Commercial News Update - Tajikistan

November, 2007



Prepared by: Jamshed Rahmonberdiev, BISNIS Representative in Tajikistan





In this issue of Commercial News Update:



Sixth Ministerial Conference on Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) was held in Dushanbe

World Economic Forum released its Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008; Tajikistan ranked 117 out of 131

$18 Billion Plan to Build New ‘Silk Roads” through Central Asia

ADB Assists in Rehabilitation of Road Network in Central Asia to Foster Trade

President Rahmon discussed energy issues with Iran’s Minister of Energy

Electricity supply deal signed between Central, South Asia



Sixth Ministerial Conference on Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) was held in Dushanbe

According to the web-site of the Asian Development Bank ( At their Sixth Ministerial Conference on 2-3 November 2007, Ministers from the eight countries participating in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program (i) adopted a Joint Ministerial Statement that highlights accomplishments of the Program in recent years, outlines a vision for the Program to 2018, and defines the 2008 work program; (ii) endorsed the Report of Senior Officials to the Ministerial Conference , which provides a detailed accounting of the Program's progress and activities in 2007; (iii) endorsed the CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy , an ambitious 10-year strategy to develop six transport and trade corridors linking the CAREC countries to each other and to major international markets; and (iv) endorsed the CAREC Institute Prospectus , which outlines the mission, purpose, goals and plans for establishment of the Institute. Conference papers and presentations can be accessed through the interactive agenda. back to headlines


World Economic Forum released its Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008; Tajikistan ranked 117 out of 131

The World Economic Forum released its Global Competitiveness Report for 2007-2008.  According to the report Tajikistan ranked at 117th position out of 131 countries.  back to headlines


$18 Billion Plan to Build New ‘Silk Roads” through Central Asia

According to the press release by the Asian Development Bank, eight countries on Saturday agreed to an $18 billion strategy to improve Central Asia’s network of roads, airports, railway lines and seaports to make the region a vital transit route for trade between Europe and Asia – a modern-day equivalent of the ancient Silk Road.

            The plan was agreed at a meeting in Dushanbe, Tajikistan attended by Ministers from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, People’s Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and supported by ADB and five other multilateral institutions.  back to headlines

Full text is available at:

ADB Assists in Rehabilitation of Road Network in Central Asia to Foster Trade

According the press release by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Bank is providing financial assistance to rehabilitate a key regional road network to reduce transport costs and foster trade and cooperation among Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, other Central Asian nations, and neighboring People’s Republic of China (PRC).

            ADB will provide $79 million in loans and grants to cover most of the funding needs of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Regional Road Corridor Improvement Project, which is estimated to cost $116 million. ADB will extend a $40.9 million loan and a $12.5 million grant to Tajikistan, while Kyrgyz Republic will receive a $25.6 million grant for the project. The balance will be covered by the governments of the two countries.  back to headlines

Full text is available at:

President Rahmon discussed energy issues with Iran’s Minister of Energy

According to Presidential Press Service, Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon met with visiting Iranian Energy Minister Saheed Parviz Fattah on November 10 to discuss energy issues.  In particular, the parties discussed progress on construction of the Sangtuda-II hydropower station in Tajikistan.  back to headlines

Electricity supply deal signed between Central, South Asia

ISLAMABAD: An agreement was signed in Kabul to implement a $500 million electricity connection between Central and South Asia. In its first stage, the project would transfer around 1,300 megawatts of electricity from Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan and Afghanistan. back to headlines





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