Leasing on Sakhalin Island, Russia


October 2006


Author: Elena Sabirova, BISNIS Representative in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia





Leasing as a financing mechanism is still a relatively new type of business for the Sakhalin region market, but it is becoming increasingly popular. On Sakhalin, leasing is used by companies that need financing to acquire new assets, most often vessels or production lines. This report will give a general overview of the leasing situation on Sakhalin, and also a brief description of local leasing company activities and their various approaches on issues such as leasing procedures and market strategies, which are influenced by experience and ownership.


A report about Russian Far East leasing can be found at http://bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/bisdoc/0502leasingrfe.htm





Some advantages of leasing for local companies are: 

·         Local banks do not offer long-term loans, especially to small businesses. Leasing can be sometimes the only option to acquire equipment.

·         Accelerated depreciation of equipment. If a Russian enterprise holds equipment on its balance sheet, it pays taxes on the property.  If the equipment is leased, it might be registered on the balance of leasing company, which can carry out accelerated depreciation on that equipment, reducing its cost to the customer.Leasing allows companies to write-off the leased equipment from the company’s balance sheet three times fasterquicker in order to have equipment free from property tax.

·         Since leased equipment is not considered the property of a client, it cannot be an object of third party claims. It is also easier to repossess the equipment in case payments go into arrears. Often the object of leasing itself becomes the collateral needed to get a loan, important for Russian companies that have few assets with collateral value.

·         Taxable profit of the customer is reduced by the amount of leasing payments. Leasing payments, in turn, differ in each specific case, depending on how the parties agree upon the deal.

·         Leasing provides a useful mechanism to gradually transfer assets from a U.S. parent company to a joint venture.



General Facts About Leasing on Sakhalin


Leasing can be still described as a relatively new type of business for Sakhalin (despite the fact that it has a long history on the local market) and companies are still learning about how to use leasing as a mechanism to the advantage of their business. Several of the region’s leasing companies were organized only recently, in response to demand. Over the past 5 years, the amount of leasing companies doubled, although old-timers (like SALCO or DeltaLeasing) on this market have strong positions and the newly established companies cannot yet be viewed as a serious competitors to the experienced market players. 


Leasing companies on Sakhalin prioritize potential clients by focusing on promising regional industries and on companies that have prospects for future development.


Most Sakhalin leasing companies report that they do not source equipment, but leave it up to the client to find the equipment they wish to lease.





Among all the companies interviewed, only SALCO presented a detailed structure of deals accomplished. Briefly, however, the following statistics give a good overview of the volume of lease transactions for the companies listed: 


SALCO (100% private company)


Included in the list of top 50 leasing companies in Russia. Certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000.

Authorized capital – RUR 42.2 million (about $1.5 million). In 1997-2005 SALCO carried out more that 320 leasing transactions. SALCO’s main activities are financial leasing, lease-back, international leasing, real estate leasing, and vehicle leasing. SALCO has a subsidiary in Khabarovsk, which was opened in 1998.


Industry structure of major deals (at present): fishing vessels – 35%, transportation vessels – 15%, fish-processing equipment – 13%, construction machinery – 7%, food-processing equipment – 6%, printing equipment – 4%, scientific equipment – 2%, other – 4%.


Active on the market – 810  years

Number of leasing transactions  - 90340

Number of customer companies – 40more then 125

Portfolio – US $10 35 million and RUR 91877 million


Web site - http://www.salco.ru/english/index.php



Leasing contracts are usually concluded for a period of 1 to 3 years (basic term), and the client is expected to provide from 15 to 30% of the equipment price.


Portfolio as of January 2002:


The majority of leased equipment was 


As on January 2006, the focus shifted to fishing industry, transportation sector (both marine and on-land) and less on construction and food processing. Printing equipment still holds its niche of 4% (2% drop compared to 2002):



Salco company told BISNIS that it was influenced by exemptions provided by Russia’s PSA law in its practice of providing services to PSA-related project operators. Specific for Sakhalin may be paragraph 7 of Clause 13 of the PSA Law, stating that “Operators of the agreement, <…> as well as legal entities (contractors, suppliers, transportation companies and other entities) participating in the activities carried out according to the contracts (agreements) with an investor, are exempt from VAT and excise duties while bringing goods and services related to these contracts to the customs territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the project documentation, as well as while exporting mineral resources and products of their processing from the Russian Federation, which are the property of an investor according to this Law.”


