Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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41 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  US Renews Efforts for Security Council Briefing on Burma *
2.  Bush Lays out Iraqi Strategy
3.  Burmese Prisoner Assistance Group Issues Report on Torture *
4.  UN AIDS Chief Urges Greater Response In AIDS Fight *
5.  Burmese Military Government Prepares to Re-Open Constitutional Convention *


1.  Bush Renews Nation's Commitment to Fight Aids *
2.  Japanese Court Grants Burmese Man Refugee Status *
3.  Malaysian Lawmaker Likens Burmese Junta to Hitler, Stalin *
4.  Norway Demands Release of Aung San Suu Kyi *
5.  French Oil Group Total Criticized for Settling Burma Forced Labor Suit *
6.  UN Special Investigator Says Torture Remains Widespread in China *


1.  Burma Denies Seeking Nuclear Capabilities *
2.  Southeast Asian Lawmakers Condemn Burma's Human Rights Record *
3.  Burma Announces Extension of Aung San Suu Kyi's House Arrest *
4.  Security Council Asks for Briefing on Burma *
5.  European Spacefraft Finds Water Ice Buried on Mars *


1.  Controversial Burmese Constitutional Convention to Resume Monday
2.  Controversial Burmese Constitutional Convention to Resume Monday *


1.  Lawmakers Call for Burma's Expulsion from ASEAN *
2.  Burma to Resume Drafting Constitution *
3.  Burma's Junta Seeks "Disciplined Democracy"
4.  Burma's Military Leaders Open Constitutional Talks to Bring *
5.  Suicide Bombing at Israeli Mall Kills 6, Wounds Dozens More *
6.  First Witness Testifies at Saddam Trial *
7.  Rice Defends Detainee Treatment *


1.  US Criticizes Burma's National Convention *
2.  Burma's Junta Seeks 'Disciplined Democracy' *
3.  Rice in Europe to Defend US Anti-Terrorism Tactics *
4.  Southeast Asian Games End With First Philippine Win *
5.  Rosa Parks to Get a Statue on Capitol Hill *
6.  US Criticizes Burma's National Constitutional Convention *
7.  Burma Tries to Expel India's Naga Rebels *
8.  Burma Promises Cooperation on Bird Flu *
9.  Many Killed as Iranian Military Plane Crashes in Tehran *
10.  Rice, Merkel Discuss Anti-Terrorism Tactics *


1.  Iranian Military Plane Crashes, Kills at least 119 *
2.  New Terror Report Criticizes White House and Congress *
3.  Burma to Remain Focus of Attention at ASEAN Summit, But Tangible Moves for Reform Unlikely *
4.  British Clothing Company Cuts Burmese Business Ties *


1.  EU Opens Humanitarian Field Office in Burma *
2.  East Asia Summit to Hold Inaugural Session, But Purpose is Not Clear *
3.  Suicide Bombing in Baghdad Kills 30 *
4.  Rice Assures NATO the US Respects the Rule of Law *
5.  Medical: Face Transplants *