Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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NOAA Omnibus Federal Funding Opportunity


From 2000 to 2005, the Center's GIS Integration and Development (GIS I&D) program awarded an average of six competitive cooperative-agreement grants each year, with individual awards ranging from $50,000 to $100,000. Since 2006, GIS I&D resources have been supportive of Center wide grant activities and the program is no longer independently managing grant competitions.

Competitive proposals in past years were fielded through an annual request for proposals filed under NOAA's Omnibus for Federal Funding Opportunities, typically published in June. Each year the focus of the request for proposals changed according to program priorities. See the table of awards for more information on the types of projects and award amounts in past years.

The GIS I&D program has been especially interested in state and local coastal resource management organizations proposing geospatial solutions to issues related to coastal hazards, smart growth, marine protected areas, permitting systems, data access and distribution, or Internet mapping. Through the NOAA Omnibus, the GIS I&D program has sought proposals for one- to two-year cooperative agreements under which cooperators and the Center jointly develop technical projects related to the goal of the GIS I&D program, which is to provide relevant, easily accessible spatial data, tools, and support services to the coastal resource management community.

Grant Proposal Suggestions

The key to developing a successful proposal is to outline a collaboration between the cooperator and the Center that makes effective use of each organization's strengths and capabilities. The proposal should explicitly state the roles and responsibilities of the NOAA Coastal Services Center and the cooperator.

If the cooperator does not fully understand the potential roles of the Center, then the proposal should include a plan for the Center and the cooperator to work together to fully develop more detailed tasks early in the project. The proposal should demonstrate that the proposing group understands general resources available through the Center and how the collective resources and expertise of the Center, the cooperator, and cooperator's partners might be applied to an effective examination of coastal management issues. See GIS I&D's Web site to gain an understanding of the type of support the program can provide.

Other Information


GIS I&D grant project summaries

GIS I&D past and present awards

Grant Proposal Checklist Applicable to the GIS I&D section of the NOAA Omnibus (PDF, requires a plug-in such as Adobe® Reader®)

The Center's Funding Opportunities page

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