


Atkinson, D.; Watson, C.A. (1996). The environmental impact of intensive systems of animal production in the lowlands. Animal Science: An International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Research 63 (3): 353-361, ISSN: 0003-3561.

NAL Call Number: SF1 A56

Keywords: dairy cattle, beef cattle, animal wastes, waste disposal, pollution, poultry, husbandry, wildlife, species diversity, nitrogen, silvopastoral systems, grasslands, management, environmental degradation, reviews, farming systems, intensive livestock farming, sustainability, agroforestry, cycling, agroforestry systems, lowland areas, environment, United Kingdom.


Australia, Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management (1997). National Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots in Australia. (2nd edition), CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood, Australia, 47 p., ISBN: 0-643-06008-1.

NAL Call Number: SF203 N38 1997

Keywords: feedlots, feedlot effluent, waste, drainage, animal welfare, guidelines, Australia.


Baker, R.M.; Fisher, M.; Hemsworth, P.H. (2001). Farm Animals in Research: Can We Meet the Demands of Ethics, Welfare, Science and Industry? Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Waite and Roseworthy Campuses of the University of Adelaide, November 30, December 1, 2000, ANZCCART: Adelaide, SA.

NAL Call Number: HV4757 F39 2001

Keywords: animal welfare, laboratory animals, cloning, transgenics, human-animal interactions, farm animal disease models, Australia, New Zealand.


Barcos, L.O. (2001). Recent developments in animal identification and the traceability of animal products in international trade. Revue Scientifique et Technique 20 (2): 640-51, ISSN: 0253-1933.

NAL Call Number: SF781 R4

Abstract: The author explores the variations in the domestic livestock populations world-wide between 1961 and 1998, and observes a marked increase in the swine population, as compared to other domestic species. Trends in international trade of live animals over the same period are also analysed; international trade involved 1% of livestock world-wide and the international meat market constituted 10% of total meat production. The various stages of the food chain are analysed, from farm to fork, with emphasis on those elements to which the concept of traceability is applicable; from the composition of bovines, to slaughter, and through the various products and sub-products all the way to the final product consumed. Against this background, the characteristics of identification systems for individual animals and animal products is described, as well as applications to traceback and trace forward. To conclude, the author details the factors which influence the various processes of identification and traceability, and thus must be considered when choosing a system. The wide variability amongst systems world-wide is noted and attributed to the differences in sanitary and economic or socio-cultural criteria. The author therefore recommends that work should begin on international harmonisation of such systems.

Keywords: animal identification systems, commerce, standards, international cooperation, trends, meat, standards, meat products, animal welfare, public health, quality control, safety, veterinary medicine.


Bartussek, H. (2000). How to measure animal welfare? The idea of an “Animal Needs Index” ANI-35L (Tiergerechtheitsindex TGI 35L): a practical tool for assessing farm animal housing conditions on farm level in respect to animals’ well being and behavioural needs - Austrian experiences. In: Diversity of Livestock Systems and Definition of Animal Welfare. Proceedings of the Second NAHWOA Workshop, Cordoba, Spain, 8-11 January 2000, Hovi, M.; Garcia Trujillo, R. (Eds.), University of Reading Library (RUL): Reading, UK, pp.135-142, ISBN: 0-7049-1092-6. Available online at:

Keywords: housing, animal welfare, livestock, behavior, organic farming, Austria.


Colson, F. (1996). Cattle farm of European countries. [Les exploitations allaitantes dans les pays membres de l’ Union europeenne: analyse selon le niveau d’ intensification de leur superficie fouuragere.] In: Proceedings of the 3. meeting “Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants.” Paris (France), December 4 and 5 1996. [ 3. Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants. Paris (France), les 4 et 5 decembre 1996.] Institut de l’ Elevage: Paris, France, p. 267-267, ISBN: 2-84148-022-4.

Keywords: beef cattle, farms, intensive husbandry, extensive husbandry, farm structure, farm income, international agreements, international relations, European Union, France, French language.


