Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Marshall Macomber
November 3, 2005 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers Praises Bill Strengthening
Property Rights
Says Supreme Court eminent domain case threatens landowners
Washington, D.C.  -  Congressman Mike Rogers praised a bill strengthening individual property rights today, saying the legislation could help protect rural or disadvantaged property owners across the U.S. from having their land seized for private development.

Rogers said H.R. 4128, the Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005, would cut off Federal economic development funds to state or local governments that use eminent domain to seize homes for private ‘economic development.’ Rogers said the legislation was necessary given a recent Supreme Court ruling that allows a broader use of eminent domain.

“Private property ownership is fundamental to our rights as free citizens,” Rogers said. “I hope this bi-partisan bill sends a strong message that Congress will not tolerate the seizure of people’s homes and farms for private development.”

Rogers said the legislation, which passed today 376-38, specifically addresses the recent Supreme Court decision Kelo v. City of New London. The Court ruled it is Constitutional for a state or local government to use eminent domain to condemn and transfer land to private developers. Rogers strongly disagrees with that decision.

“Our Constitution specifically protects the rights of property owners,” Rogers added. “While I am very disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling, I am pleased to see the House has acted promptly to bolster private property rights for all Americans.”

Rogers said he hoped the Senate would soon take up similar legislation.
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