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Case Studies

The following list contains a collection of case studies for which social science tools were used to address issues or answer questions related to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and marine environments.

United States | Barbados | Fiji | Indonesia | Italy | Panama | Philippines

United States

Crab Willingness to Pay in Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems in Orange County, California
Estimating how much visitors would be willing to pay to prevent further degradation to the rocky intertidal zone.
Seagrass Beds Paying for Seagrass Restoration in the Florida Keys
Using habitat equivalency analysis to determine the value of habitat lost.
Aerial View of the Florida Keys Combining Science and Technology in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve, Florida
Using GIS to analyze socioeconomic data associated with the placement of a reserve.
Fishermen Identifying Communication Networks Among Fishermen in North Carolina
Determining who are the most influential individuals within a community of king mackerel fishermen.
Boats in St John USVI Rapid Evaluation of Proposed Marine Conservation District in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
Assessing the perceptions of user groups through content analysis and observation.
Petroglyphs The Importance of Communication in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Washington
Improving compliance through observation and communication.


Folkestone Park and Marine Reserve Involving the Community in Decision Making in Folkestone Marine Reserve, Barbados
Identifying stakeholders and providing them with a forum to voice their views and opinions.


Women Fishing for Octopuses Using Ethnography to Document Traditional Practices in Kadavu, Fiji
Understanding the history and culture of Fijians and integrating these into current MPA management.


Indonesian Coral Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Human Activities for Indonesian Coral Reefs
Using cost-benefit analysis and predictive modeling to show others the need to protect coral reefs.


Fishing Boats fin Sicily MPA Perceptions by Small-Scale Fishermen in Sicily, Italy
Using questionnaires to assess the perceptions of small-scale fishermen toward marine reserves.


Illegal Fishing Boats Identifying and Understanding Users in Coiba National Park, Panama
Conducting a survey to identify fishermen's behaviors and practices.


Divers in the Philippines Entrance Fees for Marine Sanctuaries in the Philippines
Determining how many tourists are willing to pay to dive in areas where fishing is prohibited.