Cote, S. (In Progress). Stockmanship: Powerful Tool for Grazing Management United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Idaho.

Keywords: beef cattle, handling, behavior, grazing management tool, moving cattle, low stress, reduced disease incidence, increased productivity.


Dobicki, A. (2002). Aspects of globalisation in cattle breeding.[Aspekty globalizacji w hodowli bydla.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 40 (3): 33-46, ISSN: 0209-2492.

NAL Call Number: SF1 K7

Keywords: beef cattle, dairy cattle, breeding, industry, politics, global diversification, environmental conservation, corporate farming, family farms, European Union, Poland.


EMBRAPA Gado de Corte (2002). Embrapa Beef Cattle Technologies: 25 Years of Research and Development EMBRAPA Gado de Corte: Campo Grande, Brazil, 70p.

Keywords: husbandry, animal production, biotechnology, knowledge transfer, technology, pasture management, genetics, management, reproduction, health, economics, languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazil.


Ensminger, M.E.; Perry R.C. (1997). Beef Cattle Science Interstate Publishers: Danville, Il., 7th ed., 1104 p.

NAL Call Number: SF207 E5 1997

Keywords: history and business of cattle raising, nutrient requirements, health, behavior, genetics, slaughter, feeding, breed registries, US and Canadian colleges of agriculture.


Ewbank, R.; Kim-Madslien, F.; Hart, C. B. (1999). Management and Welfare of Farm Animals: UFAW Farm Handbook Universities Federation for Animal Welfare: UK, 4th edition, 308 p., ISBN: 1-900630-00-1.

NAL Call Number: SF61 M35 1999

Keywords: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits, red deer, fishes, guineafowls, animal production, animal welfare, economics, nutrition, animal breeding, care.


Fabry, L. (1996). Meat production: does extensification permit a good profitability in Belgium. [En production de viande, une certaine “extensification” permet-elle l’obtention d’une rentabilite comparable?] Elevages Belges 50 (10): 26-28, ISSN: 0770-2213.

Keywords: beef, meat production, profitability, extensification, feed crops, Belgium, French language.


Federation of Animal Science Societies (1999). Beef Cattle Husbandry. In: Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching, First Revised Edition, Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS): Savoy, Il., p. 29-36.

NAL Call Number: QL55.G8 1999

Keywords: facilities, environment, range, pasture management, feedlot, housing, feed, water, social environment, husbandry, dystocia, castration, dehorning, handling, transportation, euthanasia.


Figueiredo, E.A.P. de (2002). Livestock and agroecology in Brazil. [Pecuaria e agroecologia no Brasil.] Cadernos de Ciencia and Technologia 19 (2): 235-265, ISSN: 0104-1096.

NAL Call Number: S494.5.I5C3

Abstract: Animal production all over the world has been practised in three different systems: conventional, free range, and agroecological. In Brazil, conventional production systems for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and poultry are directed towards high productivity, placing the country among the main exporters. However, conventional systems have continuously excluded producers from the activity. Therefore, free range and agroecological systems are becoming more popular among those concerned with the welfare of animals and the environment. All three types of production are concerned with the quality of their products and are becoming certified. It is suggested that the traceability of the products should be ensured. It is also suggested that growing awareness on agroecological production will push agroecological products into the mainstream market in Brazil and in the world.

Keywords: alternative farming, animal production, certification, eggs, farming systems, free range husbandry, livestock, meat, milk, organic farming, organic foods, production, quality controls, sources, Portuguese language, Brazil.


Frelich, J.; Marsalek, M.; Riha, J. (1997). Analysis of beef herds performance in individual production regions. Sbornik Jihoceska Univerzita Zemedelska Fakulta Ceske Budejovice Zootechnicka Rada 14 (2): 3-16, ISSN: 1210- 6240.

NAL Call Number: SB13 S26

Keywords: cow, calves, Angus, Bohemia Spotted, Charolais, breed, breed differences, calving interval, calf growth, calving age, early maturing, fertility, production regions, beet, growing, comparison, forage crop, growing, grain, growing, potato, growing, Czech language.


