt for Tekniske Fag Aas, Norway, ITF-Report (Norway) No. 114, 15 p., ISSN: 0805-7257.

Keywords: housing, slatted floors, dimensions, cattle sheds, stalls, lesions, damage, claws, veterinary hygiene, animal welfare, Norwegian language, Norway.


Fisher, A.D.; Crowe, M.A.; O’Kiely, P.; Enright, W.J. (1997). Growth, behaviour, adrenal and immune responses of finishing beef heifers housed on slatted floors at 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 m2 space allowance. Livestock Production Science 51 (1/3): 245-254, ISSN: 0301-6226.

NAL Call Number: SF1 L5

Keywords: Simmental crossbred heifers, cattle housing, slatted floors, space allowance, immune response, stress, adrenocorticotrophic hormone challenge, animal behavior, lying, eating, ruminating, social behavior, aggression, growth, comfort, animal welfare.


Fisher, A.D.; Crowe, M.A.; Prendiville, D.J.; Enright, W.J. (1997). Indoor space allowance: effects on growth, behaviour, adrenal and immune responses of finishing beef heifers. Animal Science: An International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Research 64 (1): 53-62, ISSN: 0003-3561.

NAL Call Number: SF1 A56

Keywords: heifers, cattle housing, pens, space allowance, immune response, ACTH challenge, growth, serial blood samples, hematology, stress, animal behavior, finishing, animal welfare, hydrocortisone, weight gain.


Fritzsche, S.; Beck, J.; Muller, G. (1996). Outside climate stalls for beef cows. [Aussenklimastall fur mutterkuhe.] Landtechnik 51 (1): 28, ISSN: 0023-8082

NAL Call Number: S675 L32

Keywords: cattle housing, loose housing, round poles, yard, covered cubicles, German language, Germany.


Gould, D.H.; Dargatz, D.A.; Garry, F.B.; Hamar, D.W.; Ross, P.F.; et al. (2002). Potentially hazardous sulfur conditions on beef cattle ranches in the United States. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 221 (5): 673-7, ISSN: 0003-1488.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 Am3

Abstract: To analyze the sulfur content of water and forage samples from a geographically diverse sample of beef cow-calf operations in the United States and to estimate frequency and distribution of premises where forage and water resources could result in consumption of hazardous amounts of sulfur by cattle. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 709 forage samples from 678 beef cow-calf operations and individual water samples from 498 operations in 23 states. PROCEDURE: Sulfur content of forage samples and sulfate concentration of water samples were measured. Total sulfur intake was estimated for pairs of forage and water samples. RESULTS: Total sulfur intake was estimated for 454 pairs of forage and water samples. In general, highest forage sulfur contents did not coincide with highest water sulfate concentrations. Overall, 52 of the 454 (11.5%) sample pairs were estimated to yield total sulfur intake (as a percentage of dry matter) > or = 0.4%, assuming water intake during conditions of high ambient temperature. Most of these premises were in north-central (n = 19) or western (19) states. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that on numerous beef cow-calf operations throughout the United States, consumption of forage and water could result in excessively high sulfur intake. All water sources and dietary components should be evaluated when assessing total sulfur intake. Knowledge of total sulfur intake may be useful in reducing the risk of sulfur associated health and performance problems in beef cattle.

Keywords: feed, food contamination, sulfur analysis, water chemistry, disease, prevention and control, sulfur, adverse effects, USA.


Hartmann, J.; Schlichting, M.; Langholz, H.J. (1996). Studies on improving beef testing systems on station. 2. Automation of feeding of standardized test diet. [Untersuchungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Stationsprufung auf Fleischleistung beim Rind. 2. Automatisierung der Futterung einer Standardprufdiat] Archiv fur Tierzucht  39 (2): 107-119, ISSN: 0003-9438.

NAL Call Number: 49 AR23

Keywords: bulls, housing systems, automation, transponders, equipment, floors, straw, litter, slatted floors, behavior, feed intake, estimation, automatic feed dispensers, German language.


