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Perspectives from the Regional Administrator


Kristin Dunbar and Greg Weiler

March 2008 Customer Service Award Winners

Kristin Dunbar and Greg Weiler - March 2008 Customer Service Award WinnersIn a perfect world, planning a conference would be a highly organized affair. We would have time to deliberate over the perfect font for name cards, practice and refine speeches, and compile handouts two weeks early. Like most of us, though, Gerardo Acosta of the Multimedia Planning and Permitting Division does not live in a perfect world. Luckily for him, though, his non-perfect world includes 6PD colleagues like Kristin Dunbar and Greg Weiler. For coming to Gerardo’s rescue and staving off pre-conference panic, this pair won the March 2008 Customer Service Award.

Gerardo was planning a training session for insecticide inspectors at a workshop hosted by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The session would help inspectors improve their communication with workers who handle insecticides to better determine if they were subject to any violations. Gerardo’s strategy included giving each inspector a copy of a CD with Spanish translations of information on worker safety. Great idea, right? What he didn’t count on, though, was the CDs coming in a week late from the supplier, leaving him very little time to prepare this crucial component of his training materials.

He called on Kristin and Greg to prepare 45 copies of the CD in time for the workshop. Despite their normal responsibilities piling up around them, both readily agreed to help out. They made the copies in four hours, ensuring the CDs would be ready to hand out at the training session. “EPA’s image in the agriculture fields will be improved wherever the inspectors use the tools and information provided in the CDs,” said Gerardo. “Kristin and Greg’s good attitude, professionalism and resourcefulness are just icing on their cake of customer service.”

Kristin has worked in 6PD-Pesticides since August 2007. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology from University of North Texas. Greg has worked in pesticides for 17 ½ years. He has a master’s degree in agronomy and soil science from New Mexico State University and a bachelor’s in botany and environmental science from Northern Arizona University.

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Glenn DeAtley

February 2008 Customer Service Award Winner

Glenn DeAtley - February 2008 Customer Service Award WinnerWhat do you know about disposing of fluorescent light bulbs? What about recycling used motor oil? Cleaning up meth labs? Not much, right? Luckily, if you do have a question about those or 36 other topics, you can feel confident in calling on Glenn DeAtley for the answers. Glenn, a Senior Environmental Employee who puts the “multi” in the Multimedia Planning and Permitting Division, won the February 2008 Customer Service Award for his enthusiastic professionalism in responding to citizen questions on a near-staggering array of topics.

Further adding to Glenn’s distinction is the fact that his nomination came from outside of 6PD. Pat Gaspar of the Office of the Regional Administrator and Doloris Oldham of External Affairs, who answer calls on Region 6’s Public Information Center (PIC) hotline, wanted to recognize Glenn for fielding so many inquiries that result from these calls. “His responses are always professional, thorough, and timely. Those who answer the PIC line are deeply indebted to Glenn because he lightens their load by being so responsive to the callers’ inquiries,” Pat said.

PIC operators use a database of topics to look up R6 employees who can answer callers’ specific questions. Glenn’s name appears in the database as the man to call on 39 of those topics, from illegal dumping to household hazardous waste. He sees that every call he gets is resolved, whether it takes a few minutes or a few months. “Because of Glenn’s commitment to helping people understand and resolve environmental issues, he leaves every caller with a positive image of the Region,” said Doloris.

Glenn has worked at EPA for 12 years in 6PD’s Solid Waste section. Before that, he spent his career in the farm equipment manufacturing industry, putting his bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Missouri and master’s in secondary education from Washington University in St. Louis to good use.

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Tom Dunne meets with Region 6 Administrator Richard Greene and Deputy Administrator Larry StarfiledTom Dunne, EPA Associate Administrator for Homeland Security, visits Region 6

Region 6 Administrator Richard E. Greene welcomed Tom Dunne, Headquarters Associate Administrator for Homeland Security, to Dallas for an update on Region 6 emergency preparedness. Information covering the Response Support Corps, water security, laboratory preparedness, internal preparedness, RadNet, and the Picher, Oklahoma, tornado response was presented throughout the morning to Mr. Dunne and Region 6 senior management. Region 6 is meeting a high standard to achieve our mission of protecting human health and the environment in the event of a disaster.