Gottardo, F.; Fregolent, G.; Preciso, S.; Cozzi, G.; Ragno, E.; Bianchi, C.; Mazzini, C.; Andrighetto, I. (2002). Welfare of beef cattle. [Il benessere dei bovini allevati per la produzione di carne.] Informatore Agrario 58 (6): 35-39, ISSN: 0020-0689.

NAL Call Number: 281.8 IN32

Keywords: animal welfare, beef cattle, standards, EC Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare, stress, housing, feed access, aggressive behavior, diet, health, loading, unloading, Italian language, Italy.


Grandin, T. (2000). Livestock Handling and Transport, 2nd ed., CAB International: Wallingford, UK; New York, 449 p., ISBN: 0-85199-409-01.

NAL Call Number: SF88 L58 2000

Keywords: cattle, swine, sheep, handling, fear, human animal relationships, stock person training, manager training, stress, welfare, assessment, transport, thermoregulation, meat quality, loading, unloading, slaughter.


Heatley, D. (2000). Contribution of the live cattle export trade to the northern beef industry. Asian, Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 13 (Suppl. Vol. C): 367-369, ISSN: 1011-2367.

NAL Call Number: SF55 A78A7

Keywords: Australian beef industry, animal welfare, economics, food safety, live cattle trade.


Heleski, C.R.; Zanella, A.J.; Pajor, E.A. (2003) Animal welfare judging teams a way to interface welfare science with traditional animal science curricula? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 81 (3): 279-289.

NAL Call Number: QL750.A6

Keywords: animal evaluation courses, animal science curricula, education, novel idea, conformation traits, animal welfare, welfare assessment, competitions, judging teams.


Hemsworth, P.H.; Coleman, G.J. (1998). Human-livestock Interactions: the Stockperson and the Productivity and Welfare of Intensively Farmed Animals CAB International: New York, NY, 152p.

NAL Call Number: HV4757 H46 1998

Keywords: animal welfare, moral and ethical aspects, stockperson, skills, knowledge, status, attitudes, stockperson behavior, animal behavior, future opportunities.


Hovi, M.; Garcia Trujillo, R. (2000). Diversity of Livestock Systems and Definition of Animal Welfare. Proceedings of the Second NAHWOA Workshop, Cordoba, Spain, 8-11 January 2000, University of Reading Library (RUL): Reading, UK, 165p., ISBN: 0-7049-1092-6. Available online at:

Keywords: farming, research methodologies, diversity, organic livestock systems, Austria, Spain.


Jarrige, R.; Beranger, C. (1992). Beef Cattle Production Elsevier: Amsterdam; New York, 487p., ISBN: 0444889841.

NAL Call Number: SF207 B454 1992

Keywords: world beef production, reproduction, genetic improvement, growth, carcass traits, hormonal control of growth, carcass quality, nutrition, feeding, suckler cow, calves, growing and finishing cattle, pasture feeding, feedlot fattening, veal production, diseases, beef production in the tropics and semi-arid zones.


Jasiorowski, H.; Przysucha, T. (2002). Current problems of development of beef cattle breeding in Poland. [Aktualne problemy rozwoju hodowli bydla miesnego w kraju.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 40 (3): 9-16, ISSN: 0209-2492.

NAL Call Number: SF1 K7

Keywords: breeding, current problems, high-quality meat production, carcass classification, pedigree animal sales, profitability, Polish language, Poland.


Jensen, W.; Oltjen, J. (1992). Beef Care Practices Beef and Range Workgroup, University of California, Cooperative Extension: Davis, CA., 46 p. Available online at:

NAL Call Number: SF195 U6B43 1992

Keywords: beef cattle industry, types of operations, breeds, nutrition, reproduction, behavior, stress, pain, identification, dehorning, weaning, facilities, transportation


Kadzere, C.T. (May 1997). Emergent feedlotters in South Africa: Potential - Problems - Possibilities. Farmer’s Weekly pp. 24-27.