Hilty, R.; Stadelmann, H. (1996). New building concept for cattle finishing, functional and husbandry aspects of alternative management patterns. [Neue Buakonzepte der Rindviehmast, Funktionelle und wirtschaftliche Aspekte alternativer Haltungsformen.] FAT-Berichte, Switzerland (No. 477), Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt  fur Agrarwirtschaft und Landtechnik (FAT): Tanikon, Switzerland, 8 p., ISSN: 1018-502X .

NAL Call Number: S671.B55

Keywords: cattle housing, animal welfare, animal behavior, loose housing, feeding and lying areas, new designs, operating, costs, labor requirements, evaluation, German language, Switzerland.


Hilty, R.; Stadelmann, H. (1996). New concepts of construction for fattening cattle. [Nouveaux concepts de construction pour l’engraissement des bovins.] Technique Agricole 58 (4): 23-32

Keywords: cattle housing, alternatives to cubicle systems, interconnected feeding design, exercise, rest areas, labor requirements, French language, Switzerland.


Jaubourg, J., Mazoyer, J.; Lablanquie, M.; Baud, G. (1996). Arrangements for promoting open-air wintering of suckling heifers. [Quels amenagements pour favoriser l’hivernage en plein air de genisses allaitantes?] Ingenieries 8: 23-30, ISSN: 1264-9147.

Keywords: heifers, wintering, housing, pollution control, environmental protection, livestock management, France, French language.


Kapuinen, P. (2001). Deep litter systems for beef cattle housed in uninsulated barns, Part 1: height increase, carrying capacity and specific counter-pressure of aeration of deep litter. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 79 (4): 419-428, ISSN: 0021-8634.

NAL Call Number: 58.8 J82

Keywords: aeration, barns, housing, cattle manure, soiling, deep litter housing, litter, peat, simulation, straw, wood chips.


Kavolelis, B. (1998). Estimation of temperature conditions in animal houses with thermally insulated and uninsulated constructions. Actual tasks on agricultural engineering. In: Proceedings 26th International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija, Croatia, 3-6 February 1998, Filipovic, D. (ed.), Zavod za Mehanizaciju Poljprivrede, Agronomski Fakultet Sveucilista a Zagrebu: Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 335-341, ISBN: 953-6135-23-X.

Keywords: cattle housing, temperature, mathematical models, heat loss, heat transfer, closed versus open wall design.


Kirkland, R. M., Steen, R. W. J. (2001). Studies on the effects of housing system on the behaviour, welfare and performance of beef cattle and on factors affecting the cleanliness of housed cattle. In: Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, 2000-2001, Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland, UK, pp.30-39.

Abstract: The following article reviews findings based on a series of investigations on animal welfare aspects of the type of flooring used for beef cattle in Northern Ireland and its effects on animal production and carcass parameters as well as cleanliness, and on factors affecting cleanliness of beef cattle, including the level and type of concentrates as well as the type of grass silage fed. Floor type was not found to affect the performance, carcass composition, meat quality and behaviour of the animals, suggesting that welfare problems are of minor when cattle are accommodated on slatted floors during the winter period following summer at pasture. Similarly, there was no additional return to farmers, in terms of higher performance, from the use of straw-bedded systems. Cattle were not consistently cleaner on straw beds compared with slatted systems. However, considering the behavioural, physiological and pathological measures, and the practicalities of local production systems, the present data suggest that if welfare is of major concern, it may be improved by using rubber strips attached to slats in the slatted systems. On the basis of animal cleanliness studies, the quality of ventilation in the animal house was found to be of major importance. The inlet: outlet ratio and internal air volume must be adequate to maintain a fresh internal environment. The construction of slatted housing systems must minimize the proportion of solid concrete in the pen floor and maximize voidage in the pens. Contrary to current views, increasing stocking density in slatted pens did not result in cleaner cattle. As mixing of genders was found to promote dirtiness, steers and heifers should be housed in separate pens. Considering the effects of diet on cleanliness, good quality, well fermented, first-cut silage should be provided to finishing cattle, whereas, low DM silages, harvested as multiple re-growths should be avoided. Silages must be supplemented with a moderate amount of concentrates formulated to contain low levels of ash, fibre and oil. Low DM feed supplements such as potatoes, fodder beat and brewers grains should be avoided during the finishing period.

