Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 11b. Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation for the United States: 2002 and 1993

[Estimates are based on data from the 2002 and 1993 Commodity Flow Surveys. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive]

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Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles per shipment
(million $)
(milllion $)
Percent change 2002
Percent change 2002
Percent change 2002 1993 Percent change
Total 8,397,210 5,846,334 43.6 11,667,919 9,688,493 20.4 3,137,898 2,420,915 29.6 546 424 28.9
Single modes 7,049,383 4,941,452 42.7 11,086,660 8,922,286 24.3 2,867,938 2,136,873 34.2 240 197 21.8
Truck2 6,235,001 4,403,494 41.6 7,842,836 6,385,915 22.8 1,255,908 869,536 44.4 173 144 20.0
Rail 310,884 247,394 25.7 1,873,884 1,544,148 21.4 1,261,612 942,561 33.8 807 766 5.3
Water 89,344 61,628 45.0 681,227 505,440 34.8 282,659 271,998 3.9 568 S S
Air (includes truck and air) 264,959 139,086 90.5 3,760 3,139 19.8 5,835 4,009 45.5 1,919 1,415 35.7
Pipeline3 149,195 89,849 66.1 684,953 483,645 41.6 S S S S S S
Multiple modes 1,079,185 662,603 62.9 216,686 225,676 −4.0 225,715 191,461 17.9 895 736 21.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 987,746 563,277 75.4 25,513 18,892 35.0 19,004 13,151 44.5 894 734 21.8
Truck and rail 69,929 83,082 −15.8 42,984 40,624 5.8 45,525 37,675 20.8 1,413 1,403 0.7
Other multiple modes 21,510 16,244 32.4 148,189 166,160 −10.8 161,187 140,635 14.6 1,596 1,302 22.6
Other and unknown modes 268,642 242,279 10.9 364,573 540,530 −32.6 44,245 92,581 −52.2 130 229 −43.2

– Represents data cell equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.

1 Ton-miles estimates are based on estimated distances traveled along a modeled transportation network. See "Mileage Calculations" section for additional information.
2 "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private truck and for-hire truck.
3 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTES: Value-of-shipments estimates have not been adjusted for price changes. Appendix B tables provide estimated measures of sampling variability. The Introduction and appendixes give information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions. Links to this information on the Internet may be found at www.census.gov/cfs.
Coverage for the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) differs from the previous surveys due to a change from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System to the 1997 North American Industry Classification System and other survey improvements. Therefore, data users are urged to use caution when comparing 2002 CFS estimates with estimates from prior years.

SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (USDOT) and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, United States Data, December 2004.