Jon Rinehart

January 2008 Customer Service Award Winner

Beverly Negri and Sam Coleman look on as Adminstrator Greene presents the January Customer Service Award to Jon Rinehart.As government employees, we fulfill a meaningful public mission. Rarely, though, does the general public get to know specific details about what we do. This “behind the scenes” side of our work makes it even more special when the public acknowledges the positive affect our agency has on their lives. Jon Rinehart of the Superfund division recently experienced such gratitude from a group of concerned parents, and in turn his Region 6 colleagues selected him as January’s Customer Service Award winner.

Jon worked with several parents from the Austin area who were rightly concerned about their school district’s choice of where to place a new elementary school: in an abandoned chemical plant. In a letter to Administrator Richard Greene, they said Jon “always put concern for the children first, and for that we will be forever grateful.”

Jon ensured that the parents were informed during the petitioning process, and made sure that any findings on the proposed school site were included in the official record. Partly because of Jon’s efforts, the parents felt that their “interaction with EPA has been by far the most positive” during their fight. In addition to protecting their own children, the parents also hope to see the state pass legislation restricting the type of property on which new schools can be built.

Beverly Negri, Jon’s Superfund colleague, nominated him for January’s award. Jon has worked at EPA for about 20 years, in Superfund as well as the Multimedia Planning and Permitting division. He has a bachelor’s degree in geology from Central Missouri and a master’s in the same field from the University of Nebraska.

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Vickie Johnson

December 2006 Customer Service Award winner

awarded February 2008

Regional Counsel Charles Sheehan and Congressional Liaison Cynthia Fanning look on as Regional Administrator Richard Greene presents the December 2006 Customer Service Award to Vicki JohnsonMany of us have encountered this scenario: a citizen, group, or other government calls with a concern that may or may not be within our jurisdiction expecting a thorough and speedy response. Many of us may also respond similarly: make faces at the phone, and then try our best to come up with a response. Whether Vicki Johnson of Regional Counsel took the first step when presented with a series of tough questions from a congressman’s office is not a matter of record, but we do know that her response was such a home-run that it won her the Customer Service Award for December 2006.  

Cindy Fanning, External Affairs’ congressional liaison for Texas, came to Vicki with complex, sensitive questions from Congressman Chet Baker’s office regarding the coal-fire plant permitting process. Cindy knew she was asking a lot of Vicki: "The questions reflected a lack of understanding of EPA’s role, which required carefully crafted, plain-language response." And of course, the congressman wanted the responses quickly.

Vicki accomplished everything Rep. Baker’s office requested. She crafted nuanced, simple responses to most of the questions within the same day, and finished the rest the following day.Her speed was especially important because it meant EPA’s position was represented accurately and favorably in a newspaper article that ran soon after.

"Through these stress-filled days, Vicki never failed to do her best to represent the Agency’s interests.Her gentle shepherding garnered support and approval from every party involved," Cindy said. "She is a terrific asset to EPA."

Vicki has worked in Regional Counsel for seven years.She has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a law degree, both from the University of Houston.

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Employee forum highlights yearly accomplishments

Regional Administrator Richard Greene addresses employee forumLast year proved to be our most successful yet. We protected more acres of land, improved resources in more communities, and enhanced collaboration with our partners as never before. Every division, branch, section, and team in our organization can be proud of their contribution towards our record-breaking achievements in protecting human health and the Leadership Development Program student Sam Tates reviews values projectenvironment. We have attempted to capture these inspiring achievements in the 300-Day Accomplishments report and the Region’s Organizational Assessment, both of which highlight your success in reaching and surpassing many goals of 2007. The achievements outlined in these two reports are compelling, but they do not begin to recognize the countless individual acts and efforts behind them. While our Region and Agency will experience changes in 2008, your expertise and passion will remain a constant and ensure our continued success in protecting our nation’s environment.