Keywords: animal housing, animal husbandry, animal welfare, beef cattle, carcass quality, cattle feeding, concentrates, fattening performance, feed supplements, floor type, meat hygiene, silage, slatted floors, stocking density, ventilation, winter, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Copyright© 2003, CAB International


Koerkamp, P.W.G.G.; Metz, J.H.M.; Uenk, G.H.; Phillips, V.R.; Holden, M.R.; Sneath, R.W.; Short, J.L.; White, R.P.; Hartung, J.; Seedorf, J.; Schroder, M.; Linkert, K.H.; Pedersen, S.; Takai, H.; Johnsen, J.O.; Wathes, C.M. (1998). Concentrations and emissions of ammonia in livestock buildings in Northern Europe. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 70 (1): 79-95, ISSN: 0021-8634.

NAL Call Number: 58.8 J82

Keywords: pig, cattle, poultry, housing, ammonia emissions, concentration, air pollution, seasonal variation, animal health, England, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark.


Kosako, T.; Imura, T. (1999). Effect of housing conditions and human contact on temperament of Japanese black calves. Animal Science Journal 70 (9): 205-210, ISSN: 1344-3941.

NAL Call Number: SF1 A542

Keywords: animal housing, handling, meat animals, Japanese language, Japan.


Lefcourt, A.M.; Adams, W.R. (1998). Radiotelemetric measurementof body temperature in feedlot steers during winter. Journal of Animal Science 76 (7): 1830-1837. ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Abstract: Little is known concerning body temperature regulation in cattle under conditions of low ambient temperature. To investigate the influence of cold on body temperature regulation, core body temperatures of feedlot steers (crossbred Bos taurus) were monitored for two winters in Nebraska, from late December to mid-March in yr 1 and from late December through June in yr 2. In yr 1, radio transmitters to monitor temperature were implanted in the peritoneum of five steers (360 kg); in yr 2, four steers (320 kg) were used. Body temperatures and ambient temperatures were recorded at 3-min intervals and were mathematically filtered to produce 120 readings/d. For yr 1and 2, daily maximum (40.09 and 39.66 degrees C), minimum (38.78 and 38.64 degrees C), and average (39.29 and 39.06 degrees C) body temperatures were not affected by ambient temperatures. Body temperatures exhibited circadian rhythms with the minima at approximately 0800 and the maxima at approximately 1900. For both years, sharp peaks in body temperature were often seen in the evening and, for yr 2, to a lesser extent in the morning. The occurrence of peak was normally congruent, within a 1.5-h window across steers. Congruent peaks in the evening with peak heights of 1.05 and .77 degrees C occurred on 65 and 56% of the days in yr 1 and 2, respectively. Occurrence of congruent peaks was correlated with dusk; peak followed dusk by 30 to 60 min. Ambient temperature also influenced the occurrence of peaks; few peak were observed when average daily ambient temperatures were below,7.5 degrees C. The dynamic changes in body temperature throughout the day, including the peaks in body temperature after dusk, strongly suggest that thermoregulatory systems in steers respond not only to current ambient conditions, but also to more integrative measures such as day length and daily heat load.

Keywords: beef steers, feedlots, dry lot feeding, body temperature, winter, cold stress, hypothermia, data collection, circadian rhythm, Nebraska.


Lowe, D.E.; Steen, R.W.J.; Beattie, V.E.; Moss, B.W. (2001). The effects of floor type systems on the performance, cleanliness, carcass composition and meat quality of housed finishing beef cattle. Livestock Production Science 69 (1): 33-42.

NAL Call Number: SF1 L5

Keywords: steers, finishing, meat quality, carcass composition, performance, cattle housing, hygiene, floors, solid floors, slatted floors, litter, rubber, carcass weight, live weight gain, duration, beef quality, floor type, mats.


Lowe, D.E.; Steen, R.W.J.; Beattie, V.E. (2000). An assessment of lameness in finishing beef cattle accommodated on different floor types over the winter months. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 39 (3): 478, ISSN: 0791-6833.

NAL Call Number: S539.5 I74

Keywords: beef, finishing, fully-slatted floor, lameness, assessment, perforated rubber mat, fully-slatted, secured rubber strips, fully-slatted, straw bedded solid floor, seasonal effects, winter.


