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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Enforcement Policy and Guidance

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The RCRA Enforcement Policy and Guidance Compendium

EPA's RCRA Enforcement Division maintains the RCRA Enforcement Policy and Guidance Compendium with the policy and guidance and other documents that are currently used in RCRA Enforcement and the RCRA Enforcement Policy and Guidance Archives with the documents that are no longer used. The documents in the RCRA Enforcement Policy and Guidance Archives are outdated and obsolete or documents that have been revised, superseded, or otherwise replaced. The Compendium and the Archives have both alphabetical and subject indices to facilitate document identification and retrieval.

To locate a document, select the Compendium or the Compendium Archives. Then choose from the alphabetical or the subject listing for the appropriate index to be dynamically generated. The documents, which are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, may be accessed from the index and either downloaded to your computer or printed. If you are interested in the most recent RCRA Enforcment policy and guidance documents or in non-enforcement related RCRA policy and Guidance, links are provided to these below. The non-enforcement RCRA policy and guidance is through a link to the EPA Office of Solid Waste's "RCRA On-Line."

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If the RCRA Enforcement policy and guidance document is not available through the subject listings above, please contact the Enforcement and Compliance Docket Information Center.

Should you be interested in receiving e-mail notification of electronic information updates (not limited to RCRA Enforcement Policy and Guidance) via e-mail, you may subscribe to the Enforcement and Compliance Listserves. The is a free service that is offered in EPA's continuing efforts to improve public access to critical information.

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