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ANR Recent Links of Interest Venture Vermont 2008 Outdoor Challenge - New Statewide Game!Venture Vermont 2008 Outdoor Challenge!
ANR Recent Links of Interest Updated Didymo
(a.k.a. "Rock Snot") Informational Website
- tips how all river Invasive Alga "Didymo" - Updated Websiteusers can reduce the spread of aquatic nuisance species
ANR Recent Links of Interest The Vermont Way Forward logoThe Vermont
Way Forward
ANR Calendar ANR Calendar
<< September 2008 >>
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Welcome to the Agency web site

ANR Secretary George Crombie

On behalf of the Agency of Natural Resources I would like to welcome you. With a lifetime spent in managing environmental issues, I am keenly aware of how important Vermont’s environment is to our cherished way of life and to the state’s economic future. I and the more than 600 scientists and professionals at the agency are dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources. Through our three departments – the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation – the agency will serve as a focal point for environmental protection as it enters a new and profoundly different phase in creating an inclusive environmental web for all.

This is an exciting time for the environment and for the agency, and I pledge to work with Vermont’s residents in a way that sustains our environment for generations to come.

Please explore the web site to learn more about what we’re doing on behalf of Vermont’s environment. And please don’t hesitate to contact me at george.crombie@state.vt.us with any questions, concerns or comments.


Each of the Agency's three departments has its own home page, as does the Secretary's Office. We've also included links to other state and federal agencies with a presence in Vermont.

Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) administers most of the Agency's regulatory programs plus several voluntary pollution and waste reduction programs. Program areas include: air quality, environmental assistance, public facilities engineering, geology, environmental permits, solid waste, hazardous waste, surface water quality, watershed planning, stormwater management, drinking water supply.

Department of Fish and Wildlife (FWD) manages Vermont's fisheries and wildlife resources, enforces the state's hunting and fishing laws, and studies and inventories nongame wildlife species and natural communities.

Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) operates the Vermont State Parks system, manages state forests and natural areas, and provides assistance in the areas of forestry, recreation, and conservation education.

The ANR Central Office which includes the Agency Secretary's Office, supports the departments by providing several administrative, planning, information technology, and human resource functions. It also houses the Agency Enforcement Division.

Please click here to see a listing of programs within the ANR departments. The listing includes brief descriptions, addresses and phone numbers.

Recent Links of Interest

image: VT School Carbon ChallengeOctober 2008 to April 2009 - Vermont School Carbon Challenge - Your school can win $5000 toward a future energy efficiency project by taking the Carbon Challenge! The Agency of Natural Resources, along with Carbonrally.com, invites Vermont schools to take the Carbon Challenge. The elementary, middle and high schools that reduce their carbon footprints the most will each win the prize, plus there will be another prize for the school with the Top Performing Team in Vermont. Visit the Vermont School Carbon Challenge web site for more information.

GreenMountainCare.org Green Mountain Care is a family of low-cost and free health coverage programs for Vermonters and is offered by the state of Vermont and its partners. Green Mountain Care provides uninsured Vermonters with access to quality, comprehensive health care coverage at a reasonable cost. New to Catamount Health, which is part of Green Mountain Care: Apply before November 1, 2008 and all preexisting conditions are covered. To find out more, please call 1-800-250-8427 or visit the Green Mountain Care web site.


Earn points June to October 15, 2008 - Venture Vermont 2008 Outdoor Challenge - New Statewide Game!
Collect points for doing fun outside activities - earn 250 and get a VIP gold pass for FREE state park entry for 2008 and 2009! You and your family can spend the season outside, and earn points for visiting beautiful places! When you get to those places, earn more points for doing all kinds of fun activities! Points are awarded for doing fun things like playing games, paddling on a lake, playing frisbee with your friends or attending nature programs. If you earn 250 points you will be awarded a Gold VIP Pass to Vermont State Parks. With it you can come back to Vermont State Parks for the rest of the this year and all of next year for free day entry! Visit the Venture Vermont website for more information and find out how you can play >>


June 2008 - Last summer, the invasive alga "Didymo" also known as "rock snot" was found in several streams in the Northeast.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and its regional partners are taking steps to inform the public how they can help minimize the spread of this invasive alga. Didymosphenia geminata, as the alga is known scientifically, moves from river to river on the clothing and equipment of people who come in contact with even microscopic quantities. Please visit the ANR's new informational website which provides additional background information and specific information on how you, as a river user, can reduce the spread of Didymo and other aquatic nuisance species. Visit the new "Didymo" website for more information >>

image:  DEC's Climate Change web pageOctober 2007 - Governor's Commission on Climate Change Approves Final Report
You can read the Commission's Final Report and the Plenary Group's Final Report on ANR DEC's Air Pollution Control Division Climate Change page.
September 2006 marked the kickoff of the comprehensive statewide climate change planning effort established by Executive Order 07-05. This effort was led by the Governor's Commission on Climate Change (GCCC) and a Plenary Group of individuals. ANR's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is responsible for coordinating the GCCC and the Plenary Group. For more information visit the Commission's web site or DEC's Climate Change page.

The Vermont Way Forward The Vermont Way Forward logo- Beginning in the Spring of 2007 Natural Resources Secretary George Crombie put in place a cadre of task forces who were charged with creating a new ANR. The agency is being reorganized into a series of centers that will be cross-disciplinary teams of agency professionals who will look at the full range of environmental issues facing us in a holistic manner and reach out to our business, municipal, residential and academic partners. You can read more about this agency reorganization process on the ANR Vermont Way Forward web site.

image: Visit the Governor's Clean and Clear Action Plan web site The Vermont Clean and Clear Action Plan web site - This ANR web site will help people understand what's being done to attack blue/green algae, why phosphorus is such a problem and what you can do to help. You’ll also find information about state and federal programs for phosphorus reduction, as well as links to our partners who are working hard to make Lake Champlain and all of our waterways Clean and Clear.

ANR Reports to the 2006 Vermont General Assembly

ANR home page ANR Calendar Finding Information on the ANR site ANR Publications Contact Information for ANR Summary & links to Permit Information ANR Central Office Dept. of Environmental Conservation Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation Other Departments & Agencies You & the Environment Maps & Mapping at ANR Links of interest to Students and Teachers Vermont State web site