Lowe, D.E.; Steen, R.W.J.; Beattie, V.E. (2000). The effect of floor type in winter housing on the behaviour of finishing beef cattle. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 39 (3): 481, ISSN: 0791-6833.

NAL Call Number: S539.5 I74

Keywords: floor type, animal behavior, lying down, rising, winter housing.


Lowe, D.E.; Steen, R.W.J.; Beattie, V.E. (2000). Preference testing of floor types by finishing beef cattle. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 39 (3): 481, ISSN: 0791-6833.

NAL Call Number: S539.5 I74

Keywords: floor type preference; mat floor, sawdust floor, slat floor, straw floor.


Lowman, B.G.; Hinks, C.E.; Hunter, E.A.; Scott, N.A. (1996). Effect of breed type, sex, method of rearing and winter nutrition on lifetime performance and carcass composition in a 20-month beef system: grazing performance. Animal Science: An International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Research 63 (2): 215-222.

NAL Call Number: SF1 A56

Keywords: grazing, winter, cattle suckling, males, females, body condition, pastures height, weight gain, sex, biological differences, feeding level.


Mader, T.L.; Dahlquist, J.M.; Gaughan, J.B. (1997). Wind protection effects and airflow patterns in outside feedlots. Journal of Animal Science 75 (1): 26-36. ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Abstract: Steers were finished in three different sets of outside lots: 1) pens with overhead shelter on the north side; 2) pens south and southeast of a shelter belt; and 3) pens with no shelter or windbreak. In trials conducted over a 3-yr period with predominantly British and British x Continental crossbred yearlings, performance improvements due to providing shelter or wind protection in the winter were not detected; however, in the summer, providing wind protection or shelter resulted in decreased (P < .10) cattle gains. Cattle fed in the unprotected area had greater (P < .05) fat thickness in the winter and greater marbling scores in the winter (P < .05) and autumn (P < .10) than cattle fed in protected areas. When averaged across facilities, seasonal effects were detected for DMI (autumn > summer > winter > spring; P < .05). Feed: gain ratios followed a similar trend among seasons (summer and autumn > winter > spring P < .05). As a percentage of BW, winter (2.21), spring (2.19), and summer (2.18) DMI were less (P < .05) than autumn (2.35) DMI. Wind velocity data indicated that greater air flow tends to be found on mounds and less at the feedbunk in pens protected by shelter belts. In unprotected, unsheltered pens, the greatest airflow tends to be at the highest point in the pen (bunks and mounds). In Nebraska, benefits realized from feeding cattle in sheltered or protected areas under average or slightly milder than average winter weather conditions may be offset by lower performance experienced by cattle fed in those same areas in the summer. In addition, fat deposition seems to be enhanced in cattle exposed to moderate cold stress.

Keywords: steers, wind protection, shelterbelts, feedlots, wind speed, wind stress, live weight gain, feed intake, dry matter, feed conversion, heat stress, seasonal variation, fat thickness, beef quality, carcass yield, environmental temperature, marbling.


Mader, T.L.; Hahn, G.L.; Gaughan, J.B.; Dahlquist, J.M. (1999). Shade and wind barrier effects on summertime feedlot cattle performance. Journal of Animal Science 77 (8): 2065-2072, ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Abstract: In each of three summertime trials conducted over consecutive years, approximately 110 predominantly black and black-white-face steers were blocked by weight and randomly allotted to one of 16 pens in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors consisted of cattle being fed in facilities with or without wind barriers and with or without shade. Steers were fed dry-rolled corn-based diets (1.43 Mca1/kg, NE(g)). Mean starting date and days on feed were June 26 and 79, respectively. In unshaded areas, temperature and humidity averaged 21.6 degrees C and 77.9%, and the blackglobe-humidity index (BGHI) at 1500 averaged between 84.0 and 89.1. Each of four 6.1- x 6.1-m structures (mean height = 3.4 m) with white steel roofs provided shade (2.65 m(2)/steer) for two pens. In facilities with wind barriers provided, airflow was reduced from the north and northwest by a 25-m-wide shelterbelt containing six rows of trees. For cattle fed in pens with wind barriers, shade increased (P < .05) gain from 0 to 56 d and decreased (P < .05) DMI/ADG from 0 to 28 d. Differences (P < .05) in performance were not found between shaded and unshaded cattle in any portion of the feeding period for cattle fed in the pens without wind barriers and over the entire feeding period in either type of facility. The shade response in pens with wind barriers seemed to be greater the 1st yr than in subsequent years. Differences in weather patterns among years, especially air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation, may partially explain this interaction. Also, in yr 1, cattle tended to have greater fat thickness at finish than in yr 2 and 3. Correlations between BGHI and DM1 tended to be greater during the early portion of the trial (0 to 28 d) than over the entire trial. Correlations between the difference in BGHI under shade vs no shade and percentage of shade use had the greatest magnitude and were significant only in the first 28d vs over the entire feeding period. Although no heat-related cattle deaths occurred in this study, results suggest that shade improves cattle performance in the summer when they are fed in facilities with winter wind protection available and have not become acclimated to hot conditions. Once cattle are acclimated or hot conditions subside, compensation by unshaded cattle offsets much of the initial benefits of providing shade.

