FY 2007 Program Performance Report

The Program Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2007 provides information on the performance of programs administered by the Department. Each program is linked to a strategic goal.

Goal 1: Create a Culture of Achievement

This goal provides a philosophical foundation for goals 2-5. The Department does not identify specific programs as supporting this goal.

Goal 2: Improve Student Achievement

Goal 3: Develop Safe Schools and Strong Character

Goal 4: Transform Education into an Evidence-Based Field

Goal 5: Enhance the Quality of and Access to Postsecondary and Adult Education
  • AEFLA: Adult Basic and Literacy State Grants  download files Word (120K)
  • AEFLA: Adult Education National Leadership Activities  download files Word (40K)
  • AEFLA: National Institute for Literacy  download files Word (52K)
  • ATA: Assistive Technology Programs  download files Word (72K)
  • CTEA: Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational and Technical Institutions  download files Word (44K)
  • EDA: Gallaudet University  download files Word (316K)
  • EDA: National Technical Institute for the Deaf  download files Word (216K)
  • HEA: AID Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions  download files Word (92K)
  • HEA: AID Minority Science and Engineering Improvement  download files Word (60K)
  • HEA: AID Strengthening Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions  download files Word (88K)
  • HEA: AID Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities  download files Word (80K)
  • HEA: AID Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions  download files Word (64K)
  • HEA: AID Strengthening Institutions  download files Word (92K)
  • HEA: AID Strengthening Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities  download files Word (92K)
  • HEA: B.J. Stupak Olympic Scholarships  download files Word (56K)
  • HEA: Byrd Honors Scholarships  download files Word (68K)
  • HEA: Child Care Access Means Parents In School  download files Word (76K)
  • HEA: College Assistance Migrant Program  download files Word (60K)
  • HEA: Demonstration Projects to Ensure Quality Higher Education for Students with Disabilities  download files Word (48K)
  • HEA: Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education  download files Word (68K)
  • HEA: Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP)  download files Word (112K)
  • HEA: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN)  download files Word (152K)
  • HEA: International Education and Foreign Language Studies Domestic Programs  download files Word (268K)
  • HEA: International Education and Foreign Language Studies Institute for International Public Policy  download files Word (52K)
  • HEA: Javits Fellowships  download files Word (68K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Direct Student Loans  download files Word (52K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Family Education Loan Program & Liquidating  download files Word (52K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Pell Grants  download files Word (48K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Perkins Loans  download files Word (52K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants  download files Word (36K)
  • HEA: SFA Federal Work-Study  download files Word (36K)
  • HEA: SFA Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships  download files Word (36K)
  • HEA: Student Aid Administration  download files Word (64K)
  • HEA: TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers  download files Word (48K)
  • HEA: TRIO McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement  download files Word (72K)
  • HEA: TRIO Student Support Services  download files Word (96K)
  • HEA: TRIO Talent Search  download files Word (72K)
  • HEA: TRIO Upward Bound  download files Word (64K)
  • HEA: Underground Railroad Program  download files Word (40K)
  • HKNCA: Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults  download files Word (116K)
  • MECEA: International Education and Foreign Language Studies Overseas Programs  download files Word (112K)
  • RA: Client Assistance State Grants  download files Word (56K)
  • RA: Independent Living Centers  download files Word (108K)
  • RA: Independent Living Services for Older Blind Individuals  download files Word (60K)
  • RA: Independent Living State Grants  download files Word (76K)
  • RA: Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers  download files Word (52K)
  • RA: Projects with Industry  download files Word (84K)
  • RA: Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights  download files Word (44K)
  • RA: Supported Employment State Grants  download files Word (48K)
  • RA: Vocational Rehabilitation Demonstration and Training Programs  download files Word (60K)
  • RA: Vocational Rehabilitation Grants for Indians  download files Word (60K)
  • RA: Vocational Rehabilitation Recreational Programs  download files Word (40K)
  • RA: Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants  download files Word (160K)
  • RA: Vocational Rehabilitation Training  download files Word (152K)
  • USC: Howard University  download files Word (80K)
  • VTEA: Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational and Technical Institutions  download files Word (44K)

Goal 6: Establish Management Excellence

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Last Modified: 11/20/2007