NAL Call Number: 24 F225

Keywords: beef cattle feedlots, common lands, rural communities, South Africa.


Kaus, R.; Lapworth, J.; Carroll, P. (1997). The Stockman’s Handbook Department of Primary Industries: Queensland, Australia, 6th edition, 189p., ISBN: 0-7242-6701-8.

NAL Call Number: SF196 A8 S76 1997

Keywords: beef cattle, animal husbandry, cattle diseases, regulatory control, marketing.


Kumm, K.I. (2002). Sustainability of organic meat production under Swedish conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 88 (1): 95-101, ISSN: 0167-8809.

NAL Call Number: S601.A34

Abstract: World meat consumption has increased considerably during recent decades at the same time as questions about the sustainability of livestock systems. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether organic meat production can be more sustainable than conventional meat production. Organic meat production is supposed to use ecological resources, such as natural grasslands and by-products with low alternative value together with fodder that is grown without artificial fertilisers and pesticides. The organic animals are given the possibility of more natural behaviour, for example, they stay outdoors all year in nature and use simple buildings. For organic meat production to expand in a sustainable way, consumers must perceive it as at least as good as conventional production regarding environmental quality and price. Therefore, possible future organic and conventional meat production are compared regarding production costs, land requirements, soil conservation, nature conservation, energy needs, and chemical requirements as well as the discharge of nitrogen and greenhouse gases. The results suggest that organic production can be more sustainable than conventional production for beef and lamb, but not for pork. Organic beef and lamb production has advantages compared with conventional pig production regarding soil conservation, nature conservation and independence of chemicals. However, the production costs and discharge of nitrogen and greenhouse gases per kilo of meat are larger than in conventional pork production. Organic production also needs more land, which limits its sustainability if land for food production and energy crops is scarce. When food is scarce, organic meat production should aim to use land and by-products that cannot be used in any other way for food production.

Keywords: organic farming, sustainability, grasslands, fodder, animal behavior, animal housing, environmental protection, food prices, costs, soil conservation, nature conservation, energy requirements, agricultural chemicals, nitrogen, beef cattle, lambs, pigs, Sweden.


Macey, A. (2000). Organic Livestock Handbook: a Project of Canadian Organic Growers Inc. Canadian Organic Growers Inc.: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 179p., ISBN: 0-9695851-2-8. Internet site:

NAL Call Number: SF75.3 C2 O74 2000

Keywords: dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits, work horses, honey bees, animal husbandry, organic farming, livestock, animal health, parasites, herbal remedies, standards, comparisons to other countries, Canada .


Mackay, B.I. (2002). Managing Drought NSW Agriculture: Orange, Australia, 3rd. Ed., 94p., ISBN:0-7347-1445-9.

Abstract: This guide (3rd edition) provides livestock producers with information that will assist them in making decisions on how to manage droughts. The guide includes information on planning for droughts, managing and feeding livestock (sheep and beef and dairy cattle), animal health and welfare, farm management, caring for the land during drought and key services and assistance available to farmers. The guide is not intended to be a complete manual on running the farm during drought. However, it provides some basic information for producers to consider before making decisions on how to manage droughts.

Keywords: beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, health, husbandry, production, welfare, feeding, disasters, drought, farm management, livestock farming, sheep feeders. Copyright© 2003, CAB International


Marshall, T.T.; Hoover, T.S.; Reiling, B.A.; Downs, K.M. (1998). Experiential learning in the animal sciences: effect of 13 years of a beef cattle management practicum. Journal of Animal Science 76 (11): 2947-2952. ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Abstract: As the source of students shifts from rural to urban and suburban communities, students entering agricultural programs have less practical livestock experience. The career goals indicated by most of these students require knowledge of and experience with practical applications of their course work. The objective of this study was to examine the profile of students enrolled in an experiential beef cattle course 1) to describe the demographic and occupational characteristics of students enrolled and 2) to assess the perceived value of course activities to graduates completing the course as related to their skill attainment and career development. The questionnaire was sent to all 312 students who were enrolled in the course from 1983 to 1996. Over 61% of the respondents indicated they had enrolled in the course to gain experience working with beef cattle. Over 39% took the course to enhance their application to the College of Veterinary Medicine. When asked to rate the value of the course, as it related to skill development, they noted it was most helpful in teaching cattle handling skills, growth performance measurement, live animal evaluation, nutritional management, carcass and meat product value determination, and breed identification.

