[Federal Register: July 12, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 132)]
[Page 40049-40051]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Preparedness and 
Response Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its 
continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites 
the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity 
to comment on a proposed revised information collection. In accordance 
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), 
this notice seeks comments concerning the Public Assistance Progress 
Report and related forms used to administer the Public Assistance 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and 
Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended, authorizes the 
President to provide assistance to State and local governments to help 
them to respond to and recover from a disaster. In order to receive 
Federal assistance (i.e., Federal grants) State and local officials and 
officials of eligible private nonprofit organizations, who have 
responsibility for response to a major disaster and for the restoration 
of facilities in the aftermath of such events, must provide information 
to FEMA. The information is required in accordance with FEMA 
regulations 44 CFR, Section 206.204(f), Section 206.203(c), Section 
206.203(d)(i) and guidance published in FEMA 322, Public Assistance 
Guide, and FEMA 323, Public Assistance Applicant Handbook. Summary of 
the Application Process/Forms: (1) The Request for Public Assistance is 
FEMA's official application form. The Grantee has 30 days from the date 
of the designation of the area where the damage occurred to submit a 
completed Request to the Regional Director for each applicant who 
requests public assistance. (2) Project Worksheet (PW)--The PW 
identifies the eligible scope of work and includes a quantitative 
estimate for the eligible work. FEMA or the applicant (sub-grantee), 
assisted by the State, will prepare a PW for each project. The 
applicant will have 60 days to identify and report damages to

[[Page 40050]]

FEMA. (3) Federal funds are obligated to the State based on the 
approved PW. (4) The State will then approve sub-grantees based on the 
PW approved for each applicant. (5) PW Damage Description and Scope of 
Work Continuation Sheet--The Damage Description and Dimensions and 
Scope of Work should be listed in the areas provided on the PW. The 
optional PW--Damage Description and Scope of Work Continuation Sheet 
provides additional space, if needed, to describe the work necessary to 
restore the facility to its pre-disaster design. (6) PW Cost Estimate 
Continuation Sheet--The cost estimate is the estimated cost of repair 
for the damages described in the Project Description of the PW. The 
optional PW Cost Estimate Continuation Sheet provides additional space, 
if needed, to estimate the cost to restore the facility to its pre-
disaster condition. (7) PW Maps and Sketches Sheet--The optional PW 
Maps and Sketches Sheet assist applicants in organizing project 
documentation. The exact location of the facility is described and a 
sketch of the facility will assist the applicant in describing the 
damage in terms of facility features or items requiring repair. (8) PW 
Photo Sheet--The optional PW Photo Sheet assist applicants in 
organizing project documentation. The Photo Sheet provides field 
personnel with specific information that enables facility damages to be 
documented before work is accomplished. (9) Force Account Labor Summary 
Record--The optional Force Account Labor Summary Record, is used to 
record applicant personnel cost. (10) Force Account Equipment Summary 
Record--The optional Force Account Equipment Summary Record, is used to 
record applicant equipment costs. (11) Materials Summary Record--The 
optional Materials Summary Record, is used to record the supplies and 
materials an applicant may take out of stock or purchase. (12) Contract 
Work Summary Record--The optional Contract Work Summary Record, is used 
to record the costs of work that an applicant has done by contract. 
(13) Rented Equipment Summary Record--The optional Rented Equipment 
Summary Record, is used to record the cost of rented or leased 
equipment. (14) Special Considerations Questions--The key to expedited 
review and approval of emergency-or permanent-work projects is early 
identification of factors that affect compliance with environmental 
resources, disaster assistance, and historic preservation legislation 
and Executive Orders on floodplain, wetlands, and environmental 
justice. The optional Special Considerations Questions, assists 
applicants in organizing project documentation. It is more important 
that any considerations simply be noted on the PW thus alerting FEMA 
early on in the process to any problems or circumstances expected to 
result in noncompliance with the approved grant. A condition of all 
FEMA funded projects is that they conform to State and local laws and 
ordinances. (15) Applicant's Benefits Calculation Worksheet--The 
optional Applicant's Benefits Calculation Worksheet is used to record 
the costs of fringe benefits for force account labor. (16) PNP Facility 
Questionnaire--The optional PNP Facility Questionnaire is used to help 
determine the eligibility of specific Private Non-Profit facilities.

