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For Rep. Paul, each piece of legislation must be examined for its constitutionality; that is, on the basis of whether or not the US Constitution allows the Congress or the Federal Government to engage in the actions described by the proposed legislation. If the Constitution does not allow it, then it must be opposed. (Read the text of the Constitution here).

When a Member of Congress is said to have "sponsored" legislation, this means they are the primary author and originator of the legislation for that particular Congress. A co-sponsor is a Member of Congress who joins with the sponsor in originally introducing the legislation, or officially supporting it after the measure has been formally introduced to the Congress.

You may search for legislation using a key word or phrase (such as 'abortion' or 'guns'), or using a bill number like (such as h.r. 1425, S. 896, h.j.res. 125, sconres 24, H.Res. 99).

110th Congress

For the 110th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

109th Congress

For the 109th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

108th Congress

For the 108th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has:

107th Congress

For the 107th Congress legislation Rep. Paul has: