Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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39 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Thai PM Vows to Restore Historic Mosque - 2004-05-08 *
2.  Bush: US Committed to Transfer Power in Iraq By June - 2004-05-08 *
3.  Al-Sadr Militiamen Attack British in Basra - 2004-05-08 *
4.  Iraq Prisons Chief Says Abu Ghraib To Remain Open - 2004-05-08 *
5.  Burmese Military Under Pressure To Change Before 2006 ASEAN Summit - 2004-05-08 *
6.  Lawmakers Express Outrage to Rumsfeld Over Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-08 *
7.  Former Hostage Hamill Arrives Home in Mississippi - 2004-05-08
8.  Burma Opposition Leaders Discuss Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-08 *


1.  US Forces Raid al-Sadr Baghdad Offices, Detain Aides - 2004-05-09 *
2.  India's General Election Enters Final Phase - 2004-05-09 *
3.  First Court Martial Ordered In Connection With Iraqi Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-09 *
4.  7 Dead in Baghdad Market Blast - 2004-05-09 *
5.  Chechen President, 13 Others Killed in Grozny Blast - 2004-05-09 *
6.  Bomb Blast Kills Chechen President - 2004-05-09 *
7.  Burma's Opposition Leaders Meet Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-05-09 *


1.  Bush Visits Pentagon for Private Briefing Amid Abuse Scandal - 2004-05-10 *
2.  East Timor Issues Arrest Warrant for Wiranto - 2004-05-10 *
3.  Philippines Polls Close - 2004-05-10 *
4.  Britain's Hoon to Make Statement About Iraqi Prisoner Abuse - 2004-05-10 *
5.  Mother’s Day Special: Interview With A Mother of Burmese-American Marine Sergeant - 2004-05-10 *


1.  US Military: 35 Iraqi Militiamen Killed in Baghdad Clashes - 2004-05-11 *
2.  Bush Shows Support for Rumsfeld at Pentagon - 2004-05-11 *
3.  British Lawmakers Urges Burma's Neighboring Countires to Stop Repatriating Refugees - 2004-05-11 *
4.  Amnesty: British Soldiers Killed Iraqi Civilians Who Posed No Threat - 2004-05-11 *


1.  White House Vows Justice for American Captive's Beheading in Iraq - 2004-05-12 *
2.  Burma's NLD Still Undecided About Convention - 2004-05-12 *


1.  Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee Resigns - 2004-05-13 *
2.  US Presidentail Candidates Campaign Heats Up - 2004-05-13 *
3.  Rumsfeld In Baghdad on Surprise Visit - 2004-05-13 *
4.  Registration Begins for Burmese Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-13
5.  Burmese Opposition Meets Again With Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-05-13 *


1.  Profile of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi - 2004-05-14 *
2.  Burmese Opposition to Boycott Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-14 *
3.  Dozens of Iraqi Prisoners Freed From Abu Ghraib Prison - 2004-05-14 *
4.  Military Junta Shuts Door On Free Coverage Of National Convention - 2004-05-14 *
5.  Burma: Constitutional Convention To Proceed Despite Boycott - 2004-05-14 *
6.  India's Congress Party Forming New Government - 2004-05-14 *


1.  India: Gandhi Moves Closer To Becoming Prime Minister - 2004-05-15 *
2.  Powell To Attend Talks in Jordan Saturday - 2004-05-15 *
3.  President Bush Condemns American Civilian Beheading - 2004-05-15
4.  Burma's Opposition Party Boycotts Upcoming Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-15 *
5.  Opposition to Boycott Burma's Constitutional Convention - 2004-05-15 *