Keywords: steers, beef cattle, feedlots, shade, wind protection, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, live weight gain, feed intake, dry matter, feed conversion, dressing percentage, fat thickness, depot fat, beef quality, liver, abscesses, carcass yield, summer, animal behavior, heat stress, marbling, Nebraska.


Makulska, J.; Weglarz, A. (2000). Evaluation of progeny rearing results of five beef breeds maintained without cowsheds. [Hodnoceni prubehu odchovu telat peti masnych plemen chovanych v masnych stadech.] Collection of Scientific Papers, Series for Animal Sciences: Faculty of Agriculture in Ceske Budejovice 17 (1): 11-17, ISSN: 1212-558X.

NAL Call Number: SF1.S26

Keywords: calves, heifers, bulls, breeds, Simmental, Limousine, Hereford, Salers, Red Angus, evaluation, parturition, reproduction, winter, spring, birth weight, weight gain, weaning, weaning weight, animal performance, body weight, age, milk yield, animal feeding, husbandry methods, Poland.


Matthes, H.D.; Jentsch, W.; Derno, M.; Mohring, H.; Wegner, J.; Pilz, K.; Bittner, G. (1996). Adaptation of different cattle breeds to yearly outdoor rearing. [Adaptation verschiedener Rinderrassen an die Bedingungen einer ganzjahrigen Freilandhaltung.] Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wroclawiu. Konferencje 291: 139-149, ISSN: 1232-3071.

Keywords: beef cattle breeds, free range husbandry, body temperature, thermoregulation, adaptation, German language.


Mitlohner, F.M; Galyean, M.L; McGlone, J.J. (2002). Shade effects on performance, carcass traits, physiology, and behavior of heat-stressed feedlot heifers. Journal of Animal Science 80 (8): 2043-2050, ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Keywords: beef cattle, physiology, shading of, body weight, body measurements, carcasses.


Mitlohner, F.M.; Morrow, J.L.; Dailey, J.W.; Wilson, S.C.; Galyean, M.L.; Miller, M.F.; McGlone, J.J. (2001). Shade and water misting effects on behavior, physiology, performance, and carcass traits of heat-stressed feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 79 (9): 2327-35, ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Keywords: crossbred feedlot heifers, heat stress, behavior, drinking, feeding, walking, standing, lying, physiology, rectal temperature, respiration rate, performance, carcass traits.


Moerchen, F.M.; Jesse, M. (1997). Development of condition of mother cows after weaning of calves until the next calving in winter stabling and winter outdoor husbandry [Koerperkonditionsentwicklung von Mutterkuehen nach dem Absetzen der Kaelber bis zur nachfolgenden Kalbung in der Winterstall- und Winteraussenhaltung.] In: 3. Trenthorster Kolloquium, Workshop on Rearing of Cattle with Suckler Calves (Mutterkuhhaltung) as Extensive Rearing System. Studies on Appropriate and Environmentally Friendly Animal Husbandry, Dec. 5-6, 1996 Trenthorst, Germany. [Workshop Ueber Die Haltung von Rindern Mit Saugkaelbern (Mutterkuhhaltung) Als Extensive Tierhaltungsform. Studien Zur Artgerechten Und Umweltfreundlichen Tierhaltung.] FAL: Braunschweig-Voelkenrode, Germany, pp. 8-16, Series title, Landbauforschung Voelkenrode. Sonderheft (Germany), no. 177, ISSN: 0376-0723.

