If you are seeing or hearing this, then either your browser/user agent does not support Cascading Style Sheets, or you have elected to turn them off.  You may see and/or hear immediately following this notice alerts regarding national security or the Amber Alert system that do not apply.  To see if these alerts apply, follow the links provided.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently red, meaning severe.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information.  You may also check the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently orange, meaning high.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information, or you may visit the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
An Amber Alert has been issued.  Visit the Kentucky Emergency Management website for information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
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Kentucky Unbridled Spirit-External Site
Last Modified:  12/19/2008
Department for Natural Resources

The Department for Natural Resources oversees activities and programs related to forestry, conservation, mining, and land preservation. The department, through its divisions and partnerships, provides technical assistance, educational programs, and funding to assist the general public, landowners, institutions, industries, and communities in conserving and sustaining Kentucky's natural resources. In addition, the department is responsible for the inspection of timber harvests and mining operations to ensure compliance with laws that protect the public, the environment and Kentucky’s coal miners. The Division of Oil and Gas Resources is now in the Department for Energy Development and Independence. 

DNR employs a variety of scientists, engineers and mining professionals.  Use the embedded link above to view the latest postings.

DNR Scope of Responsibility

Departmental Entity Responsibility

Commissioner's Office

Division of Technical and Administrative Support

  • guidance on cabinet and department policy
  • oversight to the divisions
  • technical and administrative support for departmental functions and projects
Division of Conservation
  • assistance to conservation districts and landowners in implementing sound soil and water management practices
Division of Forestry
  • forest stewardship assistance to private landowners
  • prevention and control of forest fires
Division of Abandoned Mine Lands
  • assistance with health and safety issues resulting from mining prior to 1982
Office of Mine Safety and Licensing
  • safety, education and training of all coal miners
  • licensing of coal mines and inspection for safety hazards
  • licensing of blasters and regulation of storage and handling of explosives
  • mine rescue, mine safety analysis and accident investigation
Division of Mine Reclamation & Enforcement
  • inspection of coal and non-coal mining sites to ensure compliance with environmental and public safety standards
  • investigation of complaints about current mining activities 
Division of Mine Permits
  • review and issuance of mine permits for surface and underground coal mines
  • issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification for coal mining operations
Heritage Land Conservation Fund
  • evaluation of proposals and distribution of funding for the purchase of ecologically significant tracts of land
  • Nature Plates



DNR Initiatives
401 Water Quality Certification

The Department for Natural Resources reviews and issues Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certifications (401WQC) for surface mining activities.

  • 401 Water Quality Certification Advisory Notice 
  • 401Water Quality Certification forms 
  • Public Notices
  • Proposed Regulations

    The following regulations are in the promulgation process:

    805 KAR 8:060  Mine Safety: unsafe working conditions

    Department for Natural Resources
    #2 Hudson Hollow
    Frankfort, KY 40601
    Phone: 502-564-6940
    Fax: 502-564-5698
    E-mail: linda.potter@ky.gov