The new and popular type of leasing offered by SALCO is vehicle leasing. SALCO is purchasing cars by the client’s choice from official dealers, who may offer spare parts and maintenance (on Sakhalin this usually refers to Tunaycha Motors, and official dealer of Toyota). The customer should be either legal entity or a private entrepreneur, be in business for not less that 6 months, be solvent, and have a stable business. Financing is provided for a term of 1 to 3 years with 20-30% advance payment from the customer. Payments are made on a monthly basis, leasing company is the owner of a vehicle for the whole period of leasing contract. At the end of the contract the vehicle is sold to the customer at 0.5% of the balance sheet property cost.


Approximate vehicle leasing payment calculations (with the advance payment of 30%).


Price, USD




Monthly payment (no VAT included), 1 year leasing




Monthly payment (no VAT included), 2 year leasing




Monthly payment (no VAT included), 3 year leasing








Leases vessels (new) and fish-processing equipment

Active on the market – 8 years

Number of leasing transactions – 24 (17 for vessels and 7 for equipment)

(5 vessels out of 17 already sold)

Currently in process – deals for about US $ 5 million


Sakhalinleasingflot was established in 1997 by the State Committee for Property, and reports directly to the Sakhalin Region Department of Fishing. The company was specially established in order to implement the regional development program “Development of Fishing Industry of the Sakhalin Region For the Period Up to the Year 2010.” The main purpose of this company was to construct new vessels and renew the fleet (construction of vessels and supplying them on financial leasing terms).


As of January 2006, the company has leased 16 new vessels and different fishing equipment. Leased objects are ensured for the term of transaction, as well as are placed into the State property registry. The average period for leasing contacts is from 3 to 5 years. Sakhalinleasingflot works only with companies that have positive accounting records (pay all taxes), can provide recommendations either from city or regional administration or, for fishing companies, recommendations from the fishery associations to which they belong.


Sakhalinleasingflot does not deal in used vessels, it builds and leases only new ones. Partners for building vessels are Blagoveschenski Shipyard, Gaidamakski Shipyard (Primorye), Amurski Shipyard (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), and Leninskaya Kuznitsa Shipyard (Ukraine). Sakhalinleasingflot works with equipment suggested by the customer.





Landlease company was established in 2000 and has been able to complete about 150 leasing transaction since that time.


Current portfolio of the company includes:

Vehicles                                        37%

Computers                                     7%

Real estate                                     6%

Printing equipment                          2%

Banking equipment                         46%

Other                                             2%


Active on the market – 6 years

Number of leasing transactions – 150


The company was established in the beginning of 2000, initially by the local bank, Sakhalin-West, which was founded by the Sakhalin Administration. Sakhalin-West decided to form a leasing company of its own after successfully leasing from another company itself. JSC Landlease is considered to be an independent company, with Sakhalin-West being the major partner on financing. The most promising clients, according to the company, work in transportation, construction, and the energy sector. Landlease requires 10 to 20% of funds to be available from the customer, plus 4-5% of the initial equipment cost is to be paid as a leasing fee (the fee also covers bank loan payment). Type of services – leasing and lease back.





DeltaLeasing (JSC of closed type) was one of the first ones to operate on the local leasing market. The company was listed 52nd in the list of Top 100 Largest Market-Oriented Russian Leasing Companies (Expert Magazine, as of December 2003 – no later rating available). Potential clients of  DeltaLeasing must be officially registered for not less than 1 year (be active on the market for 1 year), should demonstrate an ability to generate revenue sufficient to cover the necessary leasing payments, and have a sound business strategy. Advance payment for the equipment is 15 to 25% of its cost. The leasing company checks the equipment seller, signs the service contract, provides insurance, delivery and installation. According to Russian tax legislation, leasing can help to save up to 10% of funds compared to the bank loan for the same equipment purchase. The company also provides funds for working capital replenishment or other company needs under the same financial conditions as leasing deals (in case if the company purchased equipment and experiences shortage of capital DeltaLeasing purchases the equipment from the company and leases it back; after the leasing term is over, the ownership is transferred back to the original owner).


