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This website contains information designed to help individuals, companies, and governmental entities comply with environmental laws and regulations contained in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). Our mission is to preserve and enhance the environment of the state in order to protect public health, sustain healthy ecosystems, and contribute to a vibrant economy.

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September 2008 — RFP Grant Assistance The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) Nonpoint Source Program has approximately $800,000 in federal funding available to provide grant assistance for projects that control nonpoint source water pollution, the leading cause of water quality impairment in Nevada and nationwide. Examples of projects eligible for funding include: demonstration and evaluation of Best Management Practices to protect water quality; public education programs aimed at reducing NPS pollution; implementation of Low Impact Development practices . . . Proposals will be accepted until November 7, 2008. Specific questions about the RFP or eligibility for funding may be addressed to Birgit Widegren at 775-687-9550
     Download the RFP — Ms Word format Adobe PDF format

July 2008 — E-Payment System Now Required: As of July 1st 2008, payments to the State for $10,000 or more must be made electronically (NRS 353.1467). To accommodate this requirement, NDEP has established an e-payment system that allows users to submit e-checks for fee payments or other payments to the Division. Please access our secure E-payment website here.

May, 2008 — Handling & Recycling Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Learn all about it today!

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001
Carson City, Nevada 89701–5249

(775) 687–4670    FAX 687–5856

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