Keywords: agricultural education, animal husbandry, curriculum, students, career education, career planning, learning, professional competence, growth, performance, evaluation, identification, surveys.


McAllister, T.A.; Gibb, D.J.; Kemp, R.A.; Huisma, C.; Olson, M.E.; Milligan, D.; Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K. S. (2000). Electronic identification: applications in beef production and research. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 80 (3): 381-392, ISSN: 0008-3984.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 C163

Keywords: beef production, research, health, disease, electronic individual identification, traceback systems, technology, data collection in natural production environments, temperature, pH, body weight, feed intake, electronics, transponders, Canada.


Morris, C.A.; Mackay, A.D. (2002). Moving towards low-chemical farming with sheep and cattle: The potential of a breeding approach. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, pp. 81-85, ISSN: 0370-2731.

NAL Call Number: 49.9 N483

Keywords: cattle, sheep, beef cattle industry, sheep industry, heritability, livestock farming, low chemical farming.


National Research Council (2000). Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle Subcommittee on Beef Cattle Nutrition, Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., 7th rev. ed., 232 p., ISBN: 0309069343.

NAL Call Number: SF203.N88 2000

Keywords: energy, protein, growth, body reserves, reproduction, minerals.


Newham, L. (1994). Beef Cattle: Breeding, Feeding and Showing Inkata Press: Chatswood, Australia, 148p.

NAL Call Number: SF207 N48 1994

Keywords: breeding, conformation, genetics, feeding, health, showing, show ring protocol, preparation for the show ring.


Northcutt, S.L.; Dolezal, H.G.; Gill, D.R. (1996). Feeder cattle specifications for the twenty, first century. Journal of Animal Science 74 (Suppl. 1):5, ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Keywords: body weight, carcass merit, feed efficiency, genetics, marketing, performance, selection.


Nova, V.; Jezkova, A.; Stadnik, L. (2002). Indicators of economic efficiency in beef cattle breeding. [Wskazniki ekonomicznej hodowli bydla ras miesnych.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 40 (2): 259-269, ISSN: 0209-2492.

NAL Call Number: SF1 K7

Keywords: breed, Aberdeen-Angus, Charolais, Limousin, breed comparisons, body weight, daily weight gains, growth, reproductive efficiency, economic efficiency, Polish language.


Nygaard, H.; Stendal, M.; Flyue, J.C. (2000). Annual Report 1999. National Committee on Danish Cattle Husbandry. National Committee on Dairy Cattle Husbandry. Aarhus, Denmark, 51p.

Keywords: dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, research, animal husbandry, milk production, feeding, milking, calving, breeding, milk yield, Denmark.


Olson, K.E.; Baumgardt, B.R.; Sapp, C.L.; Glenn, B.P. (2002). The ARPAS-FASS-AAA animal care project. Journal of Dairy Science 85 (Suppl. 1):168, ISSN: 0022-0302.

NAL Call Number: 44.8 J822

Keywords: beef cattle, chicken, broiler, layer, dairy cattle, human, consumer, pig, sheep, turkey, animal care, handling, public education, well-being.


