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Teen drivers with ADD a problem on the road

Getting a driver's license is a rite of passage for many teenagers, but the process was a bit more challenging for 19-year-old Tosha Mulligan. She has attention deficit disorder, a condition that can bring serious problems for teen drivers -- and those on the road with them. full story
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Preventing skin cancer
Skin cancer -- the abnormal growth of skin cells-- most often develops on skin exposed to the sun.
Empowered Patient
How to talk to your doctor about God
How to talk to your doctor about God
Do you think God can save someone when medical science can't? Elizabeth Cohen reports.
Health for Her
A close look at depression
A close look at depression
About 15 million Americans suffer from depression yearly. Judy Fortin reports.

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Are you rearing a child with Down syndrome? Are you an adult with Down syndrome and living on your own? Share your experience. Your story could be on CNN.

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