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NIAID HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases Program

Meet Us

Meet the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Clinical Center HIV Program staff, located on the 8th floor of the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md.

Group photo of the staff.Research study coordinators — usually meet study participants after they are greeted at our front desk. Research study coordinators determine whether someone is eligible to participate in a particular study, then begin the education process to help people learn about a study and decide if they want to participate.

Nurse case managers — see participants at each visit, perform health assessments, obtain and enter research data, and are the point of contact for participants and their personal physicians.

Treatment room nurses — assess vital signs, give medications, care for linens and dressings, and run teaching sessions for participants.

Clinic physicians — see participants for an initial history and physical exam. They also see participants in the event of illness or when required by the study.

Attending physicians — see participants if they are hospitalized because of illness or as part of the study. They also meet participants for discussions relating to informed consent, or if the participant has questions that are best answered by the senior physician in the clinic.

Photo of staff member working at computer.Clinic pharmacists — check prescriptions and teach patients about medications, their side effects, and how to take them.

Laboratory workers — work in the clinic itself and process specimens for research tests.

Social workers — begin educational, behavioral, and environmental interventions tailored to the needs of individual patients and their families. For example, if you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, you would normally pay for your first trip to the NIH. But if this is a hardship that would keep you from participating, you may discuss payment for the first trip with a social worker.

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