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Climate Change Seminars

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EPA's Office of the Science Advisor (OSA) and National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) are pleased to announce a new NCEE/OSA Climate Science Seminar Series. This seminar series will usually be held bimonthly and will examine a broad range of climate science issues, that may include: key forecasting challenges, new findings in climate science, human health and ecological impacts, and scientific controversies. Upcoming topics include climate modeling predictions and impacts of sea-level rise.

The objective of this series is for EPA staff, and interested outside researchers, to be well-informed about important emerging issues in climate change science. This series plans to present the best science and a broad spectrum of perspectives that interpret that science. To provide a clear understanding the latest climate change science, presenters will be selected who are good communicators and are recognized experts in their field of research. This series is intended to complement other climate seminars hosted by EPA that focus on economic, legal, and other policy areas.

In general, each seminar will last 90-minute with half of each seminar being devoted to a presentation and the other half reserved for questions and discussion. On occasion, we may arrange to have multiple researchers participate in a panel discussion or engage in a dialogue. If you already receive announcements for the general NCEE seminar series, you will receive notice of the climate science seminars automatically. If you do not receive these notices, please contact Carl Pasurka at pasurka.carl@epa.gov to be added to the circulation list.

If you have further questions, please contact Neil Stiber at stiber.neil@epa.gov .


October 16, 2008
Time: 1 pm
Place: Room 4144, EPA West, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Topic: Global Sea Level Rise
Speaker: Carl Wunsch (MIT)

November 18, 2008
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: 4th Floor Conference Room, Ronald Reagan Building, U.S. EPA, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Topic: Human Health Impacts of and Public Health Responses to Climate Change
Speaker: Kristie L. Ebi (independent consultant with ESS, LLC)

December 9, 2008
Time: 1:30 to 3pm
Place: Room 1117A, EPA East
Topic: Global Warming: What Is It All About?
Speaker: Richard Lindzen (MIT)

January 28, 2009
Time: 10am
Place: Room 4144, EPA West
Topic: Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on Earth’s Surface Temperature
Speaker: Judith Lean (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

February, 2009
Time: TBA
Place: TBA
Topic: Climate Change and Its Causes: A Discussion about Some Key Issues
Speaker: Nicola Scafetta (Duke University)

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