Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. Representing the People of the 6th District of New Jersey Search the site:

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Page Program

Occasionally, I have the opportunity to appoint a high school student from our district as a Congressional Page. Page appointments for Democratic Members of the House are on a rotating basis assigned by the Speaker, who makes the final decision.

Due to this rotating system in the House, I am unable to recommend a page at this time. However, if you are interested in a future appointment, you may write to me and I will keep your request on file.

The positions, when available, are for the junior year in high school. You must be at least 16 at the time the appointment begins.

2007 Congressional Management Foudation Gold Mouse Award


237 Cannon Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3006
Phone: (202) 225-4671
Fax: (202) 225-9665
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67/69 Church St.
Kilmer Square
New Brunswick, N.J. 08901
Phone: (732) 249-8892
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504 Broadway
Long Branch, N.J. 07740
Phone: (732) 571-1140
(888) 423-1140
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