Owens, F.N. (1997). Sources of animal science research information: usefulness and reliability. Journal of Animal Science 75 (2):331-8.ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Abstract: Fifty-two animal scientists (8 private consultants, 22 feed industryrepresentatives, 22 university personnel) were surveyed regarding frequency of use and reliability of information from 27 different publications and information sources. Among the information sources, these scientists (6 dairy specialists, 25 beef cattle specialists, 17 swine specialists, 4 dealing with multiple species) most frequently scanned Feedstuffs, the Journal of Animal Science, National Research Council (NRC) species bulletins, abstracts from regional and national meetings of either ASAS or ADSA, annual reports from experiment stations, and proceedings from state nutrition conferences. Differences among species specialties were detected: dairy specialists read the Journal of Dairy Science, abstracts from ADSA meetings, Dairy Herd Management, Hoard”s Dairyman quite extensively; beef specialists read Beef and National Cattleman frequently; and swine specialists used the Pfizer Conference, National Hog Farmer, and Pork 95. Frequency of use rankings of publications were surprisingly similar for feed industry and university specialists; however, private consultants tended to use certain publications (Professional Animal Scientist, Feed Management, Beef Today) to a greater degree. For reliability, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Dairy Science, NRC bulletins, the Professional Animal Scientist, Pfizer Report, and reports from ASAS and ADSA meetings received the highest rankings, and university workers ranked reliability of NRC publications and Animal Feed Science and Technology higher than feed industry personnel. Regarding timeliness of information, Feedstuffs, National Hog Farmer, Pork 95, and reports from state nutrition conferences ranked best, and NRC bulletins, Journal of Animal Science, and Journal of Dairy Science ranked lowest. Applicability of information was correlated with frequency of use (r = .38**) and presumed reliability (r = .59**). Asked whether some formal appraisal of articles appearing in the popular press by a panel of specialists would be desirable, 88% of the scientists, especially private consultants and university personnel, favored or were neutral toward pre- or postpublication appraisal. Mechanisms to institute such an appraisal system are outlined and ethical responsibilities of researchers, reviewers, administrators, and societies related to research information are discussed.


Petit, M.; D’Hour, P. (Jan.1997). Adaptation of suckling cattle to difficult nutritional environment. Hardy breeds, biological diversity and land management. Examples carried out in the centre INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) of Clermont-Ferrand - Theix (France). [Adaptation de bovins allaitants a des milieux nutritionnels difficiles. Races rustiques, diversite biologique et gestion de l’espace. Exemples d’etudes realisees sur le centre INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique de Clermont-Ferrand - Theix.)] In: Domestic Animals and Land Management [Animaux Domestiques et Gestion De L’espace] Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris (France). Delegation Permanente a l’Environnement, Federation des Parcs Naturels Regionaux: Paris, France, No. 11, pp. 57-60, ISSN: 1257-4627.

Keywords: environmental factors, adaptation, grazing, feed intake, breeds, Auvergne, French language, France.


Phillips, C. (2002). Cattle Behaviour and Welfare: Second Edition Blackwell Science: Oxford, UK, 264p., ISBN: 0-632-05645-2.

NAL Call Number: SF202.5 P45 2002

Keywords: play behavior, social behavior, nutritional behavior, reproductive behavior, resting behavior, locomotion, adaptation, perception, cognition, selective breeding, welfare, human animal relationship, welfare, measuring welfare, welfare of dairy cows, disease, hunger, malnutrition, milking, housing, tail docking, welfare of beef cattle and draft oxen, housing, pasture, dystocia, welfare of calves, calf behavior, housing, handling, veal calves, welfare of cattle during transport, marketing, slaughter, stunning, ritual slaughter.


Pihamaa, P.; Pietola, K. (2002). Optimal beef cattle management under agricultural policy reforms in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland 11 (1): 3-11, ISSN: 1239-0992.

NAL Call Number: S3 A335

Keywords: agricultural policy, beef cattle, beef production, carcass weight, feeding, husbandry, mathematical models, prices, production costs, returns, subsidies, profit, Finland


Reed, B.K.; Reed, S.N.K. (2002). Increasing level of cooperative learning improves student performance in a beef cattle production course. Journal of Animal Science 80 (Suppl. 2): 33, ISSN: 0021-8812.

NAL Call Number: 49 J82

Keywords: beef cattle, human, student, beef cattle production course, classroom attendance, cooperative learning, student performance.


