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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > What the Secretary Has Been Saying > 2007 Secretary Rice's Remarks > May 2007: Secretary Rice's Remarks 

Interview with Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer By Cammy Blackstone of Fox Sports News TV

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
AT&T Park
San Francisco, CA
May 23, 2007

QUESTION: Well, Madame Secretary, welcome back to the Bay area.

SECRETARY RICE: Well, thanks. It's great to be back.

QUESTION: I have something for you. It's the only hardball I'm going to give you during our brief chat. (Laughter.) It's from Duane Kuiper and Mike Krukow up in the booth.

SECRETARY RICE: Well, hello to Duane and Mike. Thanks for the ball.

QUESTION: Now, are you excited about being here at AT&T Park?

SECRETARY RICE: I'm very excited. This park was built just about the time I left and I attended one exhibition game here, so it's great to finally be back here for a regular season game.

QUESTION: Now, I know you're a big football fan and they were bandying your name about for football commissioner. Ever thought about maybe baseball commissioner?

SECRETARY RICE: Oh, I think I might have to fight the President for that one. You know, he's a big baseball fan. But I love this sport, too. It's really fun.

QUESTION: You know, we have the All Star game coming up here this year. Have you voted?

SECRETARY RICE: I've not voted.

QUESTION: Well, I've come to your rescue.

SECRETARY RICE: Oh, well, thank you. I'll -- it's a secret ballot, right? So I don't have to tell my choices.

QUESTION: And I know you've got somebody special here with you.

SECRETARY RICE: I do. Let me introduce him. He's the Foreign Minister of Australia.

QUESTION: Well, welcome to the game. I hope you have a great time.

FOREIGN MINISTER DOWNER: Thank you. I've never been to a baseball game before so -- I follow cricket, not baseball.

SECRETARY RICE: He's a big cricket fan and so he promised never to take me to a cricket game though, even though I brought him to a baseball game.

FOREIGN MINISTER DOWNER: It's great. It's fantastic. Very exciting.

QUESTION: Well, the food's better here, I would imagine.

FOREIGN MINISTER DOWNER: The food's pretty much identical. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Thanks so much, and enjoy the game.

SECRETARY RICE: Thank you. It's great to be with you. Take care.


Released on May 24, 2007

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