• Immigration

    McIntyre Statement: “I have opposed amnesty in the past and am not supportive of the U.S. Senate bill regarding immigration. We are a nation of laws, and those laws must be followed. Enforcement of the law and our system of justice not only respect those who abide by the law, but also protect our communities from overwhelming costs which drain them of much-needed resources for education, law enforcement, and health care. For those who want to enter our country legally, there is a proper process. Our office has helped and will continue to help those who follow the rules. Those who do not follow the rules should not be rewarded amnesty.”

    Secure Fence Act, H.R. 4437 (or, Border Security Act of 2005) – Rep. McIntyre voted YES on this bill and it was signed into law on October 26, 2006. It requires the government to implement a comprehensive strategy for guarding our borders and ports of entry, and requires more inspectors at ports of entry and more canine units at ports and along the borders. The measure makes illegal presence in the United States a criminal, rather than civil, offense, and doubles the penalty for being here illegally. It requires all employers to check the immigration status of job applicants, and stiffens the penalties on employers for hiring ineligible aliens. It halts the practice of "catch and release" for non-Mexican illegal immigrants, and instead requires that all such illegals be detained until they are deported from or admitted into this country.

    Recent vote on Immigration
    Rep. McIntyre voted for a motion to recommit on the 08 Ag Approps Bill that prohibits any funds in the Act (including grant funds) from being used to employ an alien who is not authorized to be employed in the United States and prohibit any funds in the Act for rental housing assistance programs to provide assistance to an alien not authorized to receive such assistance pursuant to 213A of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

    English Unity Act
    Rep. McIntyre is a co-sponsor of H.R. 997 that designates English as the official language of the United States.