NAL Call Number: 18 L2353 Suppl.

Keywords: beef cattle cows, mothers, heifers, weight, body condition, nutritional status, winter, stabling, extensive husbandry, adipose tissues, backfat, methods, free range husbandry, seasons, Germany, European Union, German language.


O’Hagan, J.C.; Steen, R.W.J. (2000). An assessment of the relative importance of factors affecting the cleanliness of housed beef cattle. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 39 (3): 478, ISSN: 0791-6833.

NAL Call Number: S539.5 I74

Keywords: beef, housing, cleanliness, influencing factors, concentrates feeding, dry, wet, floor type, stocking density, ventilation.


Olson, B.E.; Wallander, R.T. (2002). Influence of winter weather and shelter on activity patterns of beef cows. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 82 (4): 491-501, ISSN: 0008-3984.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 C163

Keywords: diurnal activity patterns, energy expenditure, energy gain, grazing behavior, standing behavior, windbreak shelter, winter weather, Montana, USA.


Phillips, W.A.; Grings, E.E.; Coleman, S.W.; Short, R.E.; Riley, D.G.; Chase, C.C.; Mayeux, H.S.; Heitschmidt, R.K. (2002). Winter and spring performance of steer calves reared in temperate or sub-tropic environments and used as stockers on winter wheat pasture in Oklahoma. Journal of Dairy Science 85 (Suppl. 1): 147, ISSN: 0022-0302.

NAL Call Number: 44.8 J822

Keywords: breed, Angus, Romosinuano, calf, adaptation, average daily gain, body weight, climate, feedlot, pasture grazing, seasonality, temperature, Oklahoma, USA.


Phillips, C.J.C.; Johnson, P.N.; Arab, T.M. (1997). The effect of supplementary light during winter on the growth, body composition and behaviour of steers and heifers. Animal Science: An International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Research 65 (2): 173-181, ISSN: 0003-3561.

NAL Call Number: SF1 A56

Keywords: beef cattle, steers, heifers, carcass composition, growth, photoperiod, supplementary light, body composition, winter, feeding behavior, reproductive behavior, social behavior, sexual behavior, rumination, digestive tract motility, rumen digestion, eating, feeding, body weight, feed conversion efficiency.


Rossi, P.; Gastaldo, A. (2002). Structural costs of raising beef cattle organically. [Costo delle strutture per l’allevamento biologico dei bovini da carne.] Informatore Agrario 58 (2): 39-44, ISSN: 0020-0689.

NAL Call Number: 281.8 IN32

Abstract: EC regulation 1804/99 stipulates the maximum numbers of cattle/ha in pasture and maximum numbers/m2 in covered and uncovered housing for organic production. Various possibilities for meeting housing regulations (boxes with litter and outside exercise areas) for bullocks and cows are proposed and contrasted with conventional installations. The ideal solution is new buildings but, if this is not easily achieved, the farmer must analyse in detail the cost of adapting existing housing compared with building new. It is estimated that the cost of new multiple box with inclined litter facilities for housing organic beef production would be more than twice that of new conventional stalls. The costs of adapting conventional slotted floors and supplying a paved exercise area would depend on the buildings to be adapted but an average cost might well be 90 - 120 Euros. Provision for the cows and calves would cost less than for bullocks for fattening. Beef cattle are probably the most costly to provide statutory organic housing for, but against these costs must be set possible increased returns.

Keywords: beef cattle, housing, costs, boxes, litter, outside exercise areas, conventional stalls, European Union, organic farming, regulations, Italian language. Copyright© 2003, CAB International


Ruoho, O. (1996). Elimination of Salmonella infection in a beef herd in a loose housing system. [Salmonellasaneeraus lihanautojen kylmakasvattamossa.] Suomen Elainlaakarilehti 102 (12): 713-718, ISSN: 0039-5501.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 F49

Keywords: beef cattle housing, cattle diseases, bacterial diseases, disease control, disease transmission, disinfection, zoonoses, Salmonella, Finnish language, Finland


Schauberger, G.; Pilati, P. (1998). Evaluation of a steady-state balance model to simulate the indoor climate in livestock buildings: a comparison with measurements of a cattle house.[Evaluierung eines quasi-stationaren Bilanzmodells zur Stallklimasimulation: Vergleich mit Messungen eines Rindermaststalles.] Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 85 (2): 49-55, ISSN: 0043-535X.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 T345

Keywords: beef cattle housing, climate, simulation models, carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity, energy balance, German language.