I, along with the directors and our senior policy advisor, discussed the accomplishments report and this year's 400-Day Plan at the recent all-hands forum. Larry Starfield led the group in discussing topics that our executive team has been working on during their our executive sessions. The Leadership Development Program (LDP) also made a presentation on their project to define organizational values that are important for assuring a high-quality workplace in Region 6.

Taylor Sharpe

December 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

Taylor SharpeWe’ve all seen TV shows like CSI where investigators sort through vast databases and come up with all the information they need on a suspect with just a few keystrokes. While production on CSI: Enforcement Division isn’t in the works, determining what facilities to inspect for permit violations is much easier now for 6EN thanks to the innovation of Taylor Sharpe.

The division’s goal was to decide which facilities to inspect for NPDES permit violations. This would allow inspectors to target repeat offenders or those with the most serious violations, instead of choosing facilities more randomly. While the goal seemed like a great way to increase efficiency, it required creating a way to parse through 1.3 million pieces of data.

Taylor got to work on doing just that, eventually creating a new database with parameters that would allow program officers to customize their facilities searches. This project required database building, computer programming, as well as significant management skills. “Taylor was absolutely amazing in the way he kept other team members involved in the process,” said his nominator, Juan Ibarra. “He kept us involved in the development process to make sure the database would help us meet our goals.”

Taylor’s diligence resulted in a sleek, easily searchable database that allows enforcement officers to target facilities with exact specifications. They are even sharing their database with states in the Region. “This system could become a model for how other regions can both target facilities and manage data in a sortable and useable manner,” said Juan.

Taylor has done enforcement work at EPA for 15 years. He has a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Texas.

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Helen Nguyen

November 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

cWhen the people who usually help others with problems come calling with one of their own, it’s a clue that something unusual is happening. Helen Nguyen of the Enforcement Division encountered just such a scenario, and worked diligently until she found a solution to what would have been a nationwide problem. For rescuing the rescuers, Helen won the November 2007 Customer Service Award.

The Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance’s (OECA) computer support group struggled with an issue in the ICIS enforcement tracking system that incorrectly charged facilities with violations. OECA support, needing some fresh minds to tackle the problem, called Region 6’s Enforcement Division. Helen participated in a 40-minute conference call with OECA user support, trying to diagnose and remedy the problem. When that call yielded little progress, Helen continued working on her own.

After two days of troubleshooting, Helen not only determined the source of the problem but also worked out a solution to it. Because permit issuers agency-wide use the ICIS system, Helen provided a great service not just to her own team, but for all EPA employees and customers.

“Helen was very determined to figure out the root of the problem,” said Cathy Bius, who nominated Helen. “Identifying the problem in such a timely manner ensures that it is addressed quickly with a minimal impact on permits issued across the country.”

Helen has worked for EPA since 1987, with one year in the Multimedia Planning and Permitting Division and the rest in the Enforcement Division. She has an associate’s degree in computer science from Tarrant County Junior College.

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David Reel

October 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

David Reel October 2007 Customer Service Award WinnerIntern, rookie, the new guy in the office—anyone with one of these titles can expect to get a little extra grunt work thrown their way. David Reel, the “new guy” on the Brownfields Team since June, didn’t get out of the way when this happened to him. In fact, he volunteered to review several 30 to 40 page Quality Assurance Project Plans for colleagues who were tied up with assignments from headquarters. For this act of office bravery (and for coming through for one particular Brownfields grantee), David won the October 2007 Customer Service Award.

Before coming to work for Region 6 as a Corps of Engineers liaison for the Brownfields Team, David spent several years assisting the City of Houston’s Brownfields program. This background proved beneficial, as his nominator Casey Luckett-Snyder explained, when his experience contributed to quick turn-around time for several Brownfields grantees as well as his teammates.

Brownfields grantee the city of San Antonio was especially appreciative of David’s efforts. The city was working on its assessments up until the day their grant expired. David volunteered to help review, comment on, and approve their QAPPs, setting aside other work to do so. His quick work allowed San Antonio to assess three additional properties in the remaining two weeks of their grant.