Reynnells, R.; Blake, J. (2002). Future Trends in Animal Agriculture: Standards for Food Animal Production: Status, Well-being, and Social Responsibility. Proceedings, September 18, 2002, Washington, DC. Available online at:

NAL Call Number: aSF51 F88 2002

Keywords: livestock, poultry, standards, future plans, farm representatives, commodity organizations, specialty markets.


Roderick, S.; Short, N.; Hovi, M. (1996). Organic Livestock Production: Animal Health and Welfare Research Priorities Department of Agriculture, University of Reading: Reading, UK, 30p.

Keywords: dairy cattle, beef cattle, cows, ewes, broilers, egg production, transport of animals, disease prevention, surveys, mastitis, ectoparasites, dermatomycoses, animal diseases, organic farming, animal welfare, animal health, hosts, parasites, helminths, United Kingdom.


Sasaki, Y. (2001). Beef cattle breeding and its trend in Japan. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 14 (Special Issue): 111-122, ISSN: 1011-2367.

NAL Call Number: SF55 A78A7

Keywords: breed, Japanese Black, Japanese Brown-Kumamoto, Kouchi, Japanese Shorthorn, Japanese Polled, Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, WAGYU., judging, good visual quality, soft and elastic hides, fine and soft hair, good horn, fine bones in legs, clean-cut face, performance testing, progeny testing, meat productivity, breeding scheme, field recording, carcass traits, genome analysis, genetic method, marker-assisted selection, breeding method, genetic method.


Small, J.A.; McCaughey, W.P. (1999). Beef cattle management in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 79 (4): 539-544.

NAL Call Number: 41.8 C163

Abstract: A survey was conducted to document general characteristics of beef cattle management and identify producer concerns in Manitoba. The survey was divided into five sections: (i) characterization of farm operation, (ii) winter management, (iii) forage and pasture management, (iv) reproductive management and (v) factors limiting profitability and the use of non-traditional management tools. The survey provided base information for measuring change in the industry and identified cost of production pasture, and reproduction as the top three factors that producers consider limiting the profitability of beef operations in Manitoba.

Keywords: husbandry, farm surveys, geographical variation, beef production, winter, grassland management, forage, reproduction, livestock numbers, profitability, Manitoba, Canada.


Smeaton, D.C.; Bown, M.D.; Clayton, J.B. (2000). Optimum live weight, feed intake, reproduction, and calf output in beef cows on North Island hill country, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 43 (1): 71-82, ISSN: 0028-8233.

NAL Call Number: 23 N4892

Keywords: beef cows, Hereford X Friesian, breed, live weight profiles, dry matter intake, slow release chromic oxide capsules, fecal grab sampling, in vitro digestibility, daily gain, calf weaning weight, New Zealand.


Smith, B.J. (1998). Moving’ Em: A Guide to Low Stress Animal Handling The Graziers Hui: Kamuela, Hawaii, 352p.

NAL Call Number: SF202.7 S65 1998

Keywords: handling, herding, driving, stockmanship, stress, history, culture, senses, perception, social behavior.


Smith, D.L.; Wilson, L.L.; Nordstrom, P.A.; Richards, M.J. (1998). Swine and beef producer evaluation of handling, transportation, and other management factors. The Professional Animal Scientists 14 (4): 201-206.

NAL Call Number: SF51 P76

Keywords: pig farmers, farmers’ attitudes, beef production, change, stress factors, pigs, beef cattle, animal welfare, transport of animals, dark cutting meat, porcine stress syndrome, transport personnel, livestock transporters, Pennsylvania.


Smith, R.A. (2000). Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Conference, American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, September 21-23, 2000, 190p.

Keywords: conferences, dairy cattle, cows, beef cattle, feeding, calf feeding, cattle feeding, calves, feeds, animal husbandry, animal welfare, diseases, injuries, milk, reproduction.


Spedding, C.; Esslemont, R.; Kossaibati, M.A.; Naish, D.; Scott, P.; Maclean, C.; Suckling, A.; Batty, A. (1996). Welfare Problems of Food Animals and Horses: 2. The Economics of Food Animal Welfare Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, UK, Animal Health Trust, UK, British Veterinary Association Animal Welfare Foundation, 29 p.