Schmidt, U. (1998). Wind protection netting in animal housing construction: abridged version. [Windschutznetze im Stallbau: Kurzfassung.] KTBL-Arbeitspapier (No. 251), KTBL Kuratorium fur Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft: Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 28-31, ISSN: 0930-0295.

Keywords: cattle housing, unheated livestock houses, netting, polyester fibers, wind protection, reduction in wind speed, German language, Germany.


Schrader, L. (2001). The behaviour of farm animals and its significance for housing design. In: Human-animal relationship: stockmanship and housing in organic livestock systems. Proceedings of the Third NAHWOA Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 21-24 October 2000, Hovi, M.; Bouilhol, M. (Eds.), Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, University of Reading: Reading, UK, ISBN: 0-7049-1094-2, pp. 54-63.

Keywords: cattle, livestock, abnormal behavior, animal behavior, animal housing, organic farming.


Schrader, L.; Roth, H. R.; Winterling, C.; Brodmann, N.; Langhans, W.; Geyer, H.; Graf, B. (2001). The occurrence of tail tip alterations in fattening bulls kept under different husbandry conditions. Animal Welfare 10 (2): 119-130, ISSN: 0962-7286.

NAL Call Number: HV4701.A557

Keywords: fattening bulls, seasons, autumn, body weight, flooring, slatted floors, deep bedding, straw, pen size, tail docking, skin lesions.


Seedorf, J.; Hartung, J.; Schroder, M.; Linkert, K.H.; Pedersen, S.; Takai, H.; Johnsen, J.O.; Metz, J.H.M.; Koerkamp, P.W.G.G.; Uenk, G.H.; Phillips, V.R.; Holden, M.R.; Sneath, R.W.; Short, J.L.; White, R.P.; Wathes, C.M. (1998). Temperature and moisture conditions in livestock buildings in Northern Europe. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 70 (1): 49-57, ISSN: 0021-8634.

NAL Call Number: 58.8 J82

Keywords: animal housing, dry bulb air temperatures, moisture, relative humidity, ventilation, cattle housing, cow housing, pig housing, poultry housing, surveys, Northern Europe


Sonnenberg, H. (1998). Straw comfort: mechanical straw preparation for loose litter livestock husbandry. [Stroh-Komfort - zur mechanischen Strohaufbereitung fur die Tierhaltung auf Einstreu.] Landtechnik 53 (3): 152-153, ISSN: 0023-8082.

NAL Call Number: S675 L32

Keywords: beef cattle housing, loose litter flooring, long straw, cut straw, chopped straw, processing straw, dust, slurry removal, animal husbandry, German language, Germany.


Suzuki, K.; Oizumi, C.; Kobayasi, M.; Mori, T.; Wakamatu, M.; Sajiki, S. (1999). Effect of the wind blowing right below down by the fan for the beef cattle house. Bulletin of the Chiba Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station 23: 47-48, ISSN: 0386-5673.

Keywords: housing, winds, drying, climatic factors, meteorological elements.


Ueno, R.; Kurogi, S. (1998). Effects of floor conditions on the resting behavior and the meat producing performance of beef cattle and lambs. Bulletin of the Ishikawa Agricultural College 28: 1-5, ISSN: 0389-9977.

Keywords: beef cattle, lambs, housing, floor husbandry, sawdust, rice straw, behavior, crop residues, animals, wastes, wood products, wood residues, meat performance, young animals, Japanese language, Japan.


Vandenheede, M.; Nicks, B.; Canart, B.; Dufrasne, I. Shesi, R.; Biston, R.; Lecomte, P. (1996). Effect of the climatic factors on the use of a shelter by grazing young bulls (in Belgium). [Influence des conditions climatiques sur l’utilisation d’un abri par des taurillons au paturage.] In: First meeting on animal productions. Beef production. Jan. 24, 1996, Gembloux, Belgium.[Premier carrefour des productions animales. La production de viande bovine.] CRA, Service des Relations Publiques, 21 avenue de la Faculte d’Agronomie, B-5030: Gembloux, Belgium, p. A12.

