[Federal Register: June 6, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 107)]
[Page 32771-32772]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]




Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Notification of an Upcoming 
Teleconference of the Perfluorooctanoic Acid Risk Assessment (PFOA) 
Review Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a 
public teleconference of the SAB Perfluorooctanoic Acid Risk Assessment 
(PFOA) Review Panel.

DATES: July 6, 2005, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

ADDRESSES: The public teleconference will take place via telephone 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public who wish to 
obtain the call-in number and access code to participate in the 
teleconference may contact Dr. Sue Shallal, EPA Science Advisory Board 
Staff (1400F), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania 
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone/voice mail: (202) 343-9977 
or via e-mail at shallal.suhair@epa.gov. The technical contact in EPA's 
Office of Pollution

[[Page 32772]]

Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) is Dr. Jennifer Seed who can be reached at 
seed.jennifer@epa.gov or 202-564-7634.

    Background: EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) 
had requested that the SAB peer review the Agency's Draft 
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Risk Assessment. Background on this SAB 
review was provided in previous Federal Register notices published on 
March 29, 2004 (69 FR 16249-50); and January 12, 2005 (70 FR 2157-58). 
EPA's Draft PFOA risk assessment and related background information on 
PFOA may be found at: http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/pfoa/index.htm. The 

purpose of this upcoming teleconference is for the SAB Review Panel to 
finalize its draft review report. A meeting agenda and the draft SAB 
review report will be posted on the SAB Web site (http://www.epa.gov/sab/
) prior to the meeting.

    Procedures for Providing Public Comment: It is the policy of the 
EPA SAB Staff Office to accept written public comments of any length 
for the SAB Panel's consideration, and to accommodate oral public 
comments whenever possible. The EPA SAB Staff Office expects that 
public statements presented at this meeting will not be repetitive of 
previously submitted oral or written statements to this Panel. Requests 
to provide oral comments must be in writing (e-mail, fax or mail) and 
received by Dr. Shallal no later than five business days prior to the 
teleconference or meeting in order to reserve time on the meeting 
agenda. For teleconferences, opportunities for oral comment will 
usually be limited to no more than three minutes per speaker or 
organization and no more than fifteen minutes total. Written comments 
should be received in the SAB Staff Office at least five business days 
prior to the meeting date so that the comments may be made available to 
the committee for their consideration. Comments should be supplied to 
the DFO at the address/contact information noted above in the following 
formats: one hard copy with original signature and one electronic copy 
via e-mail (acceptable file format: Adobe Acrobat, WordPerfect, Word, 
or Rich Text files (in IBM-PC/Windows 98/2000 format).

    Dated: March 31, 2005.
Vanessa T. Vu,
Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 05-11163 Filed 6-3-05; 8:45 am]