Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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41 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  UN Special Envoy to Burma Resigns *
2.  Doctors Will Try To Revive Ariel Sharon Monday *
3.  Palestinian Negotiator Urges Restarting Peace Talks *


1.  Bombs in Burma Near Indian Border *
2.  Alito Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Begin Today *
3.  United Nations Envoy to Burma Quits Over Impasse *
4.  Ariel Sharon Begins Breathing on His Own *
5.  Bush Administration Says Pressure Is Growing on Iran to Halt Its Nuclear Program *
6.  Sharon Breathing, Moving as Anesthesia Reduced *
7.  Burma Still Ranked One of the Least-Free Economies *


1.  University Panel: South Korean Scientist's Human Stem Cell Claims All Fake, Cloned Dog Genuine *
2.  UN Secretary-General Praises Former Envoy to Burma *
3.  Battle Over Bush Court Pick Begins *
4.  Recent Explosion of West Virginia Coal Mine Under Investigation *
5.  US Supreme Court Nominee Faces Questions on Executive Powers, Abortion *
6.  Iran Resumes Nuclear Research *


1.  Burma to Ship Natural Gas to China Instead of India *
2.  Burma's Military Ignores International Pressure and Postpones Visit by ASEAN Representative *
3.  Russia Joins US in Condemning Iran's Nuclear Work
4.  Bush Vows Action Against Human Trafficking *
5.  US Says Security Council Referral for Iran More Likely Than Ever *
6.  US Envoy to North Korea Nuclear Talks Begins Asia Trip *


1.  Thai Company Announces Gas Find in Burma *
2.  Bush Defends Policies at Town Hall Meeting *
3.  345 Pilgrims Killed in Hajj Stampede *
4.  Report: Political Prisoner Dies in Burma *
5.  Bird Flu Experts Push for Early Detection and Rapid Response *
6.  South Korean Company Finds Gas Reserve in Burma *
7.  Rice Backs Referral of Iran's Nuclear "Defiance" to Security Council *


1.  Iran Threatens to End Nuclear Cooperation with IAEA *
2.  Burmese Navy Ship Takes Part In Regional Maritime Exercise *
3.  Death Toll Rises to 362 in Hajj Stampede *
4.  Alito Confirmation Hearings to Continue Friday *
5.  Health Experts Discusses Action Plan to Contain Flu Pandemic *


1.  Attack in Pakistan May Have Targeted Al-Qaida Number Two *
2.  21 Killed in Burmese Offensive Against Indian Separatists *
3.  Pakistani officials say Al-Qaida Deputy not at Site of Missile Attack *
4.  US Spacecraft Bringing Home Stardust for Clues to Solar System Origin *


1.  Kuwait Emir Sheikh Jaber Dies: Cabinet Appoints New Ruler *
2.  Space Capsule Carrying Comet Dust Returns to Earth *
3.  US Releases 500 Detainees from Iraqi Prison *
4.  Girl with Bird Flu Symptoms Dies in Eastern Turkey *