Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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55 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bush Optimistic About Iraq *
2.  UN Agency Urges Release of Burmese Journalist *
3.  US Condemns Burma For Beating Death Of Former Political Prisoner *
4.  ASEAN Envoy Scheduled to Arrive in Burma Thursday *
5.  Mis-diagnoses Provide Doctors with Clues for Reducing or Curing Migraines *
6.  ASEAN Envoy Urged to Press Burma on Violence *
7.  Insurgents in Iraq Attack Shi'ites Returning from Pilgrimage *


1.  Malaysian Foreign Minister to Meet with Burmese PM *
2.  ASEAN Envoy Arrives in Burma *
3.  Clinic on Thailand-Burma Border Struggle to Treat Rising Flood of Burmese Patients *
4.  Senators Leave Beijing Saying They Will Press Tariff Law *


1.  ASEAN Envoy Visits Burma After Two-Month Delay *
2.  Reports: Malaysian Foreign Minister Cuts Short Visit to Burma *
3.  Police in Belarus Arrested Hundreds of Protesters *
4.  Abbas Calls for Secret Negotiations with Israel *


1.  KNU Says Burma's Military Driving Ethnic Karen From Villages *
2.  Burma Opposition Disappointed Malaysia's FM Did Not Meet With Them *
3.  Indonesia Reports Human Death from Bird Flu *
4.  Pentagon Says Russian Intelligence Contributed to Saddam's Mistakes *


1.  Malaysian FM: Burma Trip Was Success Despite Not Meeting Suu Kyi *
2.  Ukraine Holds General Election Today *
3.  Hundreds of Thousands in Los Angeles Protest Pending Immigration Bill *
4.  Iraqi Police: Some 20 Shi'ites Killed in Clashes With U.S. Forces *
5.  Rice: US Will Question Russia About Alleged Help for Iraq *


1.  Burma Marks Armed Forces Day In New Capital *
2.  Pro-Russian Opposition Leads in Ukraine Parliament Vote *
3.  Blair Urges Australia To "Tough It Out" in Iraq *
4.  ASEAN Envoy: Trip To Burma Not a Total Success *
5.  Report: Infectious Disease Running Unchecked in Burma *


1.  Senate to Open Debate on Immigration *
2.  Former Liberian Leader Charles Taylor Vanishes from Nigerian Haven *
3.  S. Korean President Rejects Criticism He Is Anti-American *
4.  China Rejects Greenpeace Accusations Over Timber Imports *


1.  Israel's Kadima Party Wins Parliamentary Elections
2.  US "Deeply Concerned" by Reports of Taylor Disappearance *
3.  France Hit Hard by Anti-Jobs Law Protests *
4.  Rice Urges China, India To Press Burma On Human Rights *
5.  Burmese Opposition Says New Government Attacks Near New Capital Make Thousands Homeless *
6.  Top Burmese General to Visit Russia *
7.  Nigerian Plane Carrying Taylor Arrives in Liberia *


1.  US Says Regional Pressure Building For Change in Burma *
2.  MSF: Doctors Without Borders Pulls French Staff From Burma *
3.  ASEAN Secretary-General Calls on India, China, to Pressure Burma on Democracy *
4.  Bush in Mexico for Talks with North American Leaders *
5.  US Hostage Jill Carroll Released in Iraq *
6.  Burma Mounts Offensive Against Separatists *
7.  Bush in Cancun for Talks With Mexico's Fox, Canada's Harper *


1.  Rights Group Voices Concern over Murder Case in Burma *
2.  Media Groups Decry Burma's Actions against Press *
3.  Thai Opposition Suspends Protests as Nation Prepares for Snap Elections *
4.  Ship Capsizes Off Bahrain Coast; 57 Drowned, 13 Missing *


1.  Chinese Companies Profit From Illegally Destroying Burma's Forests *
2.  Rice: US Made Mistakes in Iraq, But Not in Bringing Democracy *
3.  Thai Election Officials Say Preparations Complete for Sunday Snap Election *
4.  Pressure Builds for Iraqi Prime Minister to Step Aside *
5.  Freed Hostage Jill Carroll Says She was Threatened by Captors in Iraq *