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FY2003 Homeland Security Budget Request and the FY2002 Supplemental

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee
Washington, DC
April 30, 2002

As Delivered

As Prepared

Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am pleased to appear before you to testify in support of President Bush’s budget request for the State Department for FY 2003 and his supplemental request for FY 2002 – as those two requests pertain to the mission of homeland security. And, as you specifically asked for, Mr. Chairman, I will also give you an overview of the entire FY02 supplemental request for the Department of State and for foreign operations.

This is my ninth budget hearing in three months, so I am averaging three per month. From that record, Mr. Chairman, you can readily see that I believe these exchanges with the people’s representatives are very important. The Department of State wants to make certain that this committee, and others with funding responsibilities, have the best information possible upon which to make their important dollar decisions.

President Bush recognizes the need of the Congress to receive information regarding the homeland security activities of Federal departments and agencies. Moreover, the Administration shares your view, Mr. Chairman, that it is essential for Federal, state, and local governments to work together closely as part of the significant national effort to defend the United States and the American people.

The Administration also recognizes that the country faces significant challenges regarding homeland security and that it will take the cooperation of both the legislative and the executive branches working together to meet them. In that regard, the Administration is committed to ensuring that you and the Congress receive the appropriate information on what we are doing to improve, enhance, and ensure the protection of our homeland.

With respect to homeland security, our role at State is not as large as that of some of our fellow departments such as the Department of Defense or the Department of Transportation. But we do have a vital role to play.

The State Department is involved in protecting the homeland in two key areas: first, our Border Security Program and, second, the physical security of certain government facilities and employees in the United States.

Let me show you how the dollars are lined up against these two areas in the President’s FY03 Budget Request, and then I will turn to his Supplemental Request for FY02 and do the same.

Mr. Chairman, for homeland security there are $749.1 million in the FY03 request. These dollars include:

  • $643 million for the Machine Readable Visa (MRV) Fee-Funded Border Security Program, which provides the technology backbone, personnel, and support, needed to carry out consular and border security functions. Major initiatives funded within the FY03 program include expansion of the Consular Consolidated Database and faster exchange of information on visa applications, strengthening passport and visa document security, and increasing passport and visa processing capability. We also welcome the opportunity to participate in the Office of Homeland Security’s efforts to determine how biometrics can be employed to enhance border security and to make movement easier for legitimate travelers.
  • $104 million is for antiterrorism and domestic security initiatives and activities funded through Diplomatic and Consular Programs. Domestic initiatives include state-of-the art access control systems, off-site delivery inspections, emergency public address systems to facilitate warnings and evacuations, a chemical/biological program, and enhanced explosive ordnance disposal protocols.
  • And finally, $2.1 million is for protection of USAID domestic facilities.

Mr. Chairman, let me now turn to the full FY02 Supplemental Request.

But before I do that, let me tell you how grateful we are at the Department for the efforts of this committee and the House Appropriations Committee to get us the almost $1.8 billion in crucial Emergency Response Fund funding to address the immediate post-September 11 needs. That was just the start though.

We are asking for $1.6 billion supplemental funding for FY 2002. This amount includes $322 million for the Department and $7.4 million for the Broadcasting Board of Governors. These dollars will address emergent building and operating requirements that have arisen as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks, including reopening our mission in Kabul, Afghanistan; reestablishing an official presence in Dushanbe, Tajikistan; increasing security and personnel protection at home and abroad; and augmenting our broadcasting activities in Afghanistan.

That leaves about $1.3 billion for foreign operations. These funds are primarily aimed at Front Line States (FLS) to:

  • Deter and prevent acts of international terrorism
  • Provide vitally needed military equipment, training and economic assistance
  • Expand respect for human rights and judicial reform
  • Provide a significant and immediate impact on displaced persons
  • Support civilian reintegration of former combatants and reestablish law enforcement and criminal justice systems
  • Provide economic and democracy assistance, including help with political development, health care, irrigation and water management, media development, community building and infrastructure improvements, enterprise development, and economic and civil society reform.

The supplemental request I have just outlined includes $47.2 million for programs that relate to homeland security. $22.2 million is for:

  • Diplomatic and Consular Programs to fund mail decontamination and safety requirements
  • Domestic chemical and biological weapons defense requirements
  • Increased domestic guard requirements
  • And dollars for the Capital Investment Fund to expand State Department’s presence on the Defense Department’s secure SIPRNET/INTELINK computer network.

The remaining $25 million is for programs that will allow us to work with Mexico to help that country make urgent infrastructure upgrades to achieve U.S. security objectives. These upgrades include:

  • Developing information-sharing systems on passengers and goods
  • Establishing a non-intrusive inspection capability
  • Augmenting training and communications equipment for Mexican law enforcement agencies
  • Creating additional SENTRI lanes in high-volume ports of entry
  • And conducting a bi-national study of border management systems, processes, and procedures.

In addition, as a part of our request for supplemental funding in FY02, we have asked for legislative authority in two areas:

First, authority that will facilitate the provision of Cooperative Threat Reduction and Title V Freedom Support Act assistance. This assistance has been critically important in the dismantlement and non-proliferation of WMD material and expertise in the New Independent States.

Second, we are requesting expanded authorities to allow support for the Government of Colombia’s unified campaign against drugs, terrorism, and other threats to Colombia’s national security. These expanded authorities will allow the Colombians to use equipment for counterterrorism, which was previously provided through counterdrug funding.

In sum, Mr. Chairman, these supplemental dollars for foreign operations in FY02 will be directed primarily at draining the swamp in which terrorists thrive and at insuring the long-term success of Operation Enduring Freedom, as well as enhancing homeland security.

Mr. Chairman, I will be pleased to answer your questions.

Released on April 30, 2002

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