Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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40 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  7 Dead in Jerusalem Suicide Bombing - 2004-02-22 *
2.  MI-5 in Britain to Boost Staff by 50% - 2004-02-22 *
3.  Haiti's Opposition Still Wants Aristide Out - 2004-02-22 *
4.  Burmese Junta, KNU To Begin Second Round Of Peace Talks - 2004-02-22 *
5.  Bush Defends War In Iraq - 2004-02-22 *


1.  Karen National Union Begins New Round Of Talks With Burmese Junta - 2004-02-23 *
2.  World Court Beginning Hearings on Israel's West Bank Barrier - 2004-02-23 *
3.  10 Killed in Northern Iraq Bombing; Rumsfeld Visits Baghdad - 2004-02-23 *


1.  Pakistani Troops Hunt Suspected al-Qaida, Taleban Fighters - 2004-02-24 *
2.  Earthquake Kills 226 in Morocco - 2004-02-24 *
3.  Rights Group Accuses Thailand Of Endangering Lives Of Burmese Refugees - 2004-02-24 *
4.  Bush Steps Up Re-Election Bid - 2004-02-24 *
5.  Annan: UN Committed to Helping Iraq Form Democratic Government - 2004-02-24 *
6.  Independent Candidate Ralph Nader Runs For President - 2004-02-24 *


1.  Burma To Ban Tobacco And Alcohol Advertising - 2004-02-25 *
2.  Arabic TV Airs Al-Qaida Tape Warning US of More Attacks - 2004-02-25 *
3.  564 Killed in Morocco Earthquake - 2004-02-25 *
4.  First Session of NoKor Nuke Talks Ends - 2004-02-25 *
5.  Philippines Commemorates Eighteenth Esda Anniversary - 2004-02-25 *
6.  Bush Calls For Amendment Banning Gay Marriage - 2004-02-25 *


1.  Interview: General Saw Bo Mya of Karen National Union on KNU-SPDC Talks - 2004-02-26 *
2.  US: Unclear How Long North Korea Talks Will Last - 2004-02-26 *
3.  Bush Will Turn Back Any Haitian Refugees - 2004-02-26 *
4.  Powell: US Willing To Participate In Deployment Of International Police Force For Haiti - 2004-02-26 *
5.  Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski Killed in Plane Crash - 2004-02-26
6.  State Department Releases Annual Human Rights Report - 2004-02-26 *
7.  KNU Wraps Up Peace Talks With Junta, Describe It As 'Successful' - 2004-02-26 *


1.  US Has No Plans To Join International Talks On Burma - 2004-02-27 *
2.  Haitian Rebels Say Attack on Port-au-Prince Imminent - 2004-02-27 *
3.  KNU Leader Says the KNU-SPDC Cease-fire Talks will Resume in March - 2004-02-27 *


1.  Nokor Nuke Talks Wind Down Without Much Progress - 2004-02-28 *
2.  North Korea Nuclear Talks Recess in Beijing - 2004-02-28 *
3.  Libyan Leader Urges African Nations Not To Develop WMD - 2004-02-28 *
4.  A Million Hands of Protest in Taiwan - 2004-02-28 *
5.  Iraqis Wrangle over Interim Constitution, Deadline is Today - 2004-02-28 *
6.  US Calls On Haiti To End Voilence - 2004-02-28 *
7.  Aristide Says He Will Stay Put as Capital Descends Into Lawlessness - 2004-02-28 *
8.  Bush Still Hoping for Political Solution in Haiti - 2004-02-28 *
9.  Burmese Military Junta Rejects US Report On Human Rights - 2004-02-28 *


1.  Looting, Violence Subside In Haitian Capital - 2004-02-29 *
2.  NYT: US Steps up Hunt for Bin Laden - 2004-02-29 *