Keywords: labeling, quality labelling, retail marketing, consumer behavior, subsidies, support measures, animal welfare, food marketing, conference paper, United Kingdom.


Tarocco, C. (1999). The policy of European Union for animal protection (welfare). [La UE guarda alla protezione degli animali (benessere).] Informatore Zootecnico 46 (2): 22-24, ISSN: 0020-0778.

Keywords: animal welfare, regulations, vocational training, behavior, animal husbandry methods, animal husbandry equipment, physical activity, European Union, Italian language, Italy.


Thomas, H.S. (1998). Guide to Raising Beef Cattle Storey Books Pownal, Vt. 343p., ISBN: 1580173276.

NAL Call Number: SF207.T47 1998b

Keywords: breeds, genetics, handling, behavior, buying, selling, pasture, fencing, facilities, feeding, health, growing and breeding heifers, care of the cow, care of the calf, weaning, breeding, Cooperative Extension resources, breed organizations.


Thomas, V.M. (1992). Beef Cattle Production: An Integrated Approach Waveland Press: Prospect Heights, IL, 270p., ISBN: 0881336602.

Keywords: breeds, selection, breeding programs, reproduction, feeding, health, calf management, pasture and range management, facilities.


Vecchiettini, M.; Giardini, A(1999). Animal welfare and protection of the environment (beef cattle husbandry). [Benessere animale e tutela ambientale (allevamento dei bovini da carne).] Informatore Zootecnico 46(3): 55-56, 73-76, ISSN: 0020-0778.

Keywords: animal welfare, meat yield, environmental protection, farmyard manure, liquid manures, pollutants, animal husbandry, animal husbandry methods, stocking density, Italian language, Italy.


Verhoog, H. (2000). Defining positive welfare and animal integrity. In: Diversity of Livestock Systems and Definition of Animal Welfare. Proceedings of the Second NAHWOA Workshop, Cordoba, Spain, 8-11 January 2000, Hovi, M.; Garcia Trujillo, R. (Eds.), University of Reading Library (RUL): Reading, UK, pp.108-119 120-134, ISBN: 0-7049-1092-6. Available online at:

Keywords: animal welfare, livestock, organic farming.


Webster, A.J.F (2001). Farm animal welfare: the five freedoms and the free market. The Veterinary Journal 161 (3) 229-237, ISSN: 1090-0233.

NAL Call Number: SF601.V484

Keywords: review, scientific, ethical and economic factors, animal welfare, ethical matrix, wellbeing, autonomy, fitness, suffering, husbandry, legislation, free market, quality assurance schemes, quality control, independent audit.


Wierenga, H.K.; Blokhuis, H.J. (1997). Cattle welfare, science and policy. Presented at the XIX World Buiatrics Congress, Edinburgh, UK, July 8-12, 1996, Vol.32, No.31.2, p. 16-18, ISSN: 0524-1685.

Keywords: animal welfare, veal calves, beef cattle, dairy cows, health, behavior, housing, milk production, transport of animals.


Wilkins, J.F.; McKiernan, W.A. (1998). Beef-the path forward. NSW Agriculture Beef Products Conference, Armidale, Australia, November 1998, Library, NSW Agriculture: Orange, Australia, 219 p., ISBN: 0-7347-1005-4.

Keywords: meat production, meat quality, genetics, nutrition, economics, animal behavior, Australia.


Younie, D.; Wilkinson, J.M. (2001). Organic Livestock Farming. Papers Presented at Conference Held at the Heriod-watt University, Edinburgh and at the University of Reading, UK, February 9-19, 2001, 179 p., Chalcombe Publications: Lincoln, UK, ISBN: 0-948617-45-4.

Keywords: beef, dairy, swine, sheep, poultry, organic livestock farming, organic meat, marketing, health, animal welfare, consumer attitudes, grassland management.


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