Keywords: beef cattle, climatic factors, air temperature, animal housing, animal welfare, Belgium, French language.


von Boberfeld, W.O.; Sterzenbach, M. (1999). Outdoor stock keeping of suckler cows during winter concerning site conditions, environment, and forage economics. Zeitschrift fuer Kulturtechnik und Landentwicklung 40 (5/6): 258-262, ISSN: 0934-666X.

NAL Call Number: S605.A1Z4

Keywords: female, outdoor stock, suckler cow, extensive farming, ensilage characteristics, environmental conditions, forage economics, German language.


Von Borell, E. (1998). Issues of animal welfare in the housing of cattle and pigs. Zuechtungskunde 70 (6): 436-445, ISSN: 0044-5401.

NAL Call Number: 49 Z8

Keywords: livestock, cattle, swine, housing systems, welfare issues, legislation, EU directives, minimal requirements, certification, consumer attitudes, welfare assessment, behavioral needs, stockperson, human animal interaction, German language.


Wassmuth, R.; Wallbaum, F.; Langholz, H. J. (1999). Outdoor wintering of suckler cows in low mountain ranges. Livestock Production Science 61 (2/3): 193-200, ISSN: 0301-6226.

NAL Call Number: SF1 L5

Keywords: beef cows, Friesian, Galloway, breed differences, body condition, feeding, genetics, outdoor wintering, housing, roofed shelter, straw bedding, body temperature, environment, upland areas, energy metabolism, Germany .


Wojcik, J.; Kamieniecki, H.; Surmacz, F. (1996). Evaluation of some imported beef cattle breeds adaptation to rearing conditions in the Szczecin province. [Ocena przystosowania niektorych importowanych ras bydla miesnego do warunkow chowuw wojewodztwie szczecinskim.] Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wroclawiu. Konferencje 291: 189-192, ISSN: 1232-3071.

Keywords: beef cattle, introduced breeds, Hereford, Red Angus, Salers, winter, adaptation, weight gain, housing, outdoors, Poland, Polish language.


Xiccato, G., Trocino, A., Queaque, P. I., Sartori, A., Carazzolo, A. (2002). Rearing veal calves with respect to animal welfare: effects of housing and solid feed supplementation on growth performance and meat quality. Livestock Production Science 75 (3): 269-280. ISSN: 0301-6226.

NAL Call Number: SF1 L5

Abstract: This study aims to evaluate how rearing techniques that improve veal calf welfare affect growth performance and carcass and meat quality, by comparing both traditional rearing in individual stalls with group rearing in collective pens and exclusive milk feeding with maize grain supplementation. Eighty male calves were raised from 60 days-of-age (live weight 76.4 plus or minus 5.5 kg) until slaughter (at 182 and 189 days-of-age). Both group rearing and maize grain supplementation significantly improved growth performance (final live weight: +7 kg in group-reared calves compared to individually reared calves, and +10 kg in maize-supplemented calves compared to exclusively milk-fed calves) and carcass conformation, with no differences in dressing percentage. Group rearing increased blood packed cell volume value. Neither the type of housing nor the feeding system significantly modified carcass or meat colour or the main physical and sensory traits of the meat. Carcass fatness and meat ether extract concentration were higher in the calves reared in individual stalls or supplemented with maize grain. Our results suggest that rearing veal calves in pens and providing solid feed supplements may improve growth performance without impairing carcass and meat quality.

Keywords: husbandry, animal welfare, beef cattle, carcass quality, housing, growth, haematocrit, maize, meat composition, meat quality, veal, veal calves. Copyright© 2003, CAB International


Yanar, M.; Tuzemen, N.; Turgut, L. (2000). Effects of two different environmental conditions on the fattening performance of Brown Swiss bulls. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 70 (9): 972-973, ISSN: 0367-8318.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22

Keywords: cattle housing, beef cattle, meat production, fattening performance, Swiss Brown, growth, humidity, feed intake, environmental temperature, bulls, Turkey.


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