Sixth District of New Jersey

CONTACT: Andrew Souvall 

December 9, 2005

or Heather Lasher Todd 

                                                                                                                                     (202) 225-4671


Act Would Allow Families of Permanent Resident Aliens to Visit U.S. on Temporary Basis

Washington, D.C. --- U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), founder of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, introduced legislation this week in the U.S. House of Representatives to allow the spouses and children of permanent resident aliens to visit their families in the United States.   Permanent resident aliens are individuals who have come into this country legally and are gainfully employed.

“This legislation is intended to fill a void in our current immigration policy that has resulted in permanent resident aliens, people who have come into this country legally and who are gainfully employed, being separated from their spouses and children, often for periods of several years,” Pallone said. 

“This bill would simply make it easier for family members to come to the United States on a temporary basis, for events such as holidays and weddings and for those children who wish to attend school.  There are provisions to penalize those who overstay their visas," Pallone continued.

“It should be pointed out that the legislation will not result in an increase in the numbers of immigrants admitted annually, it will not have an impact on the labor market, and it will not have any adverse effects on any government social programs, since the spouses would not be entitled to these benefits,” Pallone continued.  “It is a very modest proposal intended only to bring some relief to families separated by unfortunate administrative delays.”

Pallone said his legislation is necessary, because current law prejudges nonimmigrant visitors who have petitioned for permanent residents.  The New Jersey Congressman’s legislation would eliminate the implication that the mere existence of a petition for permanent residence somehow suggests that an applicant will not return to his or her home nation and would remain in the United States after the expiration of a temporary visa. 

Pallone said his legislation is an equitable solution that simply grants to immigrant family members the same opportunity to visit the United States as all others desiring to come here as visitors or students.

The New Jersey Congressman’s legislation anticipates the possibility that some visitors may violate the terms of their visas by overstaying the period for which the visa provides.  The legislation would penalize spouses or children of permanent residents who overstay their visas by allowing the U.S. Secretary of State the ability to delay their permanent visa petitions for one year if visa durations are violated.


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