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Rapid Evaluation of Proposed Marine Conservation District in St. John, US Virgin Islands

Sailboats moored off of St John USVI

Purpose of Study

This study was conducted to assess the possibility of establishing a marine conservation district (MCD) south of St. John Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Much of this research was preliminary and will be used to direct future social science research.

Researchers evaluated perspectives of user groups in the proposed conservation district using a variety of social science techniques, including both direct and indirect approaches.

This initial phase of study generated a description of the organization and composition of MCD users.

Tools Used

Rapid Socioeconomic Evaluation
The evaluation was used to identify potential MCD users, identify and analyze user concerns, characterize use patterns, develop user group sector profiles, and identify information gaps. It served to gain background information for future, more in-depth research.

Content Analysis
Transcripts from Caribbean Fishery Management Council meetings, workshops, and discussion groups were analyzed. The purpose of this analysis was to identify stakeholder groups, determine major issues, and select individuals for follow-up interviews.

By participating in activities organized by user groups, such as scuba diving, commercial fishing, and sports fishing, researchers gained an insider's perspective on the issues these groups face.

Secondary Data Analysis
Demographic and economic data were extracted from reports by the Bureau of Economic Research. Fishing data were obtained from the USVI Department of Fish and Wildlife. Census data were also reviewed.


Commercial fishermen presented evidence that the proposed MCD, contrary to other studies, is used as a harvest area. Closing the area would force fishermen to go to areas which are already heavily fished. Fishermen did, however, express support for the idea of protecting the resources.

Recreational dive organizations indicated that the area was not suitable for sports diving because of its physical characteristics. This contradicted the prior belief that the MCD could help attract tourists.

Based on the research, many recommendations relating to each stakeholder were generated.

Additional Resources

This project was conducted by Michael A. Downs, currently of EDAW Inc. He can be contacted at

Articles and Books

Downs, M. 1997. Rapid Socioeconomic Evaluation, Proposed Marine Conservation District, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Technical Report prepared for the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Web site

Marine Conservation District Planning in the United States Virgin Islands
Additional information, including maps, related to the establishment of the Marine Conservation District (MCD) in waters off the United States Virgin Islands. This information was prepared by the author and published on the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Web site.

Island of St. John
Details concerning the island of St. John from the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism.