National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-PLI] Report on NIFL from COABE

David Rosen djrosen at
Mon May 3 06:34:23 EDT 2004

Dear NIFL-PLI Colleague:

At this year’s Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) conference,
Dr. Susan Sclafani, Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of Education,
Office of Vocational and Adult Education, addressed practitioners in
the Opening Session. She spoke about several issues, including the
future of the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL). She recognized
that many in the field of adult and family literacy are concerned about
NIFL losing its focus on adults, and assured us that this would not
happen, but that NIFL will also concentrate on literacy across the

Further, Dr. Sclafani discussed the importance of finding a person who
knows and understands adult literacy for the position of Director of
the Institute. She said that there is no better way to have NIFL
preserve its focus on adults than to hire a director who is an adult
literacy practitioner. She shared that we need someone that knows the
field of adult literacy to apply for this position, and encouraged
qualified adult literacy practitioners to apply.

We look forward to her continued support for retaining NIFL's focus on
adults in its concentration on lifespan literacy, and hope that she
will continue to be supportive of finding a NIFL Director applicant
from the field of adult literacy. As she requested, please encourage
experienced adult literacy practitioners to apply for the NIFL Director
position. Forward this message to anyone whom you think may qualify.

Deadline to apply: May 10, 2004
Submit the following materials to director_search at
• A resume
• A letter of no more than two pages explaining your interest in the
position, your qualifications, and your views on contributions the
Institute could make to improving literacy across the lifespan.
Vacancy announcement:

On behalf of the Save NIFL Campaign organizers,

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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