Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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42 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Bush Announces Plan to Send Americans to the Moon and Mars - 2004-01-15 *
2.  KNU Delegation Arrives In Rangoon For More Peace Talks - 2004-01-15 *


1.  Mars Rover Tests Equipment, Microscopic Camera - 2004-01-16 *
2.  South Korea Discovers Offshore Gas Field In Burma - 2004-01-16 *
3.  Protests During Bush Visit to King Grave - 2004-01-16 *
4.  Burma Releases More Political Prisoners - 2004-01-16 *
5.  NASA Mars Rover Rolls Onto Mars - 2004-01-16 *
6.  Witness Describes Fatal Lindh Attack - 2004-01-16 *
7.  Israel Imposes General Closure on Gaza Strip - 2004-01-16 *
8.  WHO Finds SARS Evidence in Chinese Restaurant - 2004-01-16 *
9.  Bush, Bremer to Discuss Iraq - 2004-01-16 *


1.  Ethnic Karen Opens Peace Talks With Burmese Military Regime - 2004-01-17 *
2.  WHO Confirms Four Deaths of Bird Flu In Vietnam - 2004-01-17 *
3.  Rights Coalition Says Use of Child Soldiers Persists - 2004-01-17 *
4.  China Announces New Cases Of SARS - 2004-01-17 *
5.  Daewoo Discusses Natural Gas Discovery With Burma - 2004-01-17 *
6.  Hecklers Disrupt Musharraf Speech to Pakistan Parliament - 2004-01-17 *
7.  Bush: 'This Nation is Meeting Its Priorities' - 2004-01-17 *
8.  Burma Seeks Ways To Prevent Recruitment Of Child Soldiers - 2004-01-17 *
9.  US Unimpressed With Burma's Political Prisoners Release - 2004-01-17 *
10.  US Determined to Hand Iraqis Sovereignty as Scheduled - 2004-01-17 *


1.  20 Dead in Huge Baghdad Blast - 2004-01-18 *


1.  NCGUB Perspectives On KNU Peace Mission To Burma - 2004-01-19 *
2.  Kofi Annan Meets Iraqi, US Officials - 2004-01-19 *
3.  Bono And Senator McConnell Call US, UN & EU To Pressure Burmese Regime To Free Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-01-19 *
4.  Karenni National Progressive Party's Perspective On KNU Peace Talk With SPDC - 2004-01-19 *
5.  National Democratic Institute: A Global Initiative To Promote Women's Political Leadership - 2004-01-19 *


1.  Asean Speed Up For Integration Of Eleven Industry Sectors - 2004-01-20 *
2.  KNU: Karen Leaders Hold Historic Meeting With SPDC Chief - 2004-01-20 *
3.  Year-ender: Significant Quotes Of Burmese Women - 2004-01-20 *
4.  Senator Kerry Wins Iowa Caucus - 2004-01-20 *


1.  UN Debates Use of Children in Armed Conflict - 2004-01-21 *
2.  Democratic Leaders Respond to State of the Union - 2004-01-21 *
3.  Bush Says America Strong, Economy Growing - 2004-01-21 *
4.  KNU Delegation Wrapping Up Rangoon Trip - 2004-01-21 *


1.  Bush Visits Three States Key to Re-election Bid - 2004-01-22
2.  India, Kashmiri Separatists Agree Violence in Kashmir Must End - 2004-01-22 *
3.  Nuclear Expert: No Evidence North Korea Can Make Nuclear Weapon - 2004-01-22 *
4.  EU Urges Burmese Military Junta To Begin Talks With Opposition - 2004-01-22 *
5.  NBA Pulls Made-In Burma Sweatshirts From New York Store - 2004-01-22 *
6.  Californian Judge To Issue Oral Ruling On Unocal's Case - 2004-01-22 *
7.  KNU: Burmese Junta May Give Peace A Chance - 2004-01-22 *
8.  Japan Temporarily Suspends Poultry Imports from Thailand - 2004-01-22 *