Voice of America - Burmese 

▪ Burmese
Reliable News Agency


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33 articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  US Report: "Remarkable Progress" In International Drug Control - 2004-03-02 *
2.  Explosions Hit Shi'ite Shrines in Baghdad And Karbala - 2004-03-02 *
3.  US, French Troops Patrolling Haitian Capital - 2004-03-02 *
4.  UN Envoy Meets Burmese PM And Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-03-02 *
5.  UN Envoy Rzali Ismail Visits Burma To Encourage Political Reforms - 2004-03-02 *
6.  Powell: US Role In Haiti Be Smaller - 2004-03-02 *
7.  Aristide Leaves Haiti - 2004-03-02 *


1.  Kerry All But Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination - 2004-03-03 *
2.  Secretary Powell On Burmese Democracy And Aung San Suu Kyi - 2004-03-03 *
3.  UN Drug Agency Warns Asia of Stimulant Threat - 2004-03-03 *
4.  Bush Discusses Restoration of Peace In Haiti With French And Brazil - 2004-03-03 *
5.  Rebels Say They Will Arrest Haitian Prime Minister - 2004-03-03 *
6.  UN Envoy, Aung San Suu Kyi Meet for Second Day - 2004-03-03 *
7.  Musharraf: Attackers Of Shi'ites In Quetta Will Be Punished - 2004-03-03 *


1.  UN Envoy: Burmese Sides Ready to Talk - 2004-03-04 *
2.  Edwards Drops Out Of Presidential Race - 2004-03-04 *
3.  EU Provides Funds To Burmese Refugees Along Thai Border - 2004-03-04 *
4.  International Troops Patrol Haitian Capital - 2004-03-04 *
5.  US Senator Slams Thailand Policy Toward Burma - 2004-03-04 *
6.  Haiti Under State of Emergency - 2004-03-04 *
7.  UN Envoy Wraps Up 12th Mission To Burma - 2004-03-04 *


1.  China Promises Relief for Impoverished Farmers - 2004-03-05 *
2.  Mixed Reaction to New Push for Burma Democracy - 2004-03-05 *
3.  White House Defends Bush Re-election Ads - 2004-03-05 *


1.  China's Military Budget to Rise 11.6% - 2004-03-06 *
2.  UN Envoy Encouraged By Burma's Committment For Political Reform - 2004-03-06 *
3.  Libya Reveals Mustard Gas Stockpile - 2004-03-06 *
4.  Iraq's Governing Council Hopes to Sign Constitution Monday - 2004-03-06 *


1.  President Bush Dismisses Criticism Of 9/11 Footage In His Campaign Ad - 2004-03-07 *
2.  Iraqi Shi'ite Leaders Discuss Impasse on Constitution - 2004-03-07 *
3.  Bush, Fox Agree to Ease Some Border Restrictions - 2004-03-07 *


1.  Iraqi Governing Council Signs Interim Constitution - 2004-03-08 *
2.  Six Dead, More Than 30 Injured In Haiti Shooting - 2004-03-08 *