American Association of School Administrators
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New for 2009! Introducing the NCE Mentor Program
Feb. 19-21, 2009 • Moscone Convention Center • San Francisco, Calif.

Are you an aspiring superintendent, or have you been a superintendent for less than five years? Get a mentor! Mentors will provide answers to your questions, an ear to bend and a lifelong partnership. Mentors will gain a fresh perspective from YOU. To BE or HAVE a mentor, register online now.

AASA Coming Events - Save the Dates!

Leading Bold Change Certification Workshop — Sept. 23-24, 2008, McLean, Va.
"AASA’s Take on Election 2008 - Who Has a Platform Worth Standing On?" — Virtual Seminar, 1-2:30 p.m. ET, Oct. 21, 2008
AASA Aspiring Leaders Workshop  — Oct. 30, 2008, Savannah, Ga.
AASA Women in School Leadership Forum — Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008, Savannah, Ga.
Leading Bold Change Certification Workshop — Nov. 5-6, 2008, McLean, Va.
From Systems Thinking To Systemic Action — Nov. 10-11, 2008, Arlington, Va.
2009 National Conference on Education — Feb. 19-21, 2009, San Francisco, Calif.

Hot Topic
School Boards Adopt AASA Resolution on ESEA - AASA members are working with their school boards and other relevant organizations to adopt a resolution in support of AASA’s “All Children Will Learn” legislative agenda for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (09/22/2008)

Hurricane Emergency Preparedness - Take time during Preparedness Month in September to make sure your school system is prepared for the unexpected.  (09/02/2008)

2008 Back-to-School Toolkit - Get the new school year off to a strong start with this exciting new resource! Includes a short back-to-school video. (08/01/2008)

AASA Fuel and Energy Snapshot Survey - Rising fuel and energy costs are taking a toll on school system budgets nationwide, according to survey results released by AASA today. (07/29/2008)

AASA Working for You
  • AASA Award Deadlines Approaching: Act Now!

  • AASA Scholarships to Attend 9th Annual IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium Now Available! This meeting will be held Dec. 4-6, 2008, in Washington, D.C. AASA will be sponsoring a limited number of teams. To be considered, download and complete the application form (Word) and submit by Friday, Sept. 26, 2008. (08/18/2008)

  • AASA Offers Members Voter Registration Form Finder - Find your state’s link to voter registration forms (click on ‘voter information link’). (09/18/2008)

  • Tell Your Story – AASA’s Children’s Programs seeks to promote promising practices that impact the lives of students. If you have successfully implemented a policy or practice that you would like to share with AASA and your colleagues, read more and submit your success story through our online form today! (09/16/2008)

News You Can Use
  • Read for the Record - AASA and the Pearson Foundation invite you to participate in this campaign on Oct. 2 to bring awareness to the importance of reading to young children. (09/12/2008)

  • Mark Your calendar: Walk to School Day is Oct. 8, 2008 - If you haven't already taken steps in your community to get students walking and biking to school safely, consider this great opportunity to get started. For ideas on how to plan an event, visit For resources on making walking and biking to school an integral part of your community, visit the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. AASA is a member of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. (09/22/2008)

  • High School Agenda: Who’s Doing What - This PDF from ECS provides information on the projects, initiatives and resources of national education and policy organizations on the subject of high school improvement.  (08/11/2008)

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