“David’s enthusiasm for Brownfields and willingness to be a team player has been evident since his first day with the Brownfields Team,” said Casey. “We’re lucky to have his technical knowledge and expertise.”

Before starting in the Region 6 office in June 2007, David worked on the Brownfields Team in Houston since January 2003. He has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in geology from the University of South Florida.

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Jay Harris

September 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

Jay Harris September 2007 Customer Service Award WinnerJay Harris, a GAP project officer in the Office of Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs and winner of the September 2007 Customer Service Award, recently made it possible for the people of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas to maintain their own waste disposal services.  The tribe’s trash disposal vehicle was in such bad repair that local authorities warned tribal officials about continuing to use it.  The tribe applied for a grant to fund a new vehicle, but was unsuccessful.  Their only recourse seemed to be to contract with an outside disposal company, at significant cost to the tribe. 

After hearing of their dilemma, Jay wanted to help the tribe meet the grant requirements so they could buy a new vehicle.  With the end of the fiscal year only weeks away, this seemed unlikely.  But, by working tirelessly with tribal and EPA officials, Jay ensured that all of the grant requirements were met.  The Kickapoo people got their grant, allowing them to improve waste disposal services and save money for their tribe.

“Jay continuously and steadfastly advocated the importance of this request,” said his nominator, Todd Spinks.  “His management of this complex issue showed how committed he is to his clients’ needs.  Throughout the process, Jay presented himself and EPA with the highest standards of resourcefulness and enthusiasm.”

Jay has worked at EPA for almost 10 years. He has worked in Tribal for most of that time, and on detail in the Water Quality Protection Division for two years.  He has a bachelor’s degree in business from Grambling State University.

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Jeraldine “Jerri” Englerth

August 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

Jeraldine “Jerri” Englerth - August 2007 Customer Service Award WinnerSince endless acronyms and quirks of government-ese can make navigating EPA and other federal documents difficult for our own employees, it’s understandable that those outside government could find them even more challenging. Luckily for a group of Brownfields grant applicants, Jerri Englerth, grants management specialist in the Management Division and winner of the August 2007 customer service award, was there to make their application packages as clear as possible.

The Brownfields Team hosted an “Application Package 101” session for potential grantees in Oklahoma City and asked Jerri to attend.  “She is always ready to assist our team with all things grant related.  She sat with us, line by line, to make sure we got it right,” said Amber Perry of the Brownfields Team, who nominated Jerri for the award. 

 “Our grantees found her very approachable, knowledgeable and helpful.  She worked through the first four-hour session and continued to make herself available for the next two days of our meeting,” Amber said.

Amber and the Brownfields Team were not the only ones to recognize Jerri’s diligence.  Two officials from EPA Headquarters attended the session, and during a subsequent national Brownfields call both mentioned how innovative and helpful Jerri was.
After consulting her adding machine, Jerri was surprised to realize she has worked at EPA in the Management Division for 28 years.

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Susie Lopez

July 2007 Customer Service Award Winner

Susie Lopez - July 2007 Customer Service Award Winner“Just like the Energizer Bunny, she never stops,” Ken Johnson said of his Water Quality Protection Division colleague Susie Lopez in nominating her for a Customer Service Award.  Susie’s energy and efforts on many projects outside her direct responsibilities made her the perfect choice for the July 2007 award.

Susie, an engineer in the Groundwater/UIC section, has undertaken several projects within the last year that provided excellent customer service to her own division as well as EPA employees in other regions.  For example, she advised peers in Region 9 on an injection well test design and assisted Region 7 staff in reviewing a no-migration petition.  In addition, she gave three presentations at conferences in Washington, DC, and Austin; consulted with state officials in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana on injection well projects and permit revisions; and designed and implemented a plan for an injection well to address a citizen complaint. 

Ken cited Susie’s “positive attitude, amazing work ethic, flexibility, attention to detail and willingness to be a team player” as making her a great asset in their section. “Susie always goes above and beyond with her work.  State agencies, industry and other EPA regions regularly contact her for her extensive knowledge of technical issues.”

Susie has worked in 6WQ since 1995. She has a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Oklahoma State University.

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