Collection of Information

    Title: Public Assistance Progress Report and Program Forms.
    Type of Information Collection: Revision of a currently approved 
    OMB Number: 1660-0017.
    Form Numbers: FEMA Form 90-49, Request for Public Assistance; FEMA 
Form 90-91, Project Worksheet (PW); FEMA Form 90-91A, Damage 
Description and Scope of Work Continuation Sheet; FEMA Form 90-91B, 
Cost Estimate Continuation Sheet; FEMA Form 90-91C, Maps and Sketches 
Sheet; FEMA Form 90-91D, Photo Sheet; FEMA Form 90-120, Special 
Considerations Questions; FEMA Form 90-121, PNP Facility Questionnaire; 
FEMA Form 90-123, Force Account Labor Summary Record; FEMA Form 90-124, 
Materials Summary Record; FEMA Form 90-125, Rented Equipment Summary 
Record; FEMA Form 90-126, Contract Work Summary Record; FEMA Form 90-
127, Force Account Equipment Summary Record; and FEMA Form 90-128, 
Applicant's Benefits Calculation Worksheet.
    Abstract: This collection serves as the mechanism to administer the 
Public Assistance (PA) Program. The application process contains 
recordkeeping and reporting requirements via mandatory and optional 
completion of several forms and timeframes. The Progress Report and 
related forms ensure that FEMA and the State have up-to-date 
information on PA program grants. The report describes the status of 
project completion dates, and circumstances that could delay a project. 
States are responsible for determining reporting requirements for 
applicants and must submit reports quarterly to FEMA Regional 
Directors. The date of the report is determined jointly by the State 
and the Disaster Recovery Manager.
    Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal government, and Not-For-
Profit Organizations.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 132,882 hours.

                                               Annual Burden Hours
                                   No. of       Frequency of    Burden hours per      Annual       Total annual
            Forms                respondents      responses        respondent        responses     burden hours
                                          (A)             (B)  (C)..............           (AxB)         (AxBxC)
Mandatory Forms:
    FF 90-49.................             148              53  10 min...........           7,844           1,333
    FF 90-91, FF 90-91A, FF               694              53  90 min...........          36,782          55,173
     90-91B, FF 90-91C, FF 90-
    FF 90-120................             658              53  10 min...........          34,874           5,929
    FF 90-128................             148              53  30 min...........           7,844           3,922
    FF 91-121................              20              53  30 min...........           1,060             530
    Progress Report..........              56               4  100 hrs..........             224          22,400
        Total--Mandatory.....            1724             269  103 hrs..........          88,628          89,287
Optional Forms:
    FF 90-123................             658              53  15 min...........          34,874           8,719
    FF 90-124................             658              53  15 min...........          34,874           8,719
    FF 90-125................             658              53  15 min...........          34,874           8,719

[[Page 40051]]

    FF 90-126................             658              53  15 min...........          34,874           8,719
    FF 90-127................             658              53  15 min...........          34,874           8,719
        Total Annual Burden..           5,014             534  104 hrs..........         262,998         132,882

    Estimated Cost: Annualized cost to all respondents combined is 
estimated at $3,800,000.00 with an average cost per respondent 
estimated at $2,906.00.
    Comments: Written comments are solicited to (a) evaluate whether 
the proposed data collection is necessary for the proper performance of 
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the 
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) enhance the 
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 
(d) minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who 
are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
submission of responses. Comments should be received within 60 days of 
the date of this notice.

ADDRESSES: Interested persons should submit written comments to the 
Section Chief, Records Management Section, Information Resources 
Management Branch, Information Technology Services Division, Federal 
Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Preparedness and Response 
Directorate, Department of Homeland Security, 500 C Street, SW., Room 
316, Washington, DC 20472.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact Clifford Brown, Program 
Specialist, Public Assistance Grant Program at 202-646-4136 for 
additional information. You may contact the Records Management Section 
for copies of the proposed collection of information at facsimile 
number (202) 646-3347 or E-mail address: 

    Dated: June 29, 2005.
Deborah Moradi,
Acting Branch Chief, Information Resources Management Branch, 
Information Technology Services Division.
[FR Doc. 05-13610 Filed 7-11-05; 8:45 am]