Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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37 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Will Sanctions Against Burma Work? - 2003-07-22 *
2.  Europe, Asia Talking About Burma - 2003-07-22 *
3.  Asia Pushes for Burma's Inclusion in Asia-Europe Forum - 2003-07-22 *


1.  Burma Tops ASEM Agenda - 2003-07-23 *
2.  NAACP: Democrats - 2003-07-23 *
3.  US Congress: Burma Sanctions - 2003-07-23 *
4.  US General: Uday and Qusay Hussein Dead - 2003-07-23 *
5.  ASEAN To Press For Aung San Suu Kyi Release - 2003-07-23 *
6.  ASEAN Nations Will Send Delegation To Burma Over Suu Kyi's Detention - 2003-07-23 *
7.  Four Burmese Journalists Arrested Over Football Article - 2003-07-23 *
8.  Europe, Asia Discussing Burma - 2003-07-23 *
9.  French Leader Backs Malaysia Stance On Burma - 2003-07-23 *
10.  Burma Frees 91 Political Prisoners - 2003-07-23 *
11.  Razali: Not Optimistic About Prompt Release Of Suu Kyi - 2003-07-23


1.  Thailand Proposes Road Map for Burma  At Asia-Europe Meeting - 2003-07-24
2.  Jessica Lynch Homecoming - 2003-07-24 *
3.  Asem Foreign Ministers Call For Aung San Suu Kyi's Immediate Release - 2003-07-24 *
4.  Thailand Offers Mediation On Burma Deadlock - 2003-07-24 *


1.  Burmese Foreign Minister Questions Sanctions - 2003-07-25 *
2.  Burma's Struggle For Democracy - 2003-07-25 *


1.  Burmese Junta Accuses Opposition Party Of Plotting To Seize Power - 2003-07-27 *
2.  Malaysia Warns Burma Of Intervention Over Suu Kyi's Detention - 2003-07-27 *


1.  Burma Sets No Timeframe To Free Suu Kyi - 2003-07-28 *
2.  Burma's FM: Aug San Suu Kyi Will Not be Detained Indefinitely - 2003-07-28 *


1.  President Bush Signs Burmese Sanction Act - 2003-07-29 *
2.  ASEAN'S Unprecedented Policy Towards Burma - 2003-07-29 *
3.  Thailand: Proposed Burma Road Map Not Interference - 2003-07-29 *
4.  Red Cross Meets Suu Kyi, US Slams Burmese Military Junta - 2003-07-29 *
5.  Foriegn Minister Explains Aung San Suu Kyi's Detention - 2003-07-29 *
6.  Bush: Executive Order of Burmese Freedom And Democracy Act of 2003 - 2003-07-29 *
7.  Bush: US Stands With Burmese People In Struggle For Democracy And Freedom - 2003-07-29 *
8.  Democrats Call For An Investigation On US Intelligence Report of Iraq's Nuke Ambitions - 2003-07-29 *


1.  Burma Criticizes New US Sanctions - 2003-07-30 *
2.  Aung San Suu Kyi's Fate to be Resolved by October - 2003-07-30 *
3.  Test Burmese Programs - 2003-07-30
4.  Indonesia: Burma to Resolve Aung San Suu Kyi Issue by October - 2003-07-30 *


1.  Burma and Thailand Are To Talk Over Proposed Roadmap - 2003-07-31
2.  Pressure To Withdraw From Burma Irritates British Tobacco Company - 2003-07-31 *
3.  Top Burmese General Rebuffs New US Sanctions - 2003-07-31 *


1.  Burma's FM: Aung San Suu Kyi to be Freed Eventually - 2003-08-01 *
2.  Judge Says California Law Applies in Burma Rights Case - 2003-08-01 *