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 Research Areas

Water Protection Research
Image: Water Treament Facility

Water protection research leads to the development of products that aid in the protection, detection, response to, and recovery from terrorist attacks on the nation’s water and wastewater infrastructure. Read More | See Products

Research Topic: Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment (TEVA) The Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment (TEVA) research program investigates the potential impacts of contamination events on water utility distribution systems and helps develop techniquesand methods to reduce these impacts. More
Indoor and Outdoor Decontamination Research
Image: Scientist wearing goggles and lab coat monitoring a computer read-out.

Indoor and outdoor decontamination research leads to the development of products that aid in the detection, response to, and remediation from terrorist attacks on buildings and the outdoor environment, including soil and air. Read More | See Products

Research Topic: Standardized Analytical Methods Development Use of the Standardized Analytical Methods following a Homeland Security Event helps multiple laboratories to perform consistent analyses and obtain comparable results. More

Technology Testing and Evaluation The Technology Testing and Evaluation Program evaluates the performance of homeland security related technologies. Technologies are evaluated to determine their capabilities for detecting contaminants in order to determine health and economic impacts, identifying areas that need to be restored after a terrorist attack, and decontaminating buildings and water distribution systems in order to return them to a usable state after a terrorist attack. Read More

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