This compilation of ongoing research projects related to endocrine disruptions was assembled following the recommendation of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) and the 1997 Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's Environmental Health. The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) agreed to accept this responsibility in conjunction with the development of an international state of the science on endocrine disruption. In a coordinated fashion, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) agreed to take the lead for delineating test methods and testing needs related to endocrine disruption.

The inventory was developed following the process developed for the 1996 Federal Research Inventory (EDRI) done by the United States. The initial goal was to bring together and update the existing United States Inventory with those of the Canadian government and the European Union. This has been accomplished and we are now encouraging and accepting submission of research projects by other countries and private industry so that it will be as comprehensive as possible. This inventory is also being maintained at a mirror site at the Joint Research Center of the European Union at Ispra, Italy. This mirror site also includes information about the status of the IPCS supported International Assessment Document on the State-of-the Science of Endocrine Disruptors.

For detailed instruction on the framework click here.

As of November 03rd, 2008, the inventory contains 778 projects.

For access to the inventory, select one of the following clickable tables:

    Funding Organization
    Primary Focus Area
    Subcategory and End points
    Experimental End points
    Organism Under Study
    Study Type
    Level of Study
    Hormonal Measure
    Life Stage
    Agents Under Study and Focus Area
    Agents Under Study and End points
    Agents Under Study and Organisms

To search for a title, abstract or a contact person, click here.

To add a project to the Global Research Inventory, click here. For criteria on whether to include a project, click here.

For a list of organizations sponsoring research in the inventory, click here.

We welcome any feedback users have regarding the inventory. If you note errors in any project descriptions, please bring that to our attention by sending an email message to Kavlock.Robert@epamail.epa.gov

Last Modified: January 5, 1998