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Lead (Pb) Standards -
Documents from Current Review -
Technical Documents

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Approaches for the Development of a Low Volume Lead in Total Suspended Particulate (PbTSP) Sampler, Cavender memo 6/19/08 Jun 2008 PDF file
137 KB
Draft Federal Reference Method (FRM) Lead in PM10 (Pb-PM10), Rice memo 6/15/08 Jun 2008 PDF file
707 KB
Development of Pb-PM10 to Pb-TSP Scaling Factors, Schmidt 4/22/08 memo Apr 2008 PDF file
833 KB
Air-related IQ Loss Evidence-based Framework and Estimates from Quantitative Risk Assessment , Murphy and Pekar 4/11/08 memo Apr 2008 PDF file
317 KB
Options for Lead NAAQS Indicator: Monitoring Implications - Cavender, 3/3/08 memo Mar 2008 PDF file
152 KB
Draft Federal Reference Method (FRM) and Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) Criteria for Lead in PM10 (Pb-PM10) - Rice, 3/3/08 memo Mar 2008 PDF file
201 KB
Lead NAAQS Ambient Air Monitoring Network: Network Design Options Under Consideration - Cavender, 3/3/08 memo Mar 2008 PDF file
540 KB
Lead NAAQS Ambient Air Monitoring Network: Sampling Frequency Options Under Consideration - Papp, 3/3/08 memo Mar 2008 PDF file
247 KB
Review of Collocated Pb-TSP and Pb-PM10 Data - Cavender and Schmidt 11/26/07 Memo Nov 2007 PDF file
214 KB
Evaluation of Precision and Bias of Pb-TSP Monitor - Camalier and Rice 11/29/07 Memo Nov 2007 PDF file
222 KB
Review of MDLs for Pb-TSP FRMs and FEMs - Rice 11/29/07 Memo Nov 2007 PDF file
117 KB
Final Human Exposure & Health Risk Assessment (Full-Scale): Main Body of Report Nov 2007 PDF file
1.2 MB
Final Human Exposure & Health Risk Assessment (Full-Scale): Appendices Nov 2007 PDF file
20 MB
Additional Analysis for Primary Lead Smelter Case Study - Pekar and Murphy Draft Memo Aug 2007 PDF file
243 KB
Draft Human Exposure & Health Risk Assessment (Full-Scale): Main Body of Report Jul 2007 PDF file
1.4 MB
Draft Human Exposure & Health Risk Assessment (Full-Scale): Appendices Jul 2007 PDF file
17.5 MB
Fact Sheet Summarizing Draft Human Exposure & Health Risk Assement (Full-Scale) Jul 2007 PDF file
26 KB
Correction to Errors Identified in Lanphear et al. 2005 Pooled Analysis Study and Implications for Pilot Risk Assessment - Pekar memo, January, 2006. Jan 2007 PDF file
31 KB
Correction to Errors Identified in Leggett-Based Blood Lead Modeling Completed for the Pilot Analysis - Pekar memo, January 2006 Jan 2007 PDF file
78 KB
Lead Risk Assessment Draft Technical Report (Pilot Phase): Main Body of Report Dec 2006 PDF file
3.5 MB
Lead Risk Assessment Draft Technical Report (Pilot Phase): Appendices Dec 2006 PDF file
5.0 MB

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