National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)

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Annotation, NHPRC Newsletter
Vol. 26:4  ISSN 0160-8460  December 1998

NHPRC Application Deadlines

The Commission's meetings follow the fiscal year of October 1 to September 30. Consequently, the first meeting of the fiscal year is in November and the second is in February.

June 1 (for the November meeting)

Proposals addressing the following top priorities:

  • The NHPRC will provide the American public with widespread access to the papers of the founders of our democratic republic and its institutions by ensuring the timely completion of eight projects now in progress to publish the papers of George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and papers that document the Ratification of the Constitution, the First Federal Congress, and the early Supreme Court.
  • The NHPRC will promote broad public participation in historical documentation by collaborating with State Historical Records Advisory Boards to plan and carry out jointly funded programs to strengthen the nation's archival infrastructure and expand the range of records that are protected and accessible.
  • The NHPRC will enable the nation's archivists, records managers, and documentary editors to overcome the obstacles and take advantage of the opportunities posed by electronic technologies by continuing to provide leadership in funding research and development on appraising, preserving, disseminating, and providing access to important documentary sources in electronic form.

October 1 (for the February meeting)

Proposals not addressing the above priorities, but focusing on an activity authorized in the NHPRC statute as follows:

  • collecting, describing, preserving, compiling, and publishing (including microfilming and other forms of reproduction) of documentary sources significant to the history of the United States.
  • conducting institutes, training and educational courses, and fellowships related to the activities of the Commission.
  • disseminating information about documentary sources through guides, directories, and other technical publications.
  • or, more specifically, documentary editing and publishing; archival preservation and processing of records for access; developing or updating descriptive systems; creation and development of archival and records management programs; development of standards, tools, and techniques to advance the work of archivists, records managers, and documentary editors; and promotion of the use of records by teachers, students, and the public.

Application guidelines and forms may be requested from NHPRC, National Archives and Records Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 111, Washington, DC 20408-0001, (202) 501-5610 (voice), (202) 501-5601 (fax), (e-mail), or by accessing our Web site at

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