Event: Commercial Briefing by the Hon. Anne Elizabeth Derse, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan
Description: BISNIS, together with the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, organized and hosted a Commercial Briefing at the U.S. Department of Commerce for the new American Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne E. Derse. Ambassador Derse offered her perspective on Azerbaijan's rapid development in recent years, WTO accession process, on-going economic diversification and structural reforms. She focused on the current legal and regulatory framework outside the Oil & Gas sector and highlighted the challenges as well as the positive trends and best prospects for U.S. business. Ambassador Derse encouraged U.S. companies to further develop commercial relations with Azerbaijan, especially in sectors such as: IT and Telecommunications, Agribusiness, Construction and Real Estate, Health, Medical, and Financial Services.
Over 60 individuals representing federal agencies, NGOs, and private companies of all sizes, attended the briefing, engaged in a dialog with Mrs. Derse, and raised specific questions on infrastructure development, financing, antitrust legislation, and procurement needs in Azerbaijan.
Date: August 16, 2006
Industry: Business Opportunities
Location: Washington, DC
Speakers: Ms. Tanya Shuster, Director, BISNIS
The Hon. Anne Elizabeth Derse, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan
Mr. Mahir Iskender, Executive Director, U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Chris Christov, Azerbaijan Country Manager, BISNIS
Welcoming Remarks by Ms. Tanya Shuster

Director of BISNIS

Part [1]
Briefing by the Hon. Anne Elizabeth Derse

U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan

Part [1]
Part [2]
Part [3]

Trade Mission Announcement by Mr. Mahir Iskender

Director, U.S. - Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce

Part [1]
Questions & Answers Session


Part [1]
Part [2]
Part [3]
Part [4]
Hits: 95
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Department of Commerce - International Trade Administration