January 2006


Submitted by Marina Johnson, BISNIS Representative in Samara, Russia

This report summarizes commercial and business development news in the South of Russia and the Lower Volga regions for January 2006.


This report contains the following information:




-         Samara Region: Automotive and Aerospace, Telecommunications

-         Ulyanovsk Region: Automotive and Airspace, Industrial Shows

-         Astrakhan Region

-         Volgograd Region




-         Krasnodar Region

-         Rostov Region




Samara Region

Automotive and Aerospace

AvtoVAZ sums up 2005

JSC AvtoVAZ announced preliminary production data, which show production output for 2005 at 719 000 cars. Sales grew 2.5% against 2004 and amounted to 640 000cars. 95 000cars were produced for export. 18 000cars of new LADA Kalina model were manufactured, including some 700 for export to CIS. Some 190 000car part sets were produced and shipped to 13 assembling enterprises. Production plan for 2006 is set at 730 000cars, including 133 000car part sets for assembling enterprises.



AvtoVAZ sales jump in December

In 2005 JSC “AvtoVAZ” sold 648 000cars on the domestic market, which is 3.7% above the sales of 2004. December 2005’ sales amounted to 65 000cars, which is 23.8% increase against November 2005 sales and 10.5% increase against the same period of 2004.

In December 2005 the plant produced 69 136cars (16.3% growth verse the same period of 2004), including 6 184cars for export and 19 475cars of LADA 110 model. The overall production of 2005 reached 721 492cars, being 5.4%over the plan. Outer market production output amounted to 96 484cars, LADA KALINA cars production was 18 097cars.


AvtoVAZ Facing Pressure from Workers to Buyout JV Partners

Shareholders in the joint venture between General Motors and AvtoVAZ are scheduled to meet on Jan. 31, to discuss the venture's work.

The new state-friendly management at AvtoVAZ has called into question its partnership with the world's largest carmaker. In December, a source in AvtoVAZ's management said the company was intent on freeing itself from restrictive agreements with the joint venture.

The two carmarkers each own 41.5 percent of the joint venture, which has been in operation since 2002. The remaining 17 percent is owned by EBRD.


AvtoVAZ to use foreign car parts

JSC AvtoVAZ announced its willingness to employ the experience of foreign car makers and purchase some amount of car part for new models, which are still technologically difficult for production at the Russian plants. The decision was also triggered by the favorable changes of duties imposed on imported car parts as of December 2005.



Federal Property Fund to privatize VolgaTelecom

On 22 February Russian Federal Property Fund (RFPF) will place 0.6% (or, 1.969mln shares) of JSC “VolgaTelecom” shares on auction. The par value of the shares is 5rbl, the initial price is $6.839mln. Previously RFPF placed the lot on auction in May and October 2004, yet it attracted no bidder.


Samara financial trends of 2005

Analysts consider 2005 as re-sharing rather than investing period for Samara region. The key enterprises such as “Samaraneftegas”, oil refineries of “Yukos”, JSC AvtoVAZ and “Volgotanker” have become state properties, which led to strategy shifts.

Regional companies most active on the market were GC “SOK” (which overtook “Samara Cable Company”, “Active Capital” and “Plastic Plant”) and the trading and investment company RBE (gained control over Samara River Port, the River Sok Quarry and Samara Steel Rolling Plant). 

The following large scale project were realized in 2005:

“Sok” started production of KIA Spectra, having invested some $60mln;

“Novatek” launched production of wrapping tape (investment volume reaching 50mln euros);

“VolgaBoreMach” started manufacturing of galvanized steel, which took $14mln; 

“ElectroShield-TM-Samara” developed production of mineral wool insulation in Ulyanovsk (8mln euros);

“TogliattiAzot” launched production of reactor tubes worth $6mln.

The total investment volume of 11months of 2005 in Samara region was $1.7bn, which is 1.7% above the same period of 2004.


Ulyanovsk Region

Automotive and Aerospace

Byelorussia mulls purchasing several TU-204-300

On January 10 the delegation of State Aviation Committee of Byelorussia visited Ulyanovsk Region to discuss probable purchase of several TU-204-300 planes, as the passenger fleet of Byelorussia needs modernization. The visitors observed CJSC “Avia-Star-JV” and met the governor of Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov.


Ulyanovsk seals partnership with Severstal-Group

The governor of Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov and the general director of Severstal Group Aleksey Mordashov signed an agreement of social and economic cooperation between Ulyanovsk Region and Severstal Group. The main items of the cooperation are production development and investment projects at UAZ. Severstal Group is to modernize production and implement new technologies at UAZ and to promote regional industrial cooperation. Ulyanovsk region is to facilitate restructuring of personnel services and social benefit system of Severstal Group.


Ulyanovsk raises construction by 60%

In 2005 finished construction volume grew by 60% against 2004, the Deputy Chairman of National Projects Committee Vladimir Kozin announced.


Ulyanovsk region to encourage light industry

The governor of Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov and the president of Russian Union of Light and Textile Industry signed an agreement of cooperation aimed at encouraging enterprises of light and textile industry in the region. The parties agreed upon working towards more effective development of the industry.

During his visit to the region, Boris Fomin observed the biggest textile firm of the region CJSC “Rus’ ”, which has increased the production out put by some $560 000 up to %13.2mln in 2005.


Ulyanovsk participates in Berlin Show

Ulyanovsk Region representatives visited the international agricultural and food processing show “Green Week”, held in January 2006 in Berlin, Germany. The governor of the region Sergey Morozov met the Ambassador of Russian in Germany Vladimir Kotenev and the chairman of Russian Chamber of Commerce in Germany Sergey Nikitin to discuss establishing sister-cities relationship with one of the 16 lands of Germany. Such cooperation can be mutually beneficial in the areas of automotive engineering, information technologies, textile industry, agriculture and tourism.

