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Focuses on economic conditions and trends associated with marine protected areas and how these conditions affect decision making.

"Questions of financial viability and economic sustainability are of central importance to the success of MPAs" (International Union for the Conservation of Nature)

New to economics and economic valuation? Go to Introduction to Economics for MPA Managers.

Economics assesses the financial implications of decision making and looks at the impact on people and communities. Some areas for consideration include market and nonmarket valuation, costs and benefits, and socioeconomic data.

In determining the total economic value of an MPA, managers must consider all forms of value that may be derived from the resources they protect. Environmental economists define these values in many ways. For a visual representation see the "Economic values associated with marine and coastal ecosystems" diagram.

Common Questions

What Are Some Tools I Can Use?

Cost-Benefit Analysis Secondary Data Analysis Nonmarket Valuation
Social Impact Assessment Surveys Interviewing