The company leases almost any type of equipment; major requirement – demand on the market and normal durability, adequate to the leasing term. Annual average fee is 9-11%, which would include leasing company fee, insurance and taxes. The company has been active on Sakhalin market for almost 7 years leasing construction and road construction equipment, vehicles, power generation units, construction materials manufacturing equipment, food processing and shop equipment.


Business reputation of DeltaLeasing has allowed to obtain credit lines from such foreign investors as International Finance Corporation, EBRD, WorldBusinessCapital, Inc, DEG.


Website: www.deltaleasing.ru (in Russian).



Micro-Leasing is a new company on the market established in August 2005. More that 20 leasing deals were signed from that moment. Portfolio of the company includes companies from the following spheres: transportation, advertising, dental and cosmetic clinics, food processing. The company representative stated that so far services and trade are its most promising clients. Property leasing becomes popular. The company provides leasing services for the period of 1 to 5 years, and the client must provide 15-30% of the equipment cost. The company has also dealt with imported equipment and reports that long terms of delivery and customs clearance are some of the difficulties it has experienced.


RN-Leasing company at the moment is a subdivision of Rosneft. The company is leasing movable and immovable property (including oil producing equipment), vehicles and other specialized machinery. RN-Leasing Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk refused to share information about its activities.


JSC Pervaya Lizingovaya Kompanija (FIRST LEASING COMPANY) is a new company to the local market. It is dealing will all types of leasing and is also investing in prospective projects, including construction.





It is clear that the market potential for leasing on Sakhalin is larger than the actual activity reflects. Local companies are still somewhat unfamiliar with the process and have not taken full advantage of leasing as a way to finance equipment. Property leasing is especially young here and there is an economic condition for its development, as well as for the vehicle leasing.


The figures on industries, given by some local leasing companies, show that the most successful in leasing are food-processing enterprises. They were mentioned by several leasing companies as good potential clients.


Opportunities for u.s. businesses exist because of the following:


§         Leasing offers an excellent finance mechanism for u.s. equipment manufacturers selling to local companies without collateral. Allows repossession.

§         Opportunity sectors: fishing vessels, food processing, road and pipeline construction equipment, according to the statistics of existing deals.

§         It is advantageous to form special-purpose leasing companies selling only to Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project (utilizing PSA tax and customs exemptions).

§         Leasing provides useful mechanism to gradually transfer assets from a U.S. parent company to a local subsidiary.



Contact Information



24, Pobedy Str.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel  +7-4242-720312/720313

Fax  +7-4242-552472

e-mail: leasing@swbank.ru

Mr. Yuri Anatolyevich Voichenko, Director



119a, Mira Ave.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693007

Tel/Fax  +7-4242-726622; 726623


Mr. Alexey Vladimirovich Malashych, General Director



51-a Karl Marx Str., office 18

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel/Fax  +7-4242-725314; 550861

Mr. Yaroshenko Viktor Petrovich, Director



41, Kommunisticheski Ave, office 5-7

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel/Fax  +7-4242-744074; 74-49-82

Toll free 8-800-2000-180


Mr. Andrey Mikhailovich Rybkin, Representative



35, Sakhalinskaya Str., # 47

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel +7-4242-505146

Fax +7-4242-733417


Ms. Oksana Anatolyevna Shevchenko, Director


JSC Pervaya Lizingovaya Kompanija (FIRST LEASING COMPANY)

69, Lenin Str, 2nd floor

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel/fax +7-4242-723380


Mr. Viktor Iosifovich Kanarski, General Director


HERTZ Car Leasing

78, Chekhov Str.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 693000

Tel. +7-4242-754242

Fax +7- 753171






For more information on the Russian Far East, visit BISNIS online at http://bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/country/fareast.cfm


BISNIS (www.bisnis.doc.gov) is part of the U.S. Commercial Service (www.export.gov).