Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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40 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Burma Hopes to Raise $63 Million from Gem Fair *
2.  Rice Praises Indonesia's Democracy & Leadership Role on Burma *
3.  Experts Say Immediate Action Needed to Contain Bird Flu in Burma, Afghanistan *
4.  Thai Prime Minister Under Increasing Pressure to Resign *
5.  Saddam Turns Combative While Testifying at Own Trial *
6.  Milosevic's Body is Returned to Serbia for Burial *


1.  Burma Rejects US Report on Human Rights *
2.  Birds Test Positive for H5N1 Flu in Afghanistan and Burma *
3.  US Security Strategy Upholds First-Strike Military Option *
4.  UN General Assembly Approves New Human Rights Council Despite US Objections *
5.  Congressional Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Human Rights Abuses *
6.  US and Iran Willing to Talk About Iraq *


1.  Rice in Security Dialogue with Japanese, Australian Counterparts *
2.  Women Slowly Making Electoral Gains in Arab World *
3.  Lawmakers Focus on Human Rights *
4.  UN Security Council to Try to Break Impasse on Iran *


1.  Rice, Australian, Japanese Foreign Ministers Welcome China on World Stage, Warn Iran *
2.  Russia, China Slow UN Diplomacy On Iran *
3.  Milosevic Funeral in Serbia Today *


1.  US Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Warns Against Quick Iraq Pullout *
2.  Malaysia's FM Willing to Meet Anyone in Burma *
3.  Hundreds of Anti-War Activists Rally in Asia *
4.  Thousands of Taiwan Opposition Activists Protest President's China-Provoking Policies *
5.  Bush Marks Third Anniversary Of Start Of Iraq War *


1.  OSCE Says Belarus Presidential Vote Not Free or Fair *
2.  Thai Election Commission Considers Postponing Snap Elections Due to Lack of Candidates, Fraud Charges *
3.  Watchdog Panel Questions US Export Controls on China *


1.  Rights Group Condemns Beating Death by Burmese Security
2.  Rice to Attend CARICOM Meetings in The Bahamas
3.  Thousands of Belarusians Continue Protesting Lukashenko Re-election *
4.  Bush Sees Progress In Iraq, Challenge In Iran *
5.  Belarusian Police Detain Senior Opposition Politicians *
6.  Malaysian FM Says He Hopes to Visit Burma This Week *
7.  Russia's Putin Visits China, Pledges Energy Cooperation *
8.  America Divided on Illegal Immigration *


1.  ASEAN Envoy Urged to Press Burma on Violence *
2.  Insurgents in Iraq Attack Shi'ites Returning from Pilgrimage *
3.  Bush Optimistic About Iraq *
4.  UN Agency Urges Release of Burmese Journalist *
5.  US Condemns Burma For Beating Death Of Former Political Prisoner *
6.  ASEAN Envoy Scheduled to Arrive in Burma Thursday *
7.  Mis-diagnoses Provide Doctors with Clues for Reducing or Curing Migraines *