Sixth District of New Jersey

CONTACT: Andrew Souvall 

May 9, 2007

or Heather Lasher Todd 

                                                                                                                                     (202) 225-4671



Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) made the following statement yesterday in U.S. House of Representatives to commemorate the historic power sharing agreement in Northern Ireland and the swearing in of Assembly Members in Belfast.


"Madam Speaker, I come to the floor this evening to discuss the historic power sharing agreement in Northern Ireland as leaders today were finally sworn in to the Northern Ireland Assembly outside of Belfast.


            "The people of Northern Ireland are long past ready for the assembly to meet and take the final steps towards lasting peace, prosperity and devolved government.  It is important for the members of the assembly -- particularly party leaders Martin McGuinness and Ian Paisley -- to not dwell in the past but rather get to work on building a strong economy and providing for the people of Northern Ireland. 


            "We must remember the 3,500 people that died and thousands more that were injured during the Troubles over the last 30 years.  But now is a time of peace and a time for the people of Northern Ireland to look forward.


            "Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are to be commended for their lasting commitment to permanent peace and justice in the North of Ireland.  It is my hope that the next Prime Minister of Great Britain will share Mr. Blair's passion and perseverance for lasting peace in Northern Ireland. 


            "The progress made in Northern Ireland is absolutely remarkable considering the violent past it has had.  I would like to commend Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams for taking the steps necessary towards completely disbanding the IRA and supporting the policing institutions so that an agreement could be made.


            "I would also like to thank Ian Paisley for finally saying "yes" and sitting at the table with Gerry Adams.  Both sides made difficult concessions during this process but the concessions are worthwhile to bring an end to the tragic violence. 


            "It is now time for the two sides to fully work together to improve schools, roads, hospitals and the economy so that the people of Northern Ireland can have the representation they deserve. 


            "Madam Speaker, this truly is a historic day for Northern Ireland as it steps into a future of peace and diplomacy and steps out of a past filled with violence and unease."


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