Event: Leasing Market in Novosibirsk, Russia - Interview with BISNIS Search for Partners participant, Mr. Oleg Kiselev, Director of Novosibirsk Leasing Company
Description: Novosibirsk Leasing Company is one of the first companies to start the leasing business in Novosibirsk in 2000, and has since been successful in working with the US private and public sectors. The main objective of the interview/report is to present an up-to-date snapshot of the Leasing Market in Novosibirsk. The video explores recent developments and existing demand, e.g. - what are the needs of local enterprises; why is leasing a good idea; how is the market developing; and what are the company's objectives going forward? For more information on the Search for Partners lead posted by Novosibirsk Leasing Company, please click here
Date: March 1, 2005
Industry: Leasing Market
Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
Speakers: Mr. Azim Mamanov, BISNIS Representative in Novosibirsk, Russia
Mr. Oleg Kiselev, Director of Novosibirsk Leasing Company
Oleg Kiselev Introduction and Interview

Part [1]
Part [2]
Hits: 78
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