Germany is the major trade partner of Ulyanovsk region, the trade turnover amounted to $11mln ($6.3mln of export and 5.2mln euros of import).



Volgograd Region


Volgograd telecommunications revenue soar 15%


The total services provided by Volgograd telecommunication companies amounted to $178.5mln, which is 15% growth against 2004, preliminary data of Volgograd Industry, Transportation and Telecommunications Committee say.


Volgograd Region present at Berlin Show

Volgograd region visited the international agriculture and food show “Green Week” held in Berlin (Germany) in January, 2006 and was awarded 10 medals for effective management and best products. The region presented 10 investment projects in the fields of agriculture, food processing, equipment and fertilizing. The region’s presentation was the second biggest out of 20 Russian regions-participants and included 52 enterprises. 


Volgograd construction exceeds 300 000sq m

Volgograd Architecture Inspection reported 323 000sq m of dwelling to be completed in 2005, this including 28 multi-storied residences with the total square of 237 114sq m and 6 lower residences with the total square of 19 740sq m. Over 66 000sq m was constructed by individuals.




Astrakhan Region


Plant merger in Astrakhan

Guzhvin Engineering Plant, Ltd (a filial of “Makhachkala Sea Trade Port”) has won the auction for “October Revolution Plant” of “North Caspian Sealines” for 113mln rbl.




Southern Russia


Krasnodar Region


Krasnodar hosts tourism show

CJSC “Soud-Sochi Exhibitions” is to hold the 3rd Tourism Show on January 9-14. The show will present leading Russian resort areas, transportation and insurance companies and regional associations. The show participants will get a chance to purchase large holiday packages on discount prices and observe the number of hotels and resorts. The show aims at establishing better understanding of the prospects of Krasnodar region tourism development.



Krasnodar presented at Berlin show

Krasnodar has presented 22 investment projects at the international show “Green Week” held in Berlin (Germany) on January 12-15.


Rapeseed oil plant to be built in Krasnodar

By autumn of 2006 a rapeseed oil extracting plant is to be built in Krasnodar with the help of German investors. 50 000hectares is allocated for rapeseed farming, the oil of which can become valuable biofuel for agricultural equipment. The investment for the project is 15mln euros.



Krasnodar mulls constructing a gas refinery


The governor of Krasnodar Krai Aleksandr Tkachev and the general director of JSC “RosNeft-KrasnodarNeftegaz” Nikolai Kovalev have discussed prospects of a large gas refinery in Krasnodar, the investment volume of which is to reach $1bn. The project is to be analyzed in detail before reached at decision.




Krasnodar to join MIPIM-2006


Krasnodar is to present the best investment projects of commercial estate at the 17th International Commercial Estate Show MIPIM 2006 in the Cannes.




Krasnodar opens an oil well


An oil well with a daily output of 420-450tons opened in Temruksky flux (Krasnodar) in 2005 is the largest in the region, the other wells producing the utmost of 250tons a day. The annual capacity of the well is over 100 000tons per year. The oil is to be processed at the first separating refinery in Krasnodar, “Slavyanskaya”.


Rostov Region


Concentrating plants to be build in Rostov


In 2006 “JSC GukovCoal” intends to complete construction of two module concentrating factories on “Almaznaya” and “Rostovskaya” mines, the companies press service announced.




Rostov launches equipment production

The Russian dealer of domestic and foreign agriculture equipment producers “Bizon”, Rostov Region, starts a serial production of seeds loader devise in 2006, the press service of the enterprise announced.


Agriculture development in Rostov

Rostov Region agriculture was developed in 2005 by efforts of major regional companies. “Yug Rusi” launched sunflower oil extracting plant with the annual capacity of 1.1mln tons, thus raising the company’s total capacity to 1.45mln tons of seeds per year. The investment volume equaled $150mln with payback term of 7 years. The company plans to process soya beans as well as sunflower seeds.

A competing company of “Aston” invested $15mln into 2-year-long complex modernization of Miller Oil Extracting plant aiming at raising the capacity to 500 000 tons per year and lowering production costs from $2.3 to $1.05 per ton.

The new oil refining and bottling shop worth $22mln of the other “Aston’s” plant produces 6.5mln bottles a month.  The company intends to mount the second production line to swell output to 21mln bottles a month, thus achieving 3-4% of national bottled oil market by mid 2006 and later expand to 20%. To equal the main competitors “Bunge” and “Yug Rusi”, “Ason” is said to require at least twice the present promotional fund of $2mln.

“Aston” and “Unimilk” also co-invested $50mln into construction of a diary factory with daily capacity of 600 tons. The first line is to be launched in late 2006, and the project capacity is to be achieved by 2011. The factory is devised to produce infants’ food, desserts, yogurts and enriched dairy products. Upon reached the project capacity the factory is to gain 40% of the market in the Southern Federal District.

Poultry meat importer “OptiFood” launched a chicken farm “Nadezhda” and started reconstruction of a chicken farm “Starostanichnaya”, both projects totaling $25-30mln. The total capacity of the two farms is to reach 30 000tons of meat per year.


Rostov signs agreement with Germany

In January 2006 Rostov Ministry of Agriculture, Food Supplies and Environment signed a protocol of intentions with the North Westfalia – Rhine, Germany



Russian South booms cosmetics production

In 2005 JSC “Arnest” (Stavropol), a major Russian producer of perfume and cosmetics increased production output in spray tubes by 35% against 2004 up to 112mln units, the company reported
