Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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47 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Indonesian Parliament Rejects Burma's Upcoming Chairmanship of ASEAN *
2.  ILO To Discuss Forced Labor in Burma *
3.  Suicide Attack Kills 20 at Afghan Mosque *
4.  Burma Awards Singapore Company Lucrative Airport Expansion Contract *
5.  Dutch Vote on EU Constitution *
6.  Bush and Mbeki Discuss Sudan and Zimbabwe *


1.  Dutch Voters Reject EU Constitution *
2.  Philippines Expresses Concern About Burma's Human Rights Record *
3.  Afghanistan's Karzai, UN Chief Annan, Condemn Kandahar Bomb Attack *
4.  ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Burma Caucus Meets in Singapore *
5.  02 June 05: Asian Stock Prices Close Higher
6.  01 June 05: Asian Stock Prices Close Mixed
7.  02 June 05: US Stocks Lower at Open
8.  01 June 05: US Stocks Lower at Open
9.  At Least 18 Dead in Iraq Car Bombings *
10.  Beirut Bomb Kills Anti-Syrian Journalist *


1.  Burmese Dissident Accused of Involvement in Rangoon Bombings *
2.  03 June 05: Asian Markets Mostly Higher
3.  03 June 05: European Stocks Higher at Midday
4.  Asian-Pacific Leaders Want "Bold" Moves For Free Trade *
5.  China Calls Plan to Expand UN Security Council *
6.  Iraq Says 12 Thousand Civilians Killed By Insurgent Violence *
7.  Israel Says Syria Test-Fired Scud Missiles *


1.  Asian Countries Targeted in State Department Human Trafficking Report *
2.  Americans 'Mishandled' Koran 5 Times at Guantanamo *
3.  Avian Flu Spread Worries Experts *


1.  White House: Koran Mishandling at Guantanamo Bay are Isolated Cases *
2.  Chinese Quietly Remember Tiananmen Crackdown *
3.  US Troops Uncover Elaborate Insurgent Bunker in Iraq *
4.  Lebanon Votes in Parliamentary Elections *
5.  Iraqi Government to Bring 12 Charges Against Saddam *


1.  Hezbollah, Amal Claim Clean Sweep in Lebanon Vote *
2.  ICC Launches Investigation of Alleged War Crimes in Sudan, Darfur *
3.  Rumsfeld Discusses Regional Security on Visit to Thailand *
4.  Iraqi Minister Says There Is "Abundance" of Evidence Against Saddam *


1.  Bush Hails 'Dramatic Gains For Democracy' In Western Hemisphere *
2.  Sudan Rejects ICC Call to Hand Over Suspected War Criminals *
3.  Suicide Car Bombings in Northern Iraq Kill 14 *
4.  Southeast Asian Politicians Take Action to Block Burma From Heading ASEAN *
5.  Bush, Blair to Discuss Africa Aid at White House *
6.  Burma Denies Bomb Rumor *
7.  European Parliament Criticizes Burma for Rights Abuses *
8.  07 June 05: Asian Stock Prices Close Mostly Lower
9.  06 June 05: Asian Stocks Close Mostly Higher
10.  06 June 05: US Stocks Make Modest Gains in Monday's Trading
11.  07 June 05: US Stocks Move Up Strongly In Tuesday's Early Trading
12.  US Democrats Seek To Sharpen Message *
13.  The Growing Video Game Market and Electric Entertainment Expo *
14.  Hurricane Experts Predict Busy Season *


1.  Bush, Blair to Discuss Africa Aid *
2.  Burma Receives Multi-Million Dollar Grant to Fight Malaria *
3.  Bush, Blair SayThey Are Close to Debt Relief Deal for Africa *
4.  Burma and China Mark Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties *
5.  Burma Faces Shortage of HIV Drugs *
6.  Blair to Continue Pressing US on Greenhouse Gases *
7.  08 June 05:  Asia Stock Prices Close Mostly Higher
8.  08 June 05: US Stocks Make Modest Gains in Wednesday's Mid-day Trading
9.  Amnesty Says Burmese Workers Mistreated in Thailand *
10.  WHO Developing Global Cancer Control Strategy *