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Follow the links below for messages designed for you.

Parents and Caregivers

Find out what you can do to eliminate asthma triggers in your home (go to www.noattacks.org exiting EPA [En EspaƱol] exiting EPA

Healthcare Professionals

Learn about asthma studies and how you can help patients manage environmental asthma triggers.


Learn how to partner with us and receive materials at no-cost.


View public service announcements (PSAs, video news releases (VNRs) and other media materials about asthma and learn more about our National Public Awareness and Media Campaign.

El medio ambiente y su salud: Asma

Native American Asthma Radio Campaign

Native American Children Ask for Your Help to Fight Asthma Attacks

Please order and promote this asthma radio campaign for your area.  Go to www.epapsa.com exiting EPA to listen to and order this radio campaign.

Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for millions of Americans. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers. EPA is committed to educating all Americans about asthma so that everyone knows what asthma is, how the environment can affect asthma patients and how to manage environmental asthma triggers.  Learn more about factors found in the indoor and outdoor environment that can cause, trigger, or exacerbate asthma symptoms and what you can do to reduce their impact. You might be surprised by the list of common environmental asthma triggers and how simple it can be to eliminate them from your environment.

Join the Online Community Network

Join today and become a member of the Communities in Action for Asthma-Friendly Environments Online Network to access cutting-edge tools that facilitate collaboration, problem solving, and learning between leaders of asthma programs.  The Online Network is a year-round resource for mentoring and collaboration designed to support your asthma management program.

Take Action During Asthma Awareness Month

May is Asthma Awareness Month.  Join the US EPA in the national effort to raise awareness about asthma. Learn more about how to host activities to educate people in your community about comprehensive asthma management by downloading EPA’s Asthma Awareness Month Event Planning Kit.   The Kit features new ideas for outreach and awareness activities, tips for working with the media, success stories, and much more.

National Asthma Forum

Community leaders from across the nation are meeting to share best practices and discuss effective strategies for managing asthma and improving health outcomes for people with asthma in your community. 

EPA-Funded Study Finds Key Elements of Successful Asthma Programs

EPA and the University of Michigan Asthma Health Outcomes Project (AHOP), an international study of over 400 asthma programs is one of the most wide-reaching assessments to date. The study found that asthma programs that address environmental triggers work best to improve health outcomes such as reduced emergency room visits, improved quality of life, and fewer missed days of school.  Learn More 

Fight Asthma Campaign Public Service Announcement - Available in both English and Spanish: www.noattacks